Why I Believe in Mrs. E. G. White


Moses at the Burning Bush

On this matter the story of Moses at the burning bush has always helped us personally. God commanded Moses to take off the shoes from off his feet, for the ground on which he stood was holy. But the record does not indicate that the Lord told him the exact distance outward that the holiness extended. Nor can we imagine Moses even asking the question. Rather we visualize him as walking, shoes in hand, a very great distance, to be sure he was beyond the far perimeter of the holy ground before putting on his shoes again. Does not this incident suggest a prudent attitude of mind for us when we contemplate the question of how far out extends the area of Mrs. White’s inspired writings? As a matter of actual experience, those who have maintained this attitude seem to have found that the question of what is inspired and what is not has never really been a problem to them. Nor has such an attitude led them into queer or fanatical views. WBEGW 102.1