Manuscripts and Memories of Minneapolis



It has been a little over four years since the school was [original illegible] Over one hundred laborers have received more or less [original illegible] and are now working in eighteen different states and in countries. MMM 384.21

Over one hundred persons have fully embraced the truth, and large number are now interested. MMM 384.22

The church numbers ninety-two members. MMM 384.23

The mission has donated to foreign mission work $1,263.96 [original illegible] home work-Chicago building fund, etc., $1,224.65. And [original illegible] $1,200 tithe. MMM 384.24

The present plans are to receive principally ladies, and men as their wives. MMM 384.25

These persons must have a good experience at home first. [original illegible] must be converted and give evidence of devotion and some [original illegible] to teach. The mission is not a place to send unconverted youth get them under a good influence. The workers must not be [original illegible] with this kind of work. MMM 384.26

We have connected with the Bible work, outside missions [original illegible] work of every kind. There are four weekly tract societies in [original illegible] city, and one at Pullman. Home and foreign missionary work attended to through correspondence, also systematic visiting of [original illegible] poor and the sick. MMM 384.27

Regular instruction will be given by competent nurses from [original illegible] Sanitarium in the treatment of common diseases. And a series [original illegible] lessons in Physiology and Hygiene public and private Bible readings, practical religion, morning talks and readings on the subject of repentance, conversion and faith. MMM 384.28

A new building is now in process of erection at Nos. 26 and 2[original illegible] College Place. It will contain about thirty rooms. One a [original illegible] 28x40 feet, capable of seating about 300 people. The building will be heated by steam, with passenger elevator. The water for the entire house and elevator is furnished free by the city. There will be no state or city tax upon the property. MMM 384.29

Out of the number who have embraced the truth sixteen are devoting their entire time, and three a portion of their time to some branch of the work; making nearly one-fifth of the entire number who are laboring in the message. MMM 385.1

E. W. Farnsworth. MMM 385.2

The secretary remarked that he had but little time to devote to his work, as his time had been largely devoted to other work for the Conference. MMM 385.3

A full report, he said. would show that fully 1,000 persons have been converted to the truth since these missions began their work. And in Chicago 1,500 subscriptions were taken for Good Health. MMM 385.4

On motion the Conference adjourned to call of the chair. MMM 385.5

At the close of the meeting the following committee was appointed on city missions, as provided in the motion recorded in the beginning of this report: E. W. Farnsworth, W. C. White, R. A. Underwood, C. Eldridge, G. G. Rupert. MMM 385.6