The Spirit of Prophecy in the Advent Movement


From Early Years To Our Day

In the first vision to that’ young girl in 1844, there was a picture of the highway of holiness on which the people of the movement must walk to the Holy City: “I turned to look for the advent people in the world, but could not find them, when a voice said to me, ‘Look again, and look a little higher.’ At this I raised my eyes, and saw a straight and narrow path, cast up high above the world. On this path the advent people were traveling to the city.”—Early Writings, 14. SPIAM 58.1

The chief burden of the gift of the Spirit of prophecy, it would seem, has been to urge believers into this path, “high above the world.” The voice that rang out clear and thrilling over many a campground in the years of Mrs. White’s physical strength, “Clear the King’s highway, and let the Saviour in,” sounds in all the writings. People of remotest lands recognize it. In languages of the African interior, in the islands of the South Seas, among peoples who have but comparatively few translated portions, it is recognized that here is a special call to piety and spirituality. SPIAM 58.2

I was visiting a mission conference in ancient Taiyuanfu, chief city of Shansi, in North China. The whole atmosphere of the meeting was Chinese. The superintendent was an able Chinese evangelist. The only foreign touch was in the presence of several foreign missionary visitors. One day between sessions I saw a group of village women in specially animated conversation. I said to a missionary who knew the language, “Now, what do these village women talk about among themselves, so earnestly and eagerly?” My friend, A. A. Esteb, listened a moment, then exclaimed: “I declare! Do you hear what that young village woman has just said to the others? ‘What a wonderful treasure of spiritual food is given to us in the writings of the Spirit of prophecy!’” SPIAM 58.3