Manuscripts and Memories of Minneapolis



The second meeting of the Association met Oct. 28, at 5:30 p. m. MMM 387.1

Prayer by Elder Kilgore. MMM 387.2

Minutes of last meeting read and approved. MMM 387.3

The committee on nominations reported for board of college directors the following: U. Smith, W. W. Prescott, Geo. I. Butler, J. H. Kellogg, C. Eldridge, W. C. Sisley. MMM 387.4

A query was raised as to the election of George I. Butler, in view of what he wrote concerning his health, but Prof. Prescott said that Elder Butler was willing to act. The report was adopted by considering each name separately. MMM 387.5

The committee on resolutions presented the following report. MMM 387.6

1st Resolved, That we express our deep gratitude to God for the prosperity which has attended Battle Creek College during the past year, and that we express our full confidence in the present management. MMM 387.7

2nd. Resolved, that we express ourselves in full sympathy with the suggestions of the General Conference Committee tending to unity in our educational work. MMM 387.8

3rd. Resolved, That the stockholders of this society approve the action of the board of trustees in sending teachers to help in other schools, and recommend that such a policy be pursued in the future so far as it can be done without crippling the work at the college. MMM 387.9

Following the rending of the report, interesting remarks were made on the second resolution by W. W. Prescott, S. N. Haskell. and A. T. Robinson upon the importance of the union of our interests and its effect in all our schools. MMM 387.10

Adjourned to call of chair. MMM 387.11

Eleventh Day’s Proceedings