Historical Sketches of the Foreign Missions of the Seventh-day Adventists



When the Building Association bought the property occupied by our printing work and meeting-hall, it was understood that in June, 1885, a portion of the building would have to be torn down, to make way for a new street. As we neared the time when this must be done, the brethren realized that our old building was not suitable for the growing wants of the cause, and at the same time the payments, which were now about $1100 a year, were a burden that they could not carry without help from abroad. Up to this time the payments on this property had absorbed all the means that could be raised by the Sabbath-keepers in Norway, so that there was nothing to use in supporting laborers in this, one of the best fields in Northern Europe. HSFM 73.6

After fully considering these things, the trustees of the Building Association requested the General Conference to take the property, as follows:- HSFM 73.7

Whereas, we learn, that the General Conference in America intends to organize a legal society for the purpose of holding property both in America and in foreign countries, therefore-. HSFM 73.8

Resolved, that it is our wish that said society take the property of the Building Association, and we would hereby request that this be done as soon as circumstances may allow. HSFM 73.9

This resolution was adopted Jan. 22, 1885. HSFM 73.10

At the time of Eld. Butler’s visit to Christiania, the matter of a new building was discussed, plans were presented, and Eld. Butler consented to lay the whole question before the General Conference at its next annual session. At this meeting the matter was considered, and it was decided to go forward with the erection of a new building for a printing office and also for a hall for meetings. HSFM 73.11

[Illustration] The Mission Printing Office, Christiania.

Earnest appeals were made to the brethren in America for means to erect the new building, and to carry forward the work in Scandinavia. These appeals were liberally responded to by donations and pledges, and the work was pushed forward. As Bro. L. Hansen was one of the leading contractors of Christiania, the whole work of building was placed in his hands, under the direction of the Board of Trustees of the Building Association. In May, 1885, the work of building was begun; and March 14, 1886, the meeting-hall was dedicated. At the dedication, the hall was filled, about seven hundred being present. HSFM 74.1