General Conference Bulletin, vol. 1




FOR the past eleven years the American Sentinel has been on duty, faithfully warning the people of coming events in this country. Hundreds of individuals have been led to a knowledge of the truth through reading its columns, and many others are now investigating. The spirit of prophecy has informed us very clearly that the American Sentinel has a distinctive field, and that our brethren should give it a full circulation in that field. While the common people will read it with interest and profit, yet it is especially adapted to lawyers, doctors, and leading educational and professional men. GCB October 1, 1896, page 777.10

Elder A. T. Jones, who has been connected with the Sentinel more or less from its beginning, and who has done such faithful work in the lines of religious liberty, is now to be connected with the Sentinel again, to devote much of his time to its editorial management and work; and with all the stirring issues that are now upon us in the country, we may expect to see the Sentinel become, more than ever, a faithful medium in bringing the truth home to the hearts of its readers. Now is the time to work for it. The plans suggested for working for the Signs of the Times, are quite applicable to working for the American Sentinel, and should be followed as fully as possible. GCB October 1, 1896, page 777.11

Orders for the Sentinel, together with any inquiries in regard to canvassing for it, club rates, etc. should be sent to your State tract society, or to the American Sentinel, 39 Bond St., New York, N. Y. GCB October 1, 1896, page 777.12

Sec. International Tract Society.