The Spirit of Prophecy in the Advent Movement


For Spiritual Upbuilding

At a council in Oslo, Norway, President G. A. Lindsay, of the East Nordic Union Conference, told of a Lutheran clergyman who wrote a thesis on the second advent idea in history. It was for his doctor’s degree in one of the universities of Sweden. He wrote very fully of the work and second advent teaching of Seventh-day Adventists. Mr. Lindsay said: SPIAM 57.4

“He had somehow procured a copy of ‘Early Writings,’ an early edition, and had been greatly impressed by the writings and work of Mrs. White in connection with this cause. He declared: ‘The secret of the piety and spirituality and consecration of the Adventists will be found in these writings and messages of Mrs. White.’” SPIAM 57.5

It is the truth, though believers in all lands would confess how poorly we have lived up to the high calling. More than any other one gift, this gift has continually drawn us to that “word of His grace” to which the apostle Paul commended the early church. It has been like a living hand laying hold upon the church, drawing it with forceful entreaty to the fountain of living waters in Holy Scripture. It never lets go. Deeper yet, higher yet, has been the insistent appeal from the days of 1844. SPIAM 57.6