Manuscripts and Memories of Minneapolis



In looking over the reports of the year’s work sent in by the State Societies, we find much reason for encouragement. Three new Societies have been organized for work during the year,-Arkansas, Georgia and Florida, and Upper Columbia. Of the State Organizations which have been actively engaged in the work, all offer the universal testimony that the interests of members is very good and that there is an appreciable improvement in public sentiment in favor of health and temperace. Most of the State Societies have held interesting and well attended meetings in connection with the camp meetings resulting in much good and increase of membership. MMM 383.7

Special instruction in Health and Temperance and Social Purity topics was given in connection with the Special cource at Battle Creek College, as also in connection with several of the State Campmeetings. MMM 383.8

Of the, State Work the report is as follows: MMM 383.9

Michigan.-One new club has been organized during the year 167 new names added to the membership, one of whom was a moderate drinker, three tobacco users. Seven others were tea and coffee users; 22 meetings have been held during the year, some of which have been fraught with great interest. Children’s meetings have been held in connection with the camp-meetings resulting in much profit. MMM 383.10

Maine.-Sends a report of considerable literature distributed. MMM 383.11

Illinois.-Three new clubs have been organized during the year with forty-eight new members. Six meetings have been held during the year and the interest in the work is good. MMM 383.12

Indiana.-The Health and Temperance work in this state received a new impetus at the recent camp-meeting and meetings held just previous to the meeting by Eld. Kenber. Excellent work was done at the camp-meeting, and thirty new members added. MMM 383.13

Colorado.-A large number of lectures have been given with good interest. Three clubs have been started and more than fifty new members secured. The president has been prevented by illness from doing as much work as he desired. MMM 383.14

Minnesota. Six new clubs have been organized during the year. Two hundred and seventy-four persons have become members, the majority of whom signed the teetotal pledge. Of these seventy-five were tea and coffee users, six tobacco users and three moderate drinkers. 150,000 pages of health and temperace literature has been distributed, and over 200 meetings held. MMM 383.15

Wisconsin.-The work in this state was wholly re-organized one year ago, since which time the work has been more active and the interest increasing. During the year four clubs have been organized. One hundred and sixty-seven full members and ninety-four pledge members have been added during the year. MMM 383.16

Iowa.-This state which already had a large membership has added sixty-nine full members and one hundred and seventy-four pledge members during the year. Two new clubs have been formed. MMM 383.17

Dakota.-Lectures have been given and some effort has been made in the line of health and temperance work. MMM 383.18

New York.-Interest in the work in this state is increasing. Temperance meetings have been held in various parts of the state which have resulted in much good. Fifty-two additional members have been received during the year. 112,360 pages of health and temperance publications have been distributed. MMM 383.19

Pennsylvania.-Meetings of the State Society was held in connection with the camp-meetings and considerable interest awakened. Eighteen additional members are reported. MMM 383.20

Kansas.-The work in this state has been wholly re-organized within a short time. The interest in the work is good. Two clubs have been organized and two hundred and fifyt members added. MMM 383.21

Some of the states where work has been done have sent in no report. MMM 383.22

On motion the chair was authorized to appoint committees on nominations and resolution, which were subsequently appointed as follows: MMM 383.23

On Nomination.-D. T. Jones. E. H. Gates, H. L. Phelps. MMM 383.24

On Resolutions-W. H. Wakeham, M. H. Brown, L. C. Chadwick. MMM 383.25

On vote a special committee of five, of which the president was to be the chairman, was appointed to frame a resolution to present before the General Conference, as follows:.J. H. Kellogg, Frank Starr, A. T. Robinson, D. T. Jones. Geo. B. Starr. MMM 383.26

The president called for short reports from different laborers, which were given with interest. Proceeding these reports the president gave an interesting talk upon the general work, and the importance of more thorough acquaintance with the principles of the Health Reform, enforcing his remarks with many interesting incidents from his experience among the different conferences, ministers, physicians, etc. MMM 383.27

Adjourned to call of chair. MMM 384.1

Tenth Day’s Proceedings