Why I Believe in Mrs. E. G. White


Why Set Extrascriptural Standards for Her?

Some in the church who raise the question as to what is and what is not inspired feel they have solved the problem by declaring that they will accept Mrs. White’s words as inspired when she prefaces a statement with the phrase, “An angel spoke to me,” or “I saw in vision,” or “an angel (or the Spirit) instructs me to say.” But how do we know she is telling the truth when she says: “An angel spoke to me,” or words to that effect? Our answer must be that we believe she was a truthful, godly woman, and therefore we believe her words. But if she was a truthful, godly woman why not also believe her when she declared that God gave to her the gift of the Spirit of prophecy? And when we answer Yes to this question we have removed at one stroke the objection to receiving all the words she has written and published for the obvious purpose of guiding the church. WBEGW 102.2

Is that not what we do with the Bible prophets? We believe they were indeed prophets of God and hence we accept their words. It is a simple statement of fact that many of the Bible writers do not preface their writings by declaring that an angel or the divine Spirit spoke to them, or that they had a vision. They simply proceed to present their message. For example: Paul wrote a letter to the church at Corinth about certain conditions there that had been reported to him by “the house of Chloe” (1 Corinthians 1:11). But he does not preface his writing by saying that he had a vision regarding the remedy for these particular conditions. Yet we believe he wrote by inspiration. God’s prophets bear a unique relationship to Him and unquestionably, from time to time, receive special revelations on many matters. From this reservoir of inspired spiritual knowledge they can draw in dealing with many situations. All this adds up to the conclusion that when we settle in our minds that a person has the prophetic gift, all else quickly falls into place. WBEGW 103.1

This reasoning, we believe, is valid irrespective of how we view the question of the relation of Mrs. White to the Bible prophets. Remember, there is no scriptural basis for thinking that the gift of the Spirit of prophecy is one thing in Bible times, but quite another in post-Biblical times. WBEGW 103.2