101 Questions on the Sanctuary and on Ellen White


51. Dissecting the Testimonies

What did Ellen White mean when she declared, “If the testimonies speak not according to the Word of God, reject them”? Does Ellen White encourage us to dissect her writings and accept only what we think is in harmony with Scripture? Did she think that she was right in some places but wrong in others? QSEW 45.5

No, this certainly was not her intention. In fact, she said exactly the opposite. Here are her words: QSEW 45.6

“Do not by your criticisms take out all the force, all the point and power, from the Testimonies. Do not feel that you can dissect them to suit your own ideas, claiming that God has given you ability to discern what is light from heaven and what is the expression of mere human wisdom. If the Testimonies speak not according to the Word of God, reject them. Christ and Belial cannot be united.”—Testimonies for the Church 5:691. QSEW 45.7

She was saying, my work is of God or the devil. It is one or the other. Don’t try to pick and choose. Accept my work in its entirety or reject it in its entirety. QSEW 46.1