Manuscripts and Memories of Minneapolis



Sunday, Oct. 28. MMM 384.2

The ninth meeting of the General Conference was called to order by the chair at 10:30 a. m. Prayer by Elder Underwood. Minutes of last meeting read and approved. MMM 384.3

A. Craw took his seat in the Conference as delegate from Illinois. MMM 384.4

On motion it was voted that the chair appoint a committee of five to take into consideration the future of our city missions and report. MMM 384.5

It was voted that resolutions and preamble No. 5 of Bulletin No. 5 be taken from the table for discussion. They were read as follows: MMM 384.6

Whereas, Kind nnrsing, and the alleviation of pain by the wise use of simple remedies, is one of the surest ways of reaching the hearts of the people; therefore, MMM 384.7

6. Resolved, That we recognize the fact that a wide and promising missionary field is open for trained nurses who have a knowledge of Bible truth, together with tact and consecration; and further, MMM 384.8

7. Resolved, That recognizing the good work which the Medical and Surgical Sanitarium is doing in its Training School for nurses, we recommend that the officers of the various conferences seek out suitable young persons, and encourage them to attend the Sanitarium Training School in order to fit themselves for this branch of the Missionary work. MMM 384.9

Dr. Kellogg remarked that if he was a member of this body there could be no resolution presented that he could more heartily favor than this. The facts are that at least two-thirds of those who come among us to study in the school for nurses are converted to the truth, many of them being of the best of people; and a well-trained nurse can have a wonderful influence for good with the patients under their care, many patients feeling that they owe their lives to the nurses. MMM 384.10

The sanitarium has risen to such a place among the medical fraternity as we never expected. Many of can patients come because they are recommended to come by physicians. More discoveries have been made in ten years than ever before in the use of water and rational remedies for disease. MMM 384.11

Nurses can always command $12 to $15 a week. One nurse in a hospital at Chicago, who graduated at the Sanitarium, commands $50 per week. MMM 384.12

Nurses were given board and clothing (uniform, or working clothing) the first year, and wages the second year. Ladies who were not willing to dress healthfully could not qualify for nurses. MMM 384.13

We ought to have good nurses in all our churches are needed everywhere. MMM 384.14

Interesting remarks were also made by W. C. Geo. B. Starr, and D. T. Bordeau. Dr. Kellogg that this resolution would be immediately carried [original illegible] training school would begin about Nov. 1, and it [original illegible] much better if those who desire to enter the school begin at once. The resolutions were passed [original illegible] Following this came the following report: MMM 384.15