Manuscripts and Memories of Minneapolis



Mrs. E. G. White Addressed a Large Gathering
of Seventh Day Adventists.

Yesterday was the Sabbath of the Seventh Day Adventists, and they recognized it accordingly. In the morning Elder S. N. Haskell preached at the Advent Church, and in the afternoon Mrs. E. G. White, of California. Mrs. White is a sort of prophetess, and everything she says is listened to by the Seventh Day Adventists with awe. She has been connected with this sect ever since its origin, and has revealed a number of things to the believers. Every pew was filled in the afternoon when she spoke, and a great many people could scarcely get inside the doors of the church. Mrs. White spoke for nearly an hour and a half, and did not seen [sic] to tire any, although she is very old. She has a very clear and high pitched voice, so that there was no trouble in hearing every word she uttered. She was clad in a straight dress of black with nothing to break the somberness, save a tiny white collar about her neck and a heavy metallic chain which hung suspended near her waist, and she stood by the side of the pulpit with arms outstretched as if appealing to those in front of her. During her discourse many of the elders were moved to tears and as she uttered some especially prophetic sentiment, they would break out in one long, hollow murmur of “Amen”. During her discourse Mrs. White said: MMM 555.2

The necessity of progress is what we want to impress you with. Many seem to think that as long as they have received baptism and had their names enrolled on the church books, their work is done and that they have received religion. But it is impossible to gain the knowledge unless they bring practical religion into their houses, and are making advancements. If they are not doing this they will some day fall back into their own blindness. We must keep on adding grace to grace and just as fast as we keep adding God will multiply. Many who pretend to represent God in character, do just the opposite, and are but living facsimilies of Satan and darkness. All such people whose names are on the church books are a curse and a stumbling block. Many of them will ask why God didn’t put Satan out of the way in the first place. He did not destroy the being who had taken such a hold upon the universe because he wanted Satan’s crookedness to show itself and allow him to develop himself. He wanted the people to see what a power of evil he was. MMM 555.3

The most of Mrs. White’s sermon related to the controversy between Christ and Satan. She said the laws of God had never changed, despite the fact that many claimed so, and that the iniquity of the world was but the work which Satan began in heaven, and which would continue on until the end. All the time she was speaking Mrs. White kept rubbing her hands together as though washing them in invisible water. After she had finished the regular meeting broke up and a social prayer meeting was held. MMM 556.1

n.a., “They Are For Temperance” Minneapolis Tribune, (10/23/1888), p. 5. MMM 557.1