Historical Sketches of the Foreign Missions of the Seventh-day Adventists



It was evident from the first that it would be necessary to publish a paper in Australia which would ably defend and correctly represent the doctrines of present truth, not only in the Colonies, but in America and Europe. Accordingly, arrangements were made for publishing; and in January, 1886, we began to issue a sixteen-page monthly paper called the Bible Echo and Signs of the Times. This gave an influence and strength to our work which could not otherwise have been obtained. The religious press in New Zealand, and in some instances in Australia, gave very favorable notices of our paper. HSFM 97.3

By its publication we gained an influence among the more wealthy business people, with some of whom we had already become acquainted. One man to whom we showed the paper, seeing that it contained no paid advertisements, remarked that it ought to be placed in a gold frame. He inquired how we were supported, and how we could afford to publish at so small a price a paper containing no advertisements. After we informed him how our friends in America had supported us so far, he said that such a work as we were doing was commendable, and should receive the support of the people of Melbourne. He gave us a check for fifteen pounds, and letters of introduction to a number of his friends who, he said, ought to help us more than that, as they were in better circumstances than he. HSFM 97.4

The canvassing for “Thoughts on Daniel and the Revelation” also helped to bring our views before the people in a favorable light. Up to April, 1886, one thousand orders had been taken for this work, although, when the agents came to deliver, quite a number refused to take it because it was an Adventist book. A large number of agents were also employed to sell the Bible Echo, but only a few of these were successful. Of the first number of the paper we published an edition of six thousand, while our regular issue is three thousand. Readers could be obtained, however, for five or even ten thousand and our list of subscribers could be largely increased, if we had enough experienced help to do the work. During the first three months, about four hundred paying subscribers were obtained. Besides this, a large number of copies were sold by agents and others. The mailing and free distribution of the paper accomplishes more here toward getting subscribers than does the same work in America. After receiving papers the people seem to feel under moral obligation to pay for them. HSFM 97.5

[Illustration] Bible Echo Office. North Fitzroy, Victoria.

From Sidney, New South Wales, publishers can send their papers free to all the Colonies; and from Tasmania they can send them free to all the world. From Victoria and all the other Colonies the postage is one cent per paper, if they go through the post-office. If we had sufficient help, a Sidney edition of the paper might be published, and mailed free to all parts of that field. At each session of the parliament of New South Wales, an effort is made to change the postal laws, but thus far without success. HSFM 98.1