The Abiding Gift of Prophecy


Teachings Tested by Ten Principles

We have a right to expect, then, that if Mrs. White had the prophetic gift, her life and her teachings should be in full accord with the Bible on all matters vital to salvation. She herself recognized this clear principle in the following words: AGP 281.6

“True Christianity receives the word of God as the great treasure house of inspired truth, and the test of all inspiration.” “The Great Controversy Between Christ and Satan,” p. 193. (Italics mine.)

For such a test we have chosen ten fundamental doctrines of the Bible,—ten basic facts of the gospel: AGP 281.7

1. The inspiration, authenticity, and infallibility of the Bible. AGP 281.8

2. The true and only reliable account of the origin of the human race. AGP 281.9

3. The divine explanation of the origin of sin and death. AGP 282.1

4. The gospel plan for the redemption of the human family from sin and death. AGP 282.2

5. The incarnation, death, resurrection, and ascension of the Son of God. AGP 282.3

6. The coming of the Comforter, the Holy Spirit, Christ’s representative on earth. AGP 282.4

7. The universal and unchangeable authority of the moral law. AGP 282.5

8. God’s abounding grace toward a world in rebellion. AGP 282.6

9. The free gift of the righteousness of God through faith in Christ Jesus. AGP 282.7

10. The certain, final, glorious consummation of the great plan of redemption in which our hopes are centered. AGP 282.8

In applying this test, we shall first give a plain statement from the Scripture, followed by a few statements from the writings of Mrs. White, typical of many others that abound in the thousands of pages in her printed volumes: AGP 282.9

“All Scripture is given by inspiration of God.” 2 Timothy 3:16. “Holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost.” 2 Peter 1:21. “Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.” Matthew 4:4.