“I'd Like To Ask Sister White ...”


Were Your Boys Tempted To Spend A Lot Of Money On Clothes?

Edson, my dear boy, I know you are not happy. When I talk with you, you seem at a distance from me as though my words were useless. This makes me feel bad, Edson. I can’t reach you until this barrier is broken down and you open your whole heart freely to me. LASW 59.2

Now, Edson, for the mere item of clothes we expended sixty dollars while at Battle Creek, and counted not the work I did. This takes in shirts and all. I was disheartened and so was your father to see you so ready to put on a coat which cost twenty-six dollars, merely to walk down to the office. You need not do this. You have coats aplenty you can put on. Edson, will you take care of your clothes? No boy in Battle Creek goes dressed with better clothes than yourself. I am sorry that you do not manifest more care in regard to your clothing. LASW 59.3

Edson, what fruit do you bear? The tree is known by its fruit. A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither an evil tree good fruit. “Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.” LASW 59.4

When we get your clothes and then you put on the best you have, as you do, merely to come to the office or to walk down street, you appear foolish and vain, and remarks are made about it. They think we lack good judgment in doing so much for you, but, Edson, ever remember that the outward adorning will not raise you in the estimation of any, but the inward adorning which God says is of great price is a meek and quiet spirit. Such a spirit is of value in heaven. Put away show and vanity. Be a sincere Christian. 13 LASW 59.5