The Abiding Gift of Prophecy


Church Order

It is a trite saying that God is a God of order. But abundant evidence of this appears in all His created works. To His church He says: “Let all things be done decently and in order.” 1 Corinthians 14:40. Writing to the Colossian church, the apostle Paul says: “Though I be absent in the flesh, yet am I with you in the spirit, joying and beholding your order, and the steadfastness of your faith.” Colossians 2:5. In “the church in the wilderness” (Acts 7:38) we behold the most perfect order and organization established by Moses under the direct leading of the prophetic gift. Thus we find that “God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints.” 1 Corinthians 14:33. AGP 298.2

Organization is designed to prevent disorder and confusion. It stands for systematic, harmonious action. It strengthens for advance, and also for defense. In a world-wide movement, such as the great threefold message of Revelation 14:6-14 foreshadows, the most thorough organization is imperative. In view of these considerations, it will be interesting to note a few passages from Mrs. White’s writings regarding organization in the church. AGP 298.3

“There is order in heaven, and God is well pleased with the efforts of His people in trying to move with system and order in His work on earth. I saw that there should be order in the church of God, and that system is needed in carrying forward successfully the last great message of mercy to the world.” Testimonies for the Church 1:191. AGP 298.4

“It is nearly forty years since organization was introduced among us as a people. I was one of the number who had an experience in establishing it from the first. I know the difficulties that had to be met, the evils which it was designed to correct, and I have watched its influence in connection with the growth of the cause. At an early stage in the work, God gave us special light upon this point, and this light, together with the lessons that experience has taught us, should be carefully considered.” Christian Experience and Teachings of Ellen G. White, 192, first written Dec. 19, 1892. AGP 298.5

“As our numbers increased, it was evident that without some form of organization there would be great confusion, and the work would not be carried forward successfully. To provide for the support of the ministry, for carrying the work in new fields, for protecting both the churches and the ministry from unworthy members, for holding church property, for the publication of the truth through the press, and for many other objects, organization was indispensable.” Testimonies to Ministers and Gospel Workers, 26. AGP 299.1

“O how Satan would rejoice if he could succeed in his efforts to get in among this people, and disorganize the work at a time when thorough organization is essential, and will be the greatest power to keep out spurious uprisings, and to refute claims not endorsed by the word of God! We want to hold the lines evenly, that there shall be no breaking down of the system of organization and order that has been built up by wise, careful labor.” Gospel Workers, 487. AGP 299.2