Noah Webster’s 1828 Dictionary
INCOMMODIOUSNESS, n. Inconvenience; unsuitableness.
INCOMMODITY, n. [L. incommoditas.]
Inconvenience; trouble. [Now little used.]
The quality of not being communicable, or capable of being imparted to another.
INCOMMUNICABLE, a. [in and communicable.]
1. That cannot be communicated or imparted to others.
2. That cannot or may not be communicated, told or revealed to others.
INCOMMUNICABLY, adv. In a manner not to be imparted or communicated.
INCOMMUNICATED, a. Not imparted.
INCOMMUNICATING, a. Having no communion or intercourse with each other; as an administration in incommunicating hands.
INCOMMUNICATIVE, a. Not communicative; not free or apt to impart to others in conversation.
1. Not disposed to hold communion, fellowship or intercourse with.
The Chinese--an incommunicative nation.
INCOMMUTABILITY, INCOMMUTABLENESS, n. The quality of being incommutable.
INCOMMUTABLE, a. [in and commutable.]
Not to be exchanged or commuted with another.
INCOMMUTABLY, adv. Without reciprocal change.
INCOMPACT, INCOMPACTED, a. [in and compact.]
Not compact; not having the parts firmly united; not solid.
INCOMPARABLE, a. [in and comparable.] That admits of no comparison with others; usually in a good sense, but it may be properly used in a bad sense. When we say, an incomparable man, we mean a man of good qualities, or of some excellence that raises him above comparison or equality with others. So we say, incomparable excellence, virtue, wit, etc. But incomparable baseness or malignity may be used with propriety.
INCOMPARABLENESS, n. Excellence beyond comparison.
INCOMPARABLY, adv. Beyond comparison; without competition. Newton was incomparably the greatest philosopher the English nation had produced.
INCOMPARED, a. Not matched; peerless.
INCOMPASSIONATE, a. [in and compassionate.]
Void of compassion or pity; destitute of tenderness.
INCOMPASSIONATELY, adv. Without pity or tenderness.
INCOMPATIBILITY, n. [from incompatible.]
1. Inconsistency; that quality or state of a thing which renders it impossible that it should subsist or be consistent with something else. There is a permanent incompatibility between truth and falsehood.
2. Irreconcilable disagreement. During the revolution in France, incompatibility of temper was deemed a sufficient cause for divorcing man and wife.
INCOMPATIBLE, a. [L. in and competo, to suit, to be proper or convenient; con and peto, to press toward, to seek, or press on. It was formerly incompetible.]
1. Inconsistent; that cannot subsist with something else. Thus, truth and falsehood are essentially incompatible, as are virtue and vice. A degree of cold that congeals water is incompatible with vegetation. Dissipation is incompatible with health, reputation and virtue.
2. Irreconcilably different or disagreeing; incongruous; as incompatible tempers.
3. Legally or constitutionally inconsistent; that cannot be united in the same person, without violating the law or constitution. By our constitution, the offices of a legislator and of a judge are incompatible, as they cannot be held at the same time by the same person.
INCOMPATIBLY, adv. Inconsistently; incongruously.
1. Inability; want of sufficient intellectual powers or talents; as the incompetency of infants or idiots.
2. Want of natural adequate strength of body or of suitable faculties; as the incompetency of the eyes to discern the motions of the heavenly bodies.
3. Want of legal or constitutional qualifications; as the incompetency of a witness.
4. Want of adequate means.
5. Insufficiency; inadequacy; as the incompetency of testimony.
INCOMPETENT, a. [L. in and competens, competo. See Incompatible.]
1. Wanting adequate powers of mind or suitable faculties; as an incompetent judge. Infancy, derangement, want of learning or dotage may render a person incompetent to fill an office or to transact business.
2. Wanting due strength or suitable faculties; unable.
3. Wanting the legal or constitutional qualifications. A person convicted of a crime, is an incompetent witness in a court of law or equity.
4. Destitute of means; unable.
5. Inadequate; insufficient; as incompetent testimony.
6. Unfit; improper; legally unavailable.
It is incompetent for the defendant to make this defense.
INCOMPETENTLY, adv. Insufficiently; inadequately; not suitably.
INCOMPLETE, a. [in and complete.]
Not finished. The building is incomplete.
1. Imperfect; defective.
INCOMPLETELY, adv. Imperfectly.
INCOMPLETENESS, n. An unfinished state; imperfectness; defectiveness.
INCOMPLEX, a. [in and complex.]
Not complex; uncompounded; simple.
INCOMPLIANCE, n. [in and compliance.]
1. Defect of compliance; refusal to comply with solicitations.
2. Untractableness; unyielding temper or constitution.
Self-conceit produces peevishness and incompliance of humor in things lawful and indifferent.
INCOMPLIANT, a. [in and compliant.]
Unyielding to request or solicitation; not disposed to comply.
INCOMPOSED, a. [in and composed.] Disordered; disturbed. [But this word is little used. Instead of it we use discomposed.]
INCOMPOSITE, a. incom’pozit. [in and composite.]
Uncompounded; simple.
INCOMPOSSIBILITY, n. [in and composible.]
The quality of not being possible but by the negation or destruction of something; inconsistency with something. [Little used.]
INCOMPOSSIBLE, a. [in, con, and possible.] Not possible to be or subsist with something else. [This and the preceding word are little used, and can hardly be considered as legitimate English words.]
INCOMPREHENSIBILITY, n. [See the next word.]
The quality of being incomprehensible, or beyond the reach of human intellect; inconceivableness.
1. That cannot be comprehended or understood; That is beyond the reach of human intellect; inconceivable. The nature of spiritual being is incomprehensible to us, or by us.
2. Not to be contained. [Little used.]
INCOMPREHENSIBLENESS, n. Incomprehensibility, which see.
INCOMPREHENSIBLY, adv. In a manner which the human mind cannot comprehend or understand; inconceivably.
INCOMPREHENSION, n. Want of comprehension or understanding.
INCOMPREHENSIVE, a. Not comprehensive; not extensive.
INCOMPRESSIBILITY, n. [See Incompressible.] The quality of resisting compression, or of being incapable of reduction by force into a smaller compass.
INCOMPRESSIBLE, a. [in and compressible.] Not to be compressed; not capable of being reduced by force into a smaller compass; resisting compression. Water is not wholly incompressible.
INCONCEALABLE, a. [in and concealable]
Not concealable; not to be hid or kept secret.
INCONCEIVABLE, a. [in and conceivable.]
1. That cannot be conceived by the mind; incomprehensible. It is inconceivable to us, how the will acts in producing muscular motion.
2. That cannot be understood.
INCONCEIVABLENESS, n. The quality of being inconceivable; incomprehensibility.
INCONCEIVABLY, adv. In a manner beyond comprehension, or beyond the reach of human intellect.
INCONCEPTIBLE, a. Inconceivable. [Little used.]
INCONCINNITY, n. [L. inconcinnitas.]
Unsuitableness; want of proportion.
INCONCLUDENT, a. [L. in and concludens, concludo, to conclude.]
Not inferring a conclusion or consequence. [Little used.]
INCONCLUDING, a. Inferring no consequence.
INCONCLUSIVE, a. [in and conclusive.] Not producing a conclusion; not closing, concluding or settling a point in debate or a doubtful question. An argument or evidence is inconclusive, when it does not exhibit the truth of a disputed case in such a manner as to satisfy the mind, and put an end to debate or doubt.
INCONCLUSIVELY, adv. Without such evidence as to determine the understanding in regard to truth or falsehood.
INCONCLUSIVENESS, n. Want of such evidence as to satisfy the mind of truth or falsehood, and put an end to debate.
INCONCOCT, a. Inconcocted.
INCONCOCTED, a. [in and concoct.]
Not fully digested; not matured; unripened.
INCONCOCTION, n. [in and concoction.]
The state of being indigested; unripeness; immaturity.
INCONCURRING, a. [in and concurring, from concur.]
Not concurring; not agreeing.
INCONCUSSIBLE, a. That cannot be shaken.
INCONDENSABILITY, n. [See Incondensable.]
The quality of being not condensable.
INCONDENSABLE, a. [in and condensable.]
1. Not capable of condensation; that cannot be made more dense or compact.
2. Not to be converted from a state of vapor to a fluid.
INCONDITE, a. [L. inconditus; in and condo, to build.]
Rude; unpolished; irregular. [Little used.]
INCONDITIONAL, a. [in and conditional.] Without any condition, exception or limitation; absolute. [Not now used. See Unconditional.]
INCONDITONATE, a. [in and condition.]
Not limited or restrained by conditions; absolute. [Not now used.]
INCONFIRMED, for unconfirmed, is not in use.
INCONFORMITY, n. [in and conformity.] Want of conformity; incompliance with the practice of others, or with the requisitions of law, rule or custom; non-conformity. [The latter word is more commonly used, especially to express dissent in religion.]
INCONFUSED, a. s as z. Not confused; distinct.
INCONFUSION, n. Distinctness.
INCONGENIAL, a. [in and congenial.]
Not congenial; not of a like nature; unsuitable.
INCONGENIALITY, n. Unlikeness of nature; unsuitableness.
INCONGRUENCE, n. [in and congruence.] Want of congruence, adaptation or agreement; unsuitableness. [Little used. We now use incongruity.]
INCONGRUENT, a. Unsuitable; inconsistent.
INCONGRUITY, n. [in and congruity.]
1. Want of congruity; impropriety; inconsistency; absurdity; unsuitableness of one thing to another. The levity of youth in a grave divine, is deemed an incongruity between manners and profession.
2. Disagreement of parts; want of symmetry.
INCONGRUOUS, a. [L incongruus.] Not congruous; unsuitable; not fitting; inconsistent; improper. The dress of a seaman on a judge, would be deemed incongruous with his character and station.
INCONGRUOUSLY, adv. Unsuitably; unfitly; improperly.
INCONNECTION, n. [in and connection.]
Want of connection; loose, disjointed state.
INCONSCIONABLE, a. Having no sense of good and evil.
INCONSEQUENCE, n. [L. inconsequentia.]
Want of just inference; inconclusiveness.
INCONSEQUENT, a. Not following from the premises; without regular inference; as an inconsequent deduction or argument.
INCONSEQUENTIAL, a. Not regularly following from the premises.
1. Not of consequence; not of importance; of little moment.
INCONSIDERABLE, a. [in and considerable.] Not worthy of consideration or notice; unimportant; small; trivial. We speak of an inconsiderable distance; an inconsiderable quantity or amount; inconsiderable value. No sin is inconsiderable in the sight of a holy God.
INCONSIDERABLENESS, n. Small importance.
INCONSIDERABLY, adv. In a small degree; to a small amount; very little.
INCONSIDERACY, n. Thoughtlessness; want of consideration. [Unusual.]
INCONSIDERATE, a. [L. inconsideratus. See Consider.]
1. Not considerate; not attending to the circumstances which regard safety or propriety; hasty; rash; imprudent; careless; thoughtless; heedless; inattentive. The young are generally inconsiderate.
2. Proceeding from heedlessness; rash; as inconsiderate conduct.
3. Not duly regarding; with of, before the subject; as inconsiderate of consequences.
INCONSIDERATELY, adv. Without due consideration or regard to consequences; heedlessly; carelessly; rashly; imprudently.
INCONSIDERATENESS, n. Want of due regard to consequences; carelessness; thoughtlessness; inadvertence; inattention; imprudence.
INCONSIDERATION, n. Want of due consideration; want of thought; inattention to consequences.
INCONSISTENCE, INCONSISTENCY, n. [in and consistence.]
1. Such opposition or disagreement as that one proposition infers the negation of the other; such contrariety between things that both cannot subsist together.
There is a perfect inconsistency between that which is of debt and that which is of free gift.
2. Absurdity in argument or narration; argument or narrative where one part destroys the other; self-contradiction.
3. Incongruity; want of agreement or uniformity; as the inconsistency of a man with himself.
4. Unsteadiness; changeableness.
INCONSISTENT, a. Incompatible; incongruous; not suitable. Loud laughter in grave company is inconsistent with good breeding. Habitual gloom is inconsistent with health and happiness.
1. Not consistent; contrary, so that one infers the negation or destruction of the other; or so that the truth of one proves the other to be false. Two covenants, one that a man shall have an estate in fee, and the other that he shall hold it for years, are inconsistent.
2. Not uniform; being contrary at different times. Men are sometimes inconsistent with themselves.
INCONSISTENTLY, adv. With absurdity; incongruously; with self-contradiction; without steadiness or uniformity.
INCONSISTENTNESS, n. Inconsistency. [Not in use.]
INCONSISTING, a. Inconsistent. [Not used.]
INCONSOLABLE, a. [in and consolable.] Not to be consoled; grieved beyond susceptibility of comfort.
INCONSOLABLY, adv. In a matter or degree that does not admit of consolation.
INCONSONANCE, n. Disagreement of sounds; discordance.
INCONSONANCY, n. [in and consonancy.] Disagreement; inconsistency. In music, disagreement of sounds; discordance.
INCONSONANT, a. Not agreeing; inconsistent; discordant.
INCONSPICUOUS, a. [in and conspicuous.]
1. Not discernible; not to be perceived by the sight.
2. Not conspicuous.
INCONSTANCY, n. [L. inconstantia. See Constancy.]
1. Mutability or instability of temper or affection; unsteadiness; fickleness.
2. Want of uniformity; dissimilitude.
INCONSTANT, a. [L. inconstans.]
1. Mutable; subject to change of opinion, inclination or purpose; not firm in resolution; unsteady; fickle; used of persons; an inconstant in love or friendship.
2. Mutable; changeable; variable; used of things.