The Abiding Gift of Prophecy


Benefits of Prophetic Guidance

The Review and Herald office, which was at first housed in a dining room and kitchen, has become a great institution with a large building of its own, well equipped with machinery, and doing a far greater volume of denominational work than was ever done while located in Battle Creek. It has an investment of over $500,000, and it is entirely free from debt. For years this institution has donated tens of thousands of dollars to our foreign-mission enterprises. The General Conference and Review and Herald buildings are located in the village of Takoma Park. On the outskirts, on the fifty-acre block purchased in 1903, are located the Washington Sanitarium and the Washington Missionary College. AGP 352.5

The Lord has surely placed the seal of His approval upon the removal from Battle Creek to Washington. The limits of this statement make it impossible to recount, in all their fullness and meaning, the blessings that have come to us through being located AGP 352.6

at the national capital. The Lord foresaw the issues that would arise; He foresaw that our missionary activities would extend to all lands; He foresaw the advantages that would be ours at the headquarters of the nation; and He led us there. This we recognize now. Even many of those who at first saw no light in the proposal now recognize that the hand of the Lord was truly in it. AGP 353.1

But what led us to decide to make this removal, to attempt this gigantic task? The answer must be: A message through the spirit of prophecy. How came we to locate at Washington, D. C.? Through conviction that the messages that came to us through the spirit of prophecy were from God. Has, then, this gift been of value to this people and this cause? Most assuredly it has; indeed, of greater value, in many ways, than we can fully realize. Such providences should lead us to hold this precious gift of the spirit of prophecy in the high esteem and sincere appreciation that it deserves. AGP 353.2