Historical Sketches of the Foreign Missions of the Seventh-day Adventists



Sunday, April 10, 1886, we met to organize the first S. D. A. church in Australia. There were eighteen present who had signed the covenant, besides those who came from America; and seven others applied for admission by baptism. These were baptized the following Sabbath, and each Sabbath for a number of weeks members were added, until the church numbered fifty-five. Up to May, 1886, the entire number enrolled was ninety. Besides this, there were about thirty-five names on the covenant. A missionary society also was organized, and a club of about two hundred papers was taken and paid for by the members at the retail price so as to help the society. Many copies of these papers are remailed by the brethren to their friends in England. Children from eight to thirteen years of age take an active part in this work. HSFM 99.3

A church that will seat about twelve hundred persons has been rented in the city of Melbourne at forty pounds per year. This is to be used simply for Sabbath meetings, and for a business meeting to be held one day in each month. When not otherwise engaged, it can be rented for evening meetings for one pound per night. HSFM 99.4

Sunday morning before I left Australia for New Zealand, we called the leading brethren together, and made a statement to them of the financial standing of the mission. We stated the cost of the publications that had been sent to the Colonies, the time we had spent with them, and the expense of getting there. This we did that they might know something of the expense of the mission, not that we expected them to do anything toward making up the sum. HSFM 99.5

We told them that, had we remained six months longer, we contemplated organizing a Publishing Association. We also told them how such organizations were effected in America, the brethren themselves taking shares and owning the property; and stated that we thought in six months more they would have been able to form such an association themselves. HSFM 100.1

This drew forth a response from one of the brethren who had charge of a large flouring establishment. He said: “We Englishmen are so slow that we have not realized what you were doing. While we have scarcely begun to comprehend the fact that you are here, you have raised up a church, and begun to publish a paper. We are astonished; but after awhile we shall come to comprehend these things, and when we do, we shall be prepared to do whatever is best.” HSFM 100.2

In anticipation of the wants of the publishing work, we had sent to America the first of October for four hundred pounds; but as this sum was not received in December nor in January, we had been obliged to give our note for the amount at ten per cent interest. This we also explained in the meeting, and suggested that if any of the brethren had money which they could loan us at a lower rate, it would be thankfully received. In a few days one of the brethren voluntarily gave us fifty pounds, and then loaned us four hundred pounds at three per cent interest for three years, stating that the interest might go into the publishing fund. Bro. Arnold had proposed to pay for the large press, two hundred and forty pounds; Bro. Israel for the engine, one hundred and ten pounds; and I for the small press, forty-five pounds. It can be readily seen that, with their present numbers and prospects, an organization could soon be effected, and the printing office be owned by the friends in Australia. There is no doubt that the brethren in New Zealand would also be willing to help liberally in the publishing interest, although New Zealand and Australia will always be separate fields of labor. HSFM 100.3