General Conference Bulletin, vol. 1




THE following brief extracts from the minutes of late meetings of the General Conference Association, will be of interest to the readers of the BULLETIN:— GCB July 1895, page 534.19



In consideration of the very meager and uncertain transportation facilities along the coast of the Central American States, it has been decided that a sum, not to exceed $2500, be appropriated for the building and purchasing of a vessel of about thirty tons for the use of the missionaries laboring in the Bay Islands and adjacent fields. GCB July 1895, page 534.20

That such amount be raised by the Sabbath-schools, and that the boat, when completed and launched, shall be afterward manned and kept in repair without expense to the General Conference Association. GCB July 1895, page 534.21



With a view of increasing the circulation of our pioneer missionary paper, the Signs of the Times, the following subscription prices were adopted to go into effect May 1, 1895:— GCB July 1895, page 534.22

In clubs of25copies,60cts.percopyperyear.
 ”   ”    ”50  ”    55 ”  ”   ”   ”  ”  
 ”   ”    ”100  ”    50 ”  ”   ”   ”  ”  
 ”   ”    ”250  ”    45 ”  ”   ”   ”  ”  
 ”   ”    ”500  ”    40 ”  ”   ”   ”  ”  
 ”   ”    ”1000  ”    35 ”  ”   ”   ”  ”  

These clubs to go to one name and address. GCB July 1895, page 534.23

Agents and canvassers giving their time to the work, to be supplied at the rate of 1 cent per copy or 50 cents per volume. GCB July 1895, page 534.24



In view of the steadily increasing patronage and the promising outlook for the Sanitarium at Boulder, Col, and in consideration, further, of the financial encouragement received from the citizens of the place, it has been decided to permanently establish a sanitarium in that city. A very suitable site covering ten acres of land, has been secured for the purpose. GCB July 1895, page 534.25

J. N. NELSON, Sec’y.



THE nineteenth annual meeting of the stockholder of the Pacific Press Publishing Company was held at the office of the Company, corner Twelfth and Castro Sts., Oakland, Cal., Tuesday, May 15, 1894 at 4 o’clock P. M. 3161 shares of the capital stock of the corporation were represented by person and by proxy. This being a majority, the meeting was declared open for business. GCB July 1895, page 534.26

The following committees were appointed: On Nominations, Frank Brown, O. A. Olsen, H. P. Gray; on Resolutions, M. C. Wilcox, M. H. Brown, J. H. Morrison. GCB July 1895, page 534.27

The financial reports of the Main Office, New York Branch, and Kansas City Branch, were then read, of which the following is a summary:— GCB July 1895, page 534.28


No Authorcode

Bills Receivable$ 13,407 12
Accounts Receivable51,490 35
New York Branch, Assets of37,271 63
Kansas City Branch, Assets of16,763 15
Insurance, Unexpired Premiums454 43
Cash on Hand1,390 94
Inventory Value of Property of all kinds305,603 10
Total$426,380 72


Certificates of Stock$ 44,540 00
California Publishing Fund Donations22,170 65
Bills Payable175,225 03
Trust Funds29,070 13
Accounts Payable35,744 06
New York Branch, Liabilities of6,467 29
Kansas City Branch, Liabilities of8,425 27
Provision for Accrued Interest4,726 61
Provision for Doubtful Debts500 00
Surplus March 31, 1893$73,048 97
Gain for the year26,462 71
Surplus March 31, 189499,511 68
Total$ 426,380 72

The Committee on Resolutions presented the following report, which was adopted unanimously:— GCB July 1895, page 534.29

Whereas, The publishing work was organized among us to aid in carrying forward the cause of God; therefore, — GCB July 1895, page 534.30

1. Resolved, That we hereby express our sincere gratitude to God for his blessing and the marked degree of prosperity which has attended the Pacific Press during the past year, especially in view of the widespread business depression which has prevailed. GCB July 1895, page 534.31

Whereas, The Signs of the Times was established as a pioneer paper to carry the gospel message into new fields; therefore, — GCB July 1895, page 534.32

2. Resolved, That we request our people everywhere, and especially our laborers, to assist us in increasing its circulation by raising clubs of the paper for missionary work, and soliciting subscriptions for it. GCB July 1895, page 534.33

Whereas, The Bible Students’ Library contains, in cheap and convenient form, and in uniform style, the greater number of our best and standard tracts on the various phases of present truth; and, — GCB July 1895, page 534.34

Whereas, Special effort is being made and has been made to eliminate all that are not now needed, and to revise with the growth of the message those that are; therefore, — GCB July 1895, page 534.35

3. Resolved, That, while thanking God for the interest which has been taken and the assistance given in this publication by our people everywhere, we again appeal to them to co-operate with us in securing a still greater circulation of this literature. GCB July 1895, page 534.36

4. Resolved, That we approve the action of the Board of Directors in the publication of the Apples of Gold Library, and that we express our gratitude for the hearty reception it has been given by our people. GCB July 1895, page 534.37

Whereas, Evening classes have, with the assistance of the Conference, been conducted during a part of the past year, in connection with the Pacific Press, for the benefit of its employees, and especially the apprentices; therefore, — GCB July 1895, page 534.38

5. Resolved, That we approve the effort put forth by the board, carrying out the instruction of the last annual meeting, and advise the continuation of such classes in connection with the Pacific Bible School if satisfactory arrangements can be made with the California Conference, and if such arrangements are not expedient, that the evening school be continued, if a suitable teacher can be obtained. GCB July 1895, page 534.39

6. Resolved, That it is the opinion of the stockholders of this association that the employees, and especially the apprentices, should avail themselves of this opportunity, in harmony with the wishes and advice of the directors, and we ask of our brethren and sisters throughout this Conference that they heartily co-operate with us, not only in this respect, but in all the relations existing between the Pacific Press and its employees. GCB July 1895, page 534.40

7. Resolved, That, to facilitate business and avoid unnecessary embarrassment, we empower the Board of Directors to appoint, previous to the annual meeting, the committee on Nomination and Resolutions, to act at the meeting, the former of these committees to be appointed from among the stockholders of the association. GCB July 1895, page 534.41

The following-named persons were elected as a Board of Directors for the ensuing year: C. H. Jones, S. C. Stickney, Wm. Saunders, E. A. Chapman, N. C. McClure, J. H. Morrison, W. M. Healey. GCB July 1895, page 534.42

ORGANIZATION OF THE BOARD. — Pres. and Gen’l Manager, C. H. Jones; Vice-Pres. Wm. Saunders; Sec., E. A. Chapman; Treas., S. C. Stickney; Auditor, W. H. B. Miller. GCB July 1895, page 534.43

MANAGER NEW YORK BRANCH. — t. A. Kilgore; Manager Kansas City Branch, S. N. Curtis. GCB July 1895, page 534.44

C. H. JONES, Pres.