Manuscripts and Memories of Minneapolis



Monday, Oct. 29, 1888. MMM 387.12

The second meeting of the S. D. A. Publishing Association was called at 11:20 a. m. by the chairman. Prayer by Bro. C. H. Jones. MMM 387.13

Minutes of last meeting read and approved. MMM 387.14

The committee on nominations reported as follows: MMM 387.15

For Trustees-Geo. I. Butler. A. R. Henry. Uriah Smith, C. Eldridge, W. H. Edwards, H. W. Kellogg, and F. E. Belden. MMM 387.16

F. D. Starr asked if we are assured that Bro. Butler would be pleased to have his name used as a candidate for this position. I. D. Van Horn replied in the affirmative. C. H. Jones said that he hardly knew how to vote in view of what Eld. Butler had expressed in his letter, withdrawing his name as a candidate for office. He thought that Eld. B. is a valuable man, and his service to the cause should not be sacrificed because of overwork. D. T. Borde au thought that it would be conducive to Eld. B.’s health, to give him something to do. W. C. White thought that by all means Eld. B.’s name should stand in the board, at least till we go to B. C. and see Eld. B. I. D. Van Horn said that Bro. B. desired some work to do, although he desired to be left off of the general conference committee. MMM 387.17

S. N. Haskell thought that Eld. B. is just the man to be connected with the board and give the cause his influence as he labored in different places. The report was then adopted. MMM 387.18

The committee on resolutions reported as follows: MMM 387.19

1. Resolved, That we express our gratitude to God for the prosperity which has attended the association during the past year. MMM 387.20

2. Resolved, That we express our sincere sorrow for, and sympathy with Eld. G. I. Butler, President of this Association, in his sickness which prevents him from being present at our annua meeting. MMM 387.21

3. Resolved, That we approve of the action of the trustees in providing for the establishment of branch offices in Chicago, Toronto, and some point in the south. MMM 388.1

4. Resolved, That we request the trustees to establish a branch office in London, Eng., if in their Judgment It is deemed advisable. MMM 388.2

Moved to adopt the report by considering each resolution separately. Carried. MMM 388.3

D. T. Bordeau moved to amend the second resolution by adding “and an interest in our sympathy and prayers.” Carried. MMM 388.4

Several delegates spoke in favor of the third resolution, which provides for the establishing of publishing offices in the several important locations named. MMM 388.5

On the fourth resolution S. N. Haskell, S. H. Lane, and W. C. White spoke in an animated way in favor of establishing a publishing house in London. Eld. Haskell spoke of the necessity of having the English stamp upon all publications for the British people, because there is some prejudice existing in English minds against things coming from America. He stated that the English are a reading people, and thought that the work would soon become self-supporting there. He said that they needed a printing press there very much at the present time, and moved to amend the resolution by inserting the word “immediately” after the words “London, England.” Carried. MMM 388.6

The meeting then adjourned to call of the chair. MMM 388.7