Manuscripts and Memories of Minneapolis



The Seventh Day Adventists Begin Their MMM 551.2

Work Before Sunrise. MMM 551.3

The Seventh Day Adventists believe in getting up early. Yesterday morning at 5:30 o’clock the Advent Church, where the world’s conference is being held, was well lighted up, and that portion of the conference called the state agents assembled there to transact what business they had before them. It consisted chiefly in considering plans for the furtherance of canvassing work. The weather was wet, as wet could be, and there was mud everywhere; yet these people, even at so early an hour, were all astir. At 8:45 there was a prayer and social meeting, and Mrs. E. G. White addressed the gathering for about 30 minutes on “The Importance of Ministers Having a Living Experience in Religion.” At 9:30 the regular conference opened and Dr. Waggoner continued his discussions on Bible studies. Elders S. H. Lane and J. M. Reese [sic] also spoke on the work in Southern fields. Elder Lane said that the color line was drawn so closely in the South that the only way to reach the colored people down there was through the whites. One of the most interesting topics of the forenoon was the one on “Missionary Ships.” At the last general conference a committee was appointed to purchase a ship to navigate the Pacific and land at such islands and places where missionaries could be put to work. It was reported yesterday by Elder S. N. Haskell, who was one of the committee, that a vessel had been purchased by private parties, and the use of it tendered to the conference. The vessel at present is on its way to Pitcairn Island. It was left to the conference whether it was desirable to use this ship or purchase one themselves, but the question has not been settled yet. MMM 551.4

The whole of Pitcairn Island, where the ship is now bound for, has accepted the Seventh Day Advent religion. Two years ago a missionary was sent there, and in a very short time the entire population, consisting of 115 people and a Governor, were converted. MMM 552.1

The general conference adjourned for the day at noon and at 2:30 a meeting of the International Sabbath School Association was held. It is the same in organization as the general conference and is composed of delegates of the various states and countries. While it is a separate organization, it is practically a branch of the general conference. C. H. Jones, of California, was chairman. After choosing a number of committees and discussing the work of the schools, the meeting adjourned at 4 o’clock until some other day during the week. After this meeting had adjourned Elder I. D. Van Horn occupied the time until dark in giving instructions in church work. MMM 552.2

Elder A. T. Jones, of Oakland, Cal., spoke on the subject of “National Reform” in the evening. MMM 552.3

n.a., “Saturday is Sunday” Minneapolis Tribune, (10/20/1888), p. 5. MMM 553.1