The Testimony of Jesus


Tested by the Bible

Our first statement is from the The Review and Herald, December 4, 1855. This is a portion of an “Address of the Conference Assembled at Battle Creek, Mich., Nov. 16, 1855,” and is made “in behalf of the Conference,” and signed by “Joseph Bates, J. H. Waggoner, M. E. Cornell.” After an introduction, the address continues: TOJ 38.1

“We refer to the visions which God has promised to the remnant ‘in the last days.’ We are aware that many will regard it as infatuation to believe in such operations of God’s Spirit in these days; and we may by some be classed with the Spiritualists so well known in this age. We have ever considered Spiritualism the work of the enemy, and it is generally conceded that Satan is to show his signs and wonders previous to the second coming of our Lord; yet it is as plainly written that the Lord will pour out His Spirit in the last days; and as we are shielded from a strong delusion by a proper application of the Scriptures concerning the work of these spirits, so we believe that we may receive of the choice blessings of God by acknowledging the force of the promises of His Spirit.... TOJ 38.2

“Nor do we, as some contend, exalt these gifts or their manifestations above the Bible; on the contrary, we test them by the Bible, making it the great rule of judgment in all things; so that whatever is not in accordance with it, in its spirit and its teachings, we unhesitatingly reject. But as we cannot believe that a fountain sends forth at the same place sweet water and bitter, or that an evil tree brings forth good fruit, so we cannot believe that is of the enemy which tends to unite the hearts of the saints, to lead to meekness and humility and holy living, and incites to deep heart searching before God, and a confession of our wrongs. As having such a tendency we recommend to your candid consideration the contents of the book entitled Experience and Views [now Early Writings, 11-127], believing them to be agreeable to the Word of God and the spirit of the gospel.... TOJ 38.3

“While we regard them as coming from God, and entirely harmonizing with His written word, we must acknowledge ourselves under obligation to abide by their teachings, and be corrected by their admonitions. To say that they are of God, and yet we will not be tested by them, is to say that God’s will is not a test or rule for Christians, which is inconsistent and absurd.” TOJ 38.4