Historical Sketches of the Foreign Missions of the Seventh-day Adventists



In the fall of 1884, after the Conference in Sweden, I went to Stockholm, in company with Eld. O. Johnson, and began a series of meetings. Before this time Brn. Rosqvist and Johnson had labored some in this great city, and there were a few keeping the Sabbath. HSFM 72.4

Stockholm has two hundred and fifty thousand inhabitants, principally Lutherans. Yet there are many other religious elements. The Separatists have several churches in the city, with many thousand members. The Baptists number more than three thousand, and the Salvation Army is also very strong. There has been a great deal of healing by anointing with oil and praying for the sick; those who claim to have been healed in this way number several hundreds. On the whole, there is much more religious stir in Stockholm than in any of the cities of Denmark or Norway. But with few exceptions it is very superficial, and the antinomian element is prominent everywhere, so that great prejudice exists against sound Bible doctrine. HSFM 72.5

We began to preach in several places, but were driven away from them, until in October we secured a large hall in a very good locality, which would hold eight hundred persons, but was seated for about three hundred. It was poorly heated, and not easy of access, but we were glad to get it. We kept this hall four months, our congregations varying from one to three hundred. During the first two months the congregation changed very much, the most seeming to come from curiosity; but after a time there was a remarkable change in this respect, for the people would stay after the meetings to converse with the preachers, and they manifested a deep interest to learn from the teachings of the Bible. So we gave a second course of lectures, interspersed with many discourses on faith and a Christian life. By the first of March, fifty persons had been added to the church, and the number of members was sixty-six. The last Sunday our meeting was attended by about two hundred persons. The expenses of this series of meetings were paid by donations, which amounted in all to $308. The love and union which prevailed among the friends at that time was truly encouraging, and the blessing of God was evidently with them. Since that time Bro. Norlin has labored in Stockholm, and there are now about ninety Sabbath-keepers there. HSFM 72.6

After the meetings in Stockholm, I labored two weeks with Eld. Johnson in Örebro. The people showed a great willingness to hear, and as Eld. Johnson remained some time, several embraced the truth, and a small church has been organized. HSFM 73.1

At this time Sweden had two preachers, seven churches, with 193 members, and three colporters. During the year, $345 was paid in tithes and donations to support the work, and $460 was received for books and papers. HSFM 73.2

At the same time Norway had two preachers, four colporters, and two churches, with 155 members. The tithes and donations received during the year amounted to $1,316, and the money received by colporters for papers and books to $378. HSFM 73.3