“I'd Like To Ask Sister White ...”


What Kind Of Counsel Did You Write To Your Children?

Dear children, I am very anxious that you should form good characters. Learn your own faults, and what makes you feel unpleasant and unhappy afterward, and then shun the cause. You can be happy if you choose. You must learn the important lesson of not always having your own way, but of sacrificing your will and way to gratify and make others happy. I know a man that is now living, who in youth had his way, was not willing to yield his notions, and he grew up to want his own way, and carry out his own will in everything. We have been acquainted with him for quite a number of years, and he is, we think, a very unhappy man. He is irritated at once if everyone does not do just as he wishes to have them. When people first see him they think that he is a good man, but when they become acquainted with him they change their minds, become tired of him, and wish he were elsewhere. He is a trial to everybody, is easily out of temper, and makes himself unhappy, and everyone around him. LASW 60.1

Now, children, if you would not wish to be like this unhappy man you must learn to govern yourselves while young. Don’t give way to fretful, unkind feelings; but remember that the Lord reads even the thoughts of the heart, and nothing is concealed from His all-seeing eye. Right acts, right thoughts, will be remembered in heaven, and every victory you gain when tempted to do wrong, every temptation manfully resisted, will be recorded in heaven. LASW 60.2

Don’t forget, dear children, that it is easier to go in an evil way than to do right; for Satan and his angels are constantly tempting to do wrong. But there is One who has promised to hear the needy when they cry. Go to God when tempted to speak or act wrong. Ask Him in faith for strength and He will give it. He will say to His angels, There is a poor little boy trying to resist the power of Satan, and has come to Me for help. I will aid him. Go stand by that child who is endeavoring to do right and when the evil angels attempt to lead his steps astray, gently guide him in the right path, and drive back the powers of the evil one. 14 LASW 61.1

Willie, you must be a good boy; you must overcome an impatient spirit. To be impatient is not to be willing to wait, but to want everything you desire in a moment. You must say to yourself, I’ll wait. “He that is slow to anger, is better than the mighty; and he that ruleth his spirit, than he that taketh a city.” LASW 61.2

Willie, if you would be happy, you must rule well your own spirit. Love your brothers, and be good all day, and the Lord will love you—everyone will love you. LASW 61.3

You have been our sunshine, and I have prayed that you might always be the same. Try to do right. Be kind, be patient and loving. The Lord loves little children, and when they try to do right He is pleased with them. LASW 61.4

When you go to your grandfather’s you must not act rough and boisterous, but gentle and mild. When the boys go to the office you must try and not be lonesome. Make yourself contented and happy. Don’t fret, but learn to be patient, my dear boy. We love you very much, and will now say good-by for the present. 15 LASW 61.5

Take good care, Henry and Edson, of your little brother Willie. If he should learn any wrong and bad habits, it would distress me very much. Try to make each other happy. Don’t seek to have your own way, but yield to one another. God will help you if you call upon Him for help. Satan is busy, but with the strength you obtain from God you can resist him. Don’t let your minds dwell upon low things. Think of heaven, of the loving Saviour, who died for you. LASW 62.1

Return this love by yielding to Him your hearts. All that you can do is to give yourselves to Him, and obey Him. God help you to be faithful, is the prayer of your parents, who sincerely love you. 16 LASW 62.2