101 Questions on the Sanctuary and on Ellen White


50. Ellen White’s Role in Doctrinal Conformity

Did Ellen White—or did she not—intend for her writings to be used to settle doctrinal issues in the church? According to Ford, “Ellen G. White refused to be the arbiter in matters of doctrinal controversy. Time after time she was solicited to end the ‘daily’ controversy by some authoritative word from the Lord ... This she refused to do, and urged all to study their Bible, and decide from that supreme authority rather than quote her writings. This paved the way for the right approach to similar doctrinal problems, offering the church a salutary paradigm” (Ford, pages 606, 616). QSEW 44.4

Ford acknowledges that the Lord used Ellen White to settle doctrinal controversy in the early days of the advent movement. He states: QSEW 44.5

“It is true that in the early days of the movement, when our brethren were yet dependent upon the proof-text method, and when every man had a different interpretation, at such a time God through Ellen G. White indicated some evidence from Scripture which decided the point at issue.”—Ford, Page 605. QSEW 44.6

However, Ford argues that doctrinal directives through Ellen White have not been experienced by the church in its later years. He assumes that Ellen White’s attitude toward the “daily” controversy should be taken as the norm for her attitude toward all doctrinal controversy. QSEW 44.7

True, Ellen White did direct the brethren not to use her writings to settle their debate over the “daily” of Daniel 8:12, 13. However, she said that the “daily” was “not a subject of vital importance” and the Lord had given her “no instruction on the point under discussion” (Selected Messages 1:164). Some issues, on the other hand, were of vital importance, and on many doctrinal subjects she had received instruction. Concerning the controversy with A. F. Ballenger, for example, she declared: QSEW 45.1

“Let all cling to the established truth of the sanctuary.... If the theories that Brother Ballenger presents were received, they would lead many to depart from the faith. They would counterwork the truths upon which the people of God have stood for the past fifty years. I am bidden to say in the name of the Lord that Elder Ballenger is following a false light. The Lord has not given him the message that he is bearing regarding the sanctuary service. QSEW 45.2

“Elder Ballenger’s proofs are not reliable. Another and still another will arise and bring in supposedly great light, and make their assertions. But we stand by the old landmarks.”—Manuscript Release #760, pages 4, 10, 19, written in 1905. QSEW 45.3

It can be seen that Ellen White did intend that her writings should continue to settle doctrinal issues in the church on those points where the Lord had given her light. (See question 49, section 8.) QSEW 45.4