The Abiding Gift of Prophecy

1. Exalts the Word of God

In her personal life, in her public ministry, and in her writings, Mrs. White humbly gave reverence to the word of God. Of that great Book she wrote: AGP 282.10

“The word of God includes the Scriptures of the Old Testament as well as of the New. One is not complete without the other.” “The Old Testament sheds light upon the New, and the New upon the Old. Each is a revelation of the glory of God in Christ. Both present truths that will continually reveal new depths of meaning to the earnest seeker.” Christ’s Object Lessons, 126, 128.

“In His word, God has committed to men the knowledge necessary for salvation. The Holy Scriptures are to be accepted as an authoritative, infallible revelation of His will. They are the standard of character, the revealer of doctrines, and the test of experience.” The Great Controversy Between Christ and Satan,” Introduction, p. vii.

“God designed the Bible to be a lesson book to all mankind, in childhood, youth, and manhood, and to be studied through all time. He gave His word to men as a revelation of Himself…. The study of the Scriptures is the means divinely ordained to bring men into closer connection with their Creator, and to give them a clearer knowledge of His will. It is the medium of communication between God and man.” Testimonies for the Church 4:69.

“The Bible presents a perfect standard of character; it is an infallible guide under all circumstances, even to the end of the journey of life. Take it as the man of your counsel, the rule of your daily life.” Testimonies for the Church 5:264.

“One sentence of Scripture is of more value than ten thousand of man’s ideas or arguments.” Testimonies for the Church 7:71.

“Let the word of God stand just as it is. Let not human wisdom presume to lessen the force of one statement of the Scriptures.” Testimonies for the Church 5:711.