Historical Sketches of the Foreign Missions of the Seventh-day Adventists



During the winter, the opposition to our Bible readings was very great. On one occasion ministers came for miles to oppose, and our readings were entirely broken up on account of the bitter feeling manifested. At another time a minister and a few of his friends came a number of miles to meet us, thinking that our views could be easily overthrown. When asked to read a text which was directly contrary to his faith upon a certain point, he would do so, but with the greatest apparent confusion of mind as to what it said. After collecting his thoughts, and wiping the perspiration from his forehead, he would deny the point proved by the text. We did not discuss with him at all, but would simply say that perhaps he did not get the full meaning of the text, and would better read it again. In this way we would spend a long time upon one passage. His friends became much interested, and quite fully convinced of the fallacy of his position. HSFM 99.1

At the close of the meeting he desired a reading upon the subject of the kingdom and its manner of being set up. His position upon this point was that the Jews would return to Jerusalem, and that the second coming of Christ would be invisible. We spent three evenings of two hours each with him and his friends on this one question. He would acknowledge the truth, point by point, as we took it up, and then at the close would simply say that he did not believe what we taught. We never realized the soundness of our views as we did when met by the fiercest opposition. The simple reading of the Bible would, for the time being, silence the worst opposers. HSFM 99.2