A Prophet Among You


Lines of Instruction

Persons frequently express amazement at the variety of subjects on which Ellen White has written. Even more striking perhaps is the fact that in none of these writings does she speak as a novice—each carries a note of authority. But when we recall why God gave instruction through this messenger, it is not strange that they should be so comprehensive. They are intended to help us know how to apply Bible principle to every phase of life. Certainly the object has been achieved. APAY 389.3

No one of the books can be placed in a single classification and be said to deal with only one type of instruction. But for the sake of viewing their varied nature, it may be useful to list some of them in several general classifications. APAY 390.1

General books on many subjects: Testimonies for the Church, Volumes 1-9. APAY 390.2

Books on the Christian life: Steps to Christ, Thoughts From the Mount of Blessing, The Sanctified Life, Christ’s Object Lessons, My Life Today, Sons and Daughters of God. APAY 390.3

Books on Christian education: Education, Counsels to Parents, Teachers, and Students, Fundamentals of Christian Education. APAY 390.4

Books on the home and family: The Adventist Home, Child Guidance, Messages to Young People. APAY 390.5

Books covering the Bible story and prophecy: Patriarchs and Prophets, Prophets and Kings, The Desire of Ages, The Acts of the Apostles, The Great Controversy. APAY 390.6

Books that are aids to better service: Testimonies to Ministers, Gospel Workers, Christian Service, Evangelism, Counsels on Stewardship, Colporteur Ministry, Counsels on Sabbath School Work, Welfare Ministry, Medical Ministry. APAY 390.7

Books on healthful living: The Ministry of Healing, Counsels on Diet and Foods, Counsels on Health, Temperance. APAY 390.8

This is not a complete list of the Ellen White books, but it will give some idea as to the comprehensiveness of the coverage of the writings. A complete list of out-of-print books, as well as those currently available, will be found on pages 482-485. No principle has been overlooked, no facet of the Christian life has been ignored. It is the breadth of the instruction that makes it of such practical value today. As was true in the case of the Bible prophets, God gave through Ellen White exactly what would be needed and would be of greatest service. APAY 390.9

The pattern of the function of the prophets, as it may be gleaned from all parts of the Bible, has been followed in providing for the remnant church a messenger whose services and messages would meet its needs. APAY 390.10