Historical Sketches of the Foreign Missions of the Seventh-day Adventists



Since the spring of 1885 I have labored principally in Copenhagen, Denmark, in connection with Eld. Brorsen. Here the people are so much given to infidelity and pleasure-seeking that it is very difficult to call their attention to religion. Political commotions and financial failures, while thousands are out of work, have brought about a sad condition of society. Our meetings in Copenhagen have not been nearly so well attended as the meetings in Christiania, or even in Stockholm. We have seldom had more than one hundred hearers, while at most of the meetings there have been from thirty to seventy. But the work has been advanced by the help of Bible-readings in families, and by visiting. Quite as much has been accomplished in this way as by the preaching. And the interest, although not a large one, has continued to increase. We have organized a church of twenty members, and some over forty are keeping the Sabbath. Among these are some promising young men. HSFM 73.4

At the beginning of this year, Denmark had four preachers (colportage is forbidden by law), nine churches, with 160 members, and 258 Sabbath-keepers. During the year, $405 have been received in tithes and donations, and $135 for books and papers. HSFM 73.5