General Conference Bulletin, vol. 1




Appointed Season of Prayer - O. A. O.751
Duty and Privilege. — J. H. DURLAND. Nov. 26752
Spiritual Dearth and Worldliness a Special Condition of the Last Days. — J. O. CORLISS. Nov. 26754
The Gospel in the Regions Beyond. — F. M. WILCOX. Nov. 27757
What the Present Developments of the Message Indicate. — J. O. CORLISS. Nov. 27760
Our Duty and Responsibility. — MRS. E. G. WHITE. Nov. 28764
A World-Wide Work. — MRS. E. G. WHITE. NOV. 28768
Duty in the Payment of Tithes. — MRS. E. G. WHITE Nov. 28770
The Future of the Work, and our Relations to the Same. — F. M. WILCOX. Nov. 29.772
Every Man to his Work. — O. A. OLSEN. Nov. 29774

SEVERAL thousand extra copies of this issue of the BULLETIN are printed, with the design that the benefits of the readings for the special season of prayer may be felt among all Seventh-day Adventists in this country. Those not receiving the readings, or having the privilege of hearing them read during this season, can be supplied, by request, directly from the publishers, or any of the State tract societies. GCB October 1, 1896, page 778.1