Manuscripts and Memories of Minneapolis


REPORT OF THE HOME MISSIONARY [original illegible]

There are twenty-two city missions represented in the [original illegible] 1888, against thirty-four in 1887. Fourteen have been [original illegible] or merged into the church that has been raised in the place don and Liverpool were included in the report last year; [original illegible] year are included in the report of foreign missions. Sixteen [original illegible] missions report 526 persons embracing the truth since the started, and almost one-half, 258 during the last nine month time covered by this report MMM 384.16

According to report, there are 131 workers engaged [original illegible] work, or have been some time during the year. They have [original illegible] 43,021 visits with 10,353 families. MMM 384.17

They have held 12,037 Bible readings with 16,399 persons During the nine months past they have obtained 4,475 yearly subscriptions for our periodicals, and 644 for less than a year, making in all. They have sold 2,359 subscription books, and sold, loaned, and given away 1,560,111 pages of books and tracts. And in different ways have distributed 24,237 periodicals. The amount of sales on books is $7,674.40. Paid for rent $4,453.47. For other expenses not including board of workers, $7,121.32. The amount of tithes paid by the missions. including mission workers and those who have embraced the truth through them, $4,997.20. The amount of donations to other enterprises $1,855.25 making $6,852.43 in all. MMM 384.18

E. W. Farnsworth, [original illegible] MMM 384.19

The following report was also given by the Home [original illegible] MMM 384.20