A Prophet Among You



1. Ellen White has been used by God to fulfill a function similar to that of the ancient prophets. APAY 391.1

2. The messenger to the remnant church spoke for God, revealed His purposes, strengthened and guided leaders, encouraged the church to faithfulness, protested against evils, directed church activities, and taught the principles of truth. APAY 391.2

3. An application of Paul’s instruction to “prove all things” points out several major contributions that have been made to the church by the work of Ellen White. APAY 391.3

1. Assisting in developing doctrines. APAY 391.4

2. Saving from false teachings and fanaticism APAY 391.5

3. Developing organization. APAY 391.6

4. Guiding in current problems. APAY 391.7

5. Guiding in plans for the future. APAY 391.8

6. Revealing of future events. APAY 391.9

7. Encouraging and aiding Bible study. APAY 391.10

8. Guiding in Christian living. APAY 391.11

4. The broad lines of instruction given through Ellen White touch every phase of the life and responsibility of the Christian. Her books are varied in character, and comprehensive in coverage. APAY 391.12