A Prophet Among You


A Steadying Hand—1887-1891

Christian, L. H., The Fruitage of Spiritual Gifts, pp. 43-45, 152-159, 219-245 (Minneapolis conference of 1888). APAY 256.4

Daniells, A. G., The Abiding Gift of Prophecy, p. 369. APAY 256.5

------, Christ Our Righteousness. Washington, D.C., Review and Herald Publishing Assn., 1926. APAY 256.6

Our Firm Foundation, vol. 1, pp. 221-224. APAY 256.7

Spalding, A. W., Captains of the Host, pp. 137, 138, 583-602 (Minneapolis conference of 1888). APAY 256.8

------, Footprints of the Pioneers, p. 193. APAY 256.9

Spicer, W. A., The Spirit of Prophecy in the Advent Movement, pp. 33, 51, 52, 95, 99, 110, 111. APAY 256.10

White, Ellen G., Life Sketches of Ellen G. White, 309-330. APAY 256.11

Wilcox, F. M., The Testimony of Jesus. p. 109. APAY 256.12