The Fannie Bolton Story


Helge T. Nelson, in his supplement to “Decline and Crisis amongst Seventh-day Adventists” (1901)

The following is a dream that was related to me by Sister Bolton about a year ago at Battle Creek, Mich., and knowing that the dream is nothing less than a production of inspiration, it is essential that it should come out. I do not remember how long that she told me it was since she had it, probably about four years ago. FBS 101.3

Sister Bolton told me she found herself by an old cellar. Along one of its walls was seen a row of large fine apples; upon examining the same she found a small speck in the apples that had the semblance of decay. FBS 101.4

Elder James White was standing there, and she told him, “These apples ought to be taken out of here, or they will decay.” “No,” said Elder White, “Leave them there.” Sister Bolton still insisted that they ought to be taken out. Then she looked on the bank of the cellar, and saw a large rock, and a man standing on the rock. She gave the description of him as follows: not tall, medium, heavy set, blue eyes with fair complexion, and wore a black Prince Albert suit. That man pointed out the trail of the “serpent” through those apples. FBS 101.5

Sister Bolton said she received the meaning of the dream. The fine apples represented Sister White’s faithful work; but that speck of decay in the apples represented difficulties that she had had with some of her helpers, with other things, some of which I have mentioned in preceding letters. FBS 101.6

Sister Bolton had been moved upon to speak to Sister White about things that she saw were wrong; but Sister Bolton told me that Sister White never paid any attention to her. She was shown in her dream that her admonition should not be heeded, but she saw that the man standing on the rock would bring the question to an issue. FBS 101.7

The Lord showed me right there that I was the one that Sister Bolton saw on the rock, and I told her so. FBS 102.1