Manuscripts and Memories of Minneapolis



The following report was made Sunday by the commitmittee on resolutions, and no action taken on it: MMM 388.8

For lack of time, your committee was not able to make as many changes in the matter and form of the report referred back to it for further consideration, as it otherwise might have done. At a large meeting consisting of tract society and conference presidents, the various plans proposed in our report were freely discussed, and it was unanimously voted to approve of the measures suggested in these propositions. We therefore take courage to submit again our former report with the following changes: MMM 388.9

1st That the letter of suggestions be preceeded by the following paragraph: MMM 388.10

Your committee appointed to suggest plans and frame resolutions for the International Tract Society submit the following: MMM 388.11

2. That the four last lines of the sixth paragraph of the second column of page three of the Bulletin, number 6, be added to the first paragraph of the first column of page four. MMM 388.12

3. That the word school in resolution 4 be changed to institute: and that all following that resolution be changed to read as follows; MMM 388.13

5. Whereas, our spiritual growth depends upon our laboring for others, therefore, MMM 388.14

Resolved, That we urge upon all Seventh-day Adventists the duty of becoming members and workers in the tract and missionary society. MMM 388.15

6. Whereas, Our Interest in the work depends largely upon the time and thought we devote to it, therefore, MMM 388.16

Resolved, That we recommend the holding of weekly meetings, even by small churches and companies, and further, MMM 388.17

Resolved, That we indorse the plan of uniting the missionary meeting and the prayer meeting, where it is not thought practicable to devote an entire evening to each. MMM 388.18

7. Whereas, The efficiency of the Tract Society depends upon the activity of its entire individual membership, and the working of all its branches, therefore, MMM 388.19

Resolved, That the introducing of new and efficient methods of labor, such as canvassing, and Bible work, does not lessen the importance of other branches of our work, such as personal labor by visiting, and the loaning of books and tracts, and the mailing of tracts and periodicals, and missionary letters; and it is our conviction that souls may be brought to the knowledge of the truth in these ways, that would be reached in no other. MMM 388.20

8. Resolved, that a committee of seven be appointed by the chair to examine the new works issued during the year by our several publishing houses, in this and other countries, and to make suggestions as to the field of usefulness of each. MMM 388.21

9. Whereas, The Pacific Press has just issued a valuable work entitled, “Prophetic Lights” intended as a companion volume to the “Signs of the Times,” therefore, MMM 388.22

Resolved, That we recommend to our workers throughout the country an active canvass to increase the circulation of the “Signs” by securing subscribers for it accompanied by “Prophetic Lights.” MMM 388.23

10. Resolved, That we recommend that the names of canvassers, Bible workers and all who are employed by the conference and tract societies, be transferred from the register of the local societies and districts, and placed upon a state list; and that they be recommended to obtain their supplies from the state society, and make their contributions to the same. MMM 388.24

11. Resolved, That the International officers, with competent assistants, be requested in a complete series of lessons, to furnish thorough instruction in various branches of the missionary work. MMM 388.25

12. Resolved, That we encourage an enterchange of correspondence between local tract societies, through the state officers; and that the officers of state societies correspond freely with each other. MMM 388.26