General Conference Bulletin, vol. 1




THE last number of this paper was issued immediately after the General Conference. From that time until this has been one of the busiest periods of our General Conference work. While it might be interesting, it will hardly be possible to give all the items of interest that might be recorded. We have seen most wonderful manifestations of the Lord’s opening providences, and have had many evidences of the Spirit of God working upon the hearts of the children of men. GCB July 1895, page 531.1

The reports that are coming to us from all parts of the field, are very cheering and interesting, and give evidence that the Lord is working in a special manner with his servants laboring in all the different countries of the world. Never before did we more sensibly feel the truthfulness of the scripture which says, “Look on the fields; for they are white already to harvest.” The Macedonian calls are more urgent than ever, and come from a greater number of places. GCB July 1895, page 531.2

We are glad to say, that since the close of the General Conference we have sent out from the United States eighty-six laborers to other parts of the world; including the members of the families that have gone with these, the number is one hundred and one. This is far in excess of anything that has been done in any previous entire year, and at the present time quite a large number are under appointment, and in preparation, to answer other urgent calls for help. We greatly rejoice in the fact that the message is going with such wonderful rapidity. Certainly this is evidence that the scripture is fast being fulfilled which says: “And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.” GCB July 1895, page 531.3

While there has been great activity from the missionary standpoint, and the sending forth of laborers, we also see, on the other hand, that the powers of darkness are marshaling for the final conflict. Here in the United States a much larger number of our brethren have been arrested, fined, and placed in jail and in the chain-gang, for Sunday labor than during any previous equal length of time. But this activity on the part of the powers of darkness, instead of proving a hindrance to the work and a discouragement to the believers, has had just the opposite effect. Nothing could take place that could bring this people, their message, and work so prominently before the world as have these recent persecutions. The public press are discussing our principles in a manner and to an extent that never has been known before. Thousands and thousands of people are thus having their attention called to the principles of the third angel’s message in a most wonderful manner. While we are putting forth some effort in this direction, the providence of God has called forth a host of witnesses outside of our own ranks; and it seems evident that even now, as in days of old, God is using men to perform work in connection with his cause, who are not acquainted with him or his special work in the earth. But all these things are of the greatest importance possible, and should impress us with the solemnity of the work and the shortness of time. Under such circumstances, it seems as though we could not help but be stirred to the very depth of our souls, and realize that now is our time to work, for soon the work will be finished. GCB July 1895, page 531.4

Having called attention to this phase of the situation, I will now introduce another, and that is, that in view of this rapid advancement of the work, there is a corresponding demand for means with which to carry it forward. During the past two years, times have been adverse, business has been slack, failures of crops have occurred in many parts of the country, and the result has been a stagnation of business, and suffering to many people. This would naturally have the effect of reducing the funds that would otherwise be contributed tot he Lord’s work to help carry it forward. We learn from different missionary journals that other denominations have, for the reasons above stated, become greatly cramped in their missionary work, and as a result have begun retrenchment. We are very thankful that so far, instead of contracting any part of the work, we have been able to go ahead in confidence, believing that this is God’s work, and that the time has come when the everlasting gospel must go with power, enlightening the earth with its glory. How can we be otherwise than active and earnest, in view of the wonderful developments everywhere to be seen? Could there be any condition of things that could lead us to retrench our work, and lessen our efforts, under such circumstances as these? We could not feel justified in so doing, and we do not believe that there is any among our people who would advise such a course. GCB July 1895, page 531.5

But the question still remains, Whence will come the means to do justice to the work, and carry it forward as God would have it, even at a time when money is scarce and difficult to obtain? In answer to this we can say that our earnest prayer is that God will roll the burden of his work upon his people. the Lord has means enough. He has made men almoners of his goods, and calls upon them to be faithful stewards, and to render to him according as he has given them. A deplorable thing it would be in such a time as this, to misuse our privileges, or to expend money upon ourselves, or for the gratification of selfish interests, that should go to the cause of God. Rather let there be a spirit of self-denial, and let those men and women to whom God has entrusted his means, sense the responsibility of their calling in Christ jesus. It would seem that there never could come a time in which means could do more good, and be a greater help to forward the work of the Lord, than at the present. Those who have contributed to the cause in the past can but rejoice in the knowledge of the fact that they have had the privilege of contributing to the present advancement of the work. Our time to work is becoming exceedingly short, and it seems to us that, as we see the fields so white in their ripeness, and as we see the powers of darkness working so mightily, and the judgments of God being manifested in the world in different ways, we must realize that it is a hazardous thing to postpone to some future time that which we ought to do to-day. GCB July 1895, page 532.1

We do not say here what this one or that one ought to do. We only urge each one to seek God with all his heart, to obtain the Holy Spirit, which will teach him just what to do and how to do it. This is God’s work, and we want him to lead and guide in everything. In our planning, in our studying the field, in our selecting laborers and sending them forth, we are earnestly pleading for the Lord’s guidance; for we do not want any man’s wisdom to direct in these things, but we want God himself to lead and guide and carry forward his own work; for then it will bear the divine credentials, and the triumphs of the work will be certain. GCB July 1895, page 532.2

In considering the present situation, we have no word of discouragement. There will be numerous perplexities; we shall have troubles and difficulties; but the time of triumph is close at hand. Therefore we are of good courage in the Lord, trusting in his name, going forth in his strength, looking to him for wisdom and guidance at every step. GCB July 1895, page 532.3

The present number of the GENERAL CONFERENCE BULLETIN gives a full directory of our workers; and as our readers look over the names, and note the different places where our workers are located, we request that earnest prayers be offered that God’s blessing may rest upon his servants, and that they may speak forth the truth with the demonstration of the Spirit and power of God. O. A. OLSEN. GCB July 1895, page 532.4