The Testimony of Jesus


The Gifts and the Word

James White, at that time the recognized leader of the Sabbathkeeping Adventists, not yet known as Seventh-day Adventists, wrote in the The Present Truth, December, 1849: TOJ 39.1

“The Bible is our lamp, our guide. It is our rule of faith and practice; still there is no reason why God may not give special revelations to lead the erring to God and His living Word.” TOJ 39.2

Again a few years later he wrote in the Review and Herald, under date of February 28, 1856: TOJ 39.3

“God set the gifts in the church. (Mark 16:15-20; Acts 2:1-4; 1 Corinthians 12:27-31; Ephesians 4:11-16.) There is no evidence that they were given for a limited portion of the Christian age, to be removed from the church, and she be left for a long time without them. And more, the prophecy of Joel quoted by Peter (Joel 2:28-32; Acts 2:1-22) and other portions of Scripture, furnish sufficient grounds for faith that, in connection with the last message of mercy, the gifts will be restored to a living church.... TOJ 39.4

“The prophecy of Joel (chapter 2:28-32) has its fulfillment in the ‘last days.’ It was written for the benefit of the remnant. The remnant mentioned in verse 32, who find deliverance, are evidently the same as in Revelation 12:17, with whom the dragon is wroth. And why wroth? Because they keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus Christ. What is the testimony of Jesus Christ? We will let the angel who addressed John answer the question. He says, ‘The testimony of Jesus is the Spirit of prophecy.’ Revelation 19:10. Says Joel, ‘Your sons and your daughters shall prophesy.’ The remnant of both texts are evidently the same. No one, then, need marvel because the dragon’s ire is stirred, on seeing the ‘Spirit of prophecy’ revive in the church.... TOJ 39.5

“As all objections against the revival of the gifts can be fully met, then we inquire, What is their object? Were they designed to take the place of the Word? Never! If the gifts be revived, and the church receive instruction from them, will not this supersede the necessity of searching the Scriptures for truth and duty? No! Never! ... TOJ 39.6