The Abiding Gift of Prophecy


World-Wide Missionary Program

Universal evangelism is still God’s program. Mrs. White’s appeal is in full accord with this divine plan, as the following from her pen will testify: AGP 297.2

“God’s people have a mighty work before them, a work that must continually rise to greater prominence. Our efforts in missionary lines must become far more extensive…. A more decided work than has been done must be done prior to the second appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ. God’s people are not to cease their labors until they shall encircle the world.

“The vineyard includes the whole world, and every part of it is to be worked. There are places which are now a moral wilderness, and these are to become as the garden of the Lord. The waste places of the earth are to be cultivated, that they may bud and blossom as the rose. New territories are to be worked by men inspired by the Holy Spirit. New churches must be established, new congregations organized.” Christian Experience and Teachings of Ellen G. White, 220.

“The whole world is a vast missionary field, and we who have long known the gospel message should be encouraged by the thought that fields which were once difficult of access are now easily entered.” Gospel Workers, 27.

“Our watchword is to be, Onward, ever onward! Angels of heaven will go before us to prepare the way. Our burden for the regions beyond can never be laid down till the whole earth is lightened with the glory of the Lord.” Gospel Workers, 470.

This consistent, urgent teaching has exerted great influence in the Seventh-day Adventist Church, with which Mrs. White was affiliated. The annual report of the church for the year 1934 gives the total number of persons devoting their entire time to the various activities of the church as 23,753. Of this number AGP 297.3

11,642 are evangelists. The other 12,111 are engaged in carrying forward various lines of institutional work. These workers are located in every part of the world. Only 2,816 of the evangelists are in North America, while over 8,826 are at work in other lands—Africa, India, China, Russia, Persia, Turkey, South America, Japan, the islands of the seas, and all parts of Europe. AGP 298.1