A Prophet Among You


Years in Europe—1885-1887

Christian, L. H., The Fruitage of Spiritual Gifts, pp. 161-174, 180, 181, 193-196, 223. APAY 255.19

Historical Sketches of the Foreign Missions of the Seventh-day Adventists, 51, 87, 88, 119-249. Basel, Switzerland, Imprimerie Polyglotte, 1886. Spalding, A. W., Footprints of the Pioneers, p. 190. APAY 255.20

------, There Shines a Light, pp. 80, 81. APAY 256.1

Spicer, W. A., Pioneer Days of the Advent Movement, pp. 170-172, 180. APAY 256.2

White, Ellen G., Life Sketches of Ellen G. White, 281-308, 252-255. APAY 256.3