General Conference Bulletin, vol. 1




THE following items from the minutes of late meetings of the General Conference committee will be of general interest:— GCB July 1895, page 532.5



1. That G. H. Baber and D. U. Hale be ordained to the gospel ministry. GCB July 1895, page 532.6



1. That Elder H. F. Graf be granted credentials from the General Conference. GCB July 1895, page 532.7

2. That M. W. Lewis receive ministerial license from the General Conference. GCB July 1895, page 532.8



1. That Elder Grant Adkins be invited to return to the Southern field to labor, at such time as it will be convenient for him to remove his family to that field. GCB July 1895, page 532.9

2. That Elder Isaac Morrison and wife labor in Louisiana. GCB July 1895, page 532.10

3. That Elder G. E. Fifield attend the state camp-meetings in District No. 4, and the Colorado and kansas camp-meetings in District No. 5. GCB July 1895, page 532.11

4. That M. W. Lewis and wife be recommended to labor in District No. 2, under the direction of the District Superintendent. GCB July 1895, page 532.12

5. That Dr. David Paulson attend the Nebraska camp-meeting. GCB July 1895, page 532.13



1. That a Biblical institute be held at Atlanta, Ga., beginning Jan. 3, 1896, to continue six weeks. GCB July 1895, page 533.1

2. That Bible schools be conducted for the accommodation of the workers in Districts Nos. 3 and 4, at Battle Creek, Mich., and College View, Neb., to continue twenty weeks, beginning October 20. As all the instructors have not been secured, the faculty cannot now be announced. GCB July 1895, page 533.2

The terms of admission are about the same as those of last year. Free tuition will be granted to all accredited employees of Conferences, on the recommendation of Conference Committees or General Conference District Superintendents. Others will be required to pay $3.50 per month, as heretofore. GCB July 1895, page 533.3

The course of study will vary but little from that of last year. The general outline will be about as follows:— GCB July 1895, page 533.4

a. The Biblical Course. This will comprise two lines of Bible study; viz., the book and topical. The following books will be studied on the exegetical plan during the three years’ course: The Gospels, Isaiah, 1 and 2 Peter, 1 John, Acts, Romans, 1 and 2 Corinthians, Galatians, and the Psalms. Under the topical study, the Prophecies of Daniel, Revelation, Ezekiel, and Matthew 24 will be considered. Besides these, there will be various topics, such as the Work of the Holy Spirit, Regeneration, Nature of Man, Inspiration, etc. GCB July 1895, page 533.5

b. Language Course. This course will be so arranged as to accommodate both those who have but a limited knowledge of the correct use of English, and those who have acquired the principles, and desire to carry their studies further. GCB July 1895, page 533.6

c. Vocal Music and Voice Culture Course. Under this course instruction will be given in vocal music, to those who are just beginning and to those more advanced. Attention will also be given to the training of the voice in reading and speaking, as well as in singing. GCB July 1895, page 533.7

d. Elective Courses. These courses embrace History, Physical Education, Church Work, Home and Foreign Missionary Work, Sabbath-school Work, and the improvement of the Ministry. GCB July 1895, page 533.8

e. The Calendar. The calendar, which is in preparation, will give a more complete outline of the work that will be carried forward in these schools, than can be given at this time. A copy of this announcement will be sent to any address on application, free of charge. For further information in regard to these schools, and for calendars, address L. T. Nicola, Battle Creek, Mich., or Jos. Sutherland, College View, Neb. GCB July 1895, page 533.9

3. That provision be made in connection with Walla Walla and Healdsburg Colleges the coming winter, for those desiring special instruction in Bible study in District No. 6, it being expected that the superintendent of the district should take special interest in securing at these schools the attendance of those who should receive such instruction. GCB July 1895, page 533.10

4. That the Week of Prayer for 1895 be held December 21-29. GCB July 1895, page 533.11



SINCE the last General Conference the following recommendations have been made by the Foreign Mission Board. With several exceptions, these have either been carried out or are in process of accomplishment; and eventually all changes proposed will be carried into effect:— GCB July 1895, page 533.12

1. That Elder S. J. Hersum and wife, of the Atlantic Conference, go to Newfoundland to take charge of the work. GCB July 1895, page 533.13

2. That there be erected in Guadalajara, Mexico, a building for sanitarium purposes, and that there be established in connection with the same a training school for the education of Spanish workers. GCB July 1895, page 533.14

3. That Dr. J. H. Neall and wife, of the Atlantic Conference, defer their mission to Rio de Janeiro for the present, and connect with the work in Guadalajara, Mexico, until such time as is deemed best for them to proceed to Brazil. GCB July 1895, page 533.15

4. That Prof. E. B. Miller and wife, of South Africa, return to this country to engage in educational work. GCB July 1895, page 533.16

5. That Elder F. I. Richardson, of the Maritime Provinces, join Elder A. J. Haysmer, in work in the island of Jamaica. GCB July 1895, page 533.17

6. That the mission school in Guadalajara, Mexico, be enlarged and a boarding department introduced. GCB July 1895, page 533.18

7. That the following persons be sent to England to engage in the canvassing work: From Michigan, Frank McCormick and Emily Gresswell; from South Dakota, James and Walter Gillis, and Frank McMartin; from Oklahoma, G. E. Gudd; from Quebec, A. M. Taylor; from California, David McClellan. GCB July 1895, page 533.19

8. That J. T. and J. F. Berger, of Washington, go to Brazil to engage in the canvassing work. GCB July 1895, page 533.20

9. That Miss Nellie I. Lay, of Michigan, go to Mexico to take up the work of teaching in connection with the mission at Guadalajara. GCB July 1895, page 533.21

10. That Elder E. H. Gates and wife, of California, H. H. Brand and wife, of Illinois, go to the Hawaiian Islands to open up mission work. GCB July 1895, page 533.22

11. That Elder A. T. Jones visit Europe during the present season to attend the general meetings in District Number Seven. GCB July 1895, page 533.23

12. That Elder Jean Vuilleumier, of the New England Conference, go to Argentine to labor in the French work. GCB July 1895, page 533.24

13. That the Educational Secretary, Prof. W. W. Prescott, visit Australia, South Africa, and Europe, in the order named, laboring in the interests of the general work, and remaining such time in each mission field as may be determined upon in consultation with the local workers. GCB July 1895, page 533.25

14. That Elder E. Hilliard and wife, of Minnesota, go with the “Pitcairn” on its next cruise, to locate in one of the South Pacific islands. GCB July 1895, page 533.26

15. That R. H. Prickett and wife, of California, accompany the “Pitcairn,” to locate in some of the islands as self-supporting missionaries. GCB July 1895, page 533.27

16. That Miss Hattie Andre, of Pitcairn Island, be allowed to return to this country for a rest. GCB July 1895, page 533.28

17. That Dr. A. S. CArmichael, of California, be recommended to accompany the expedition to Zambesia. GCB July 1895, page 533.29

18. That several endowed beds be introduced into the medical mission at Guadalajara, Mexico, providing funds can be raised for that purpose outside of the regular funds of the denomination. GCB July 1895, page 533.30

19. That Mr. and Mrs. George Kerr, of Tennessee, go the West Coast of Africa, as medical missionaries. GCB July 1895, page 533.31

20. That Elder J. D. Rice and wife, of California, accompany the “Pitcairn” on its next voyage, to locate on some of the South Pacific islands. GCB July 1895, page 533.32

21. That the Foreign Mission Board continue to support the work in Queensland, Australia, for the next General Conference term on the same basis as the work has been supported during the last two years. GCB July 1895, page 533.33

22. That the Foreign Mission Board assume charge of the work in Western Australia, as per request of the Australian Conference. GCB July 1895, page 533.34

23. That Elder G. H. Baber and wife, of Illinois, go to Chile to take charge of the work there. GCB July 1895, page 534.1

24. That the Foreign Mission Board express its willingness for Elder O. O. Farnsworth, of England, to return to this country to engage in work in the Atlantic Conference as per request of the officers of that Conference. GCB July 1895, page 534.2

25. That the following Mission Boards be appointed:— GCB July 1895, page 534.3

British. — D. A. Robinson, W. A. Spicer, J. S. Washburn, Isaac Bell, and E. Piednue. GCB July 1895, page 534.4

Central Europe. — H. Revilly, L. R. Conradi, J. Erzenberger, Leon Tieche, and J. Curdy. GCB July 1895, page 534.5

German. — L. R. Conradi, F. W. Spies, Wm. Fleck, and that these three, in counsel with the District Superintendent, choose the other two. GCB July 1895, page 534.6

Russian. — L. R. Conradi, Conrad Laubhan, J. Lobsack, Jacob Klein, and Gerhardt Isaac. GCB July 1895, page 534.7

26. That the Superintendent of the General Conference District be considered as a member ex officio of each of these committees. GCB July 1895, page 534.8

27. That A. J. Rice and wife, of Michigan, connect with the medical mission work in Guadalajara, Mexico. GCB July 1895, page 534.9

28. That A. R. Henry and D. T. Jones act as a committee on the selection of a site for a sanitarium in Mexico. GCB July 1895, page 534.10

29. That Miss May Taylor, of England, accompany Elder D. A. Robinson to India to engage in the Bible work in that field. GCB July 1895, page 534.11

30. That Elder E. Van Deusen and wife, of Michigan, go to the Lesser Antilles to labor. GCB July 1895, page 534.12

31. That the recommendation for W. W. Eastman and family to go to the Gold Coast be rescinded, and that he be requested to make the island of Jamaica, West Indies, his field of labor. GCB July 1895, page 534.13

32. That William Hutchinson and wife, of West Virginia, go to Ireland to labor. GCB July 1895, page 534.14

33. That two missionary nurses and a missionary baker be chosen for the work in Honolulu. GCB July 1895, page 534.15

34. That Elder E. H. Gates, of Honolulu, be empowered to make such translations of our small books and tracts into the hawaiian tongue as he may deem necessary. GCB July 1895, page 534.16

35. That Dr. Perry De Forrest and wife go to Basle, Switzerland, to engage in medical missionary work. GCB July 1895, page 534.17

It will be seen from the above that over forty adult persons have been recommended to other fields since the General Conference. These added to the number sent out at the time of the Conference brings up the total to over one hundred, including missionaries and their families, who have been assigned to the foreign work during the last five months. This truly is most gratifying. The way in which the work is extending should be a source of gratitude and encouragement to every loyal heart. GCB July 1895, page 534.18

Foreign Mission Secretary.