General Conference Bulletin, vol. 1




IN another connection Brother C. H. Jones, manager of the Signs of the Times, makes an appeal in regard to the circulation of that important pioneer paper. By statistics that we have carefully gathered, we find that the Signs of the Times is bringing more people into the truth than any other publication that we are circulating; and in view of this important fact, it is incumbent upon each one to do everything he can to increase the circulation of this paper. There are many ways by which this may be accomplished. In the first place, we would ask, Are you taking a club of the Signs of the Times in your missionary society, and mailing copies to individuals whom you hope to interest in the truth? This is one important thing that every society as well as every isolated Sabbath-keeper should be doing. Again, we would ask, Have you tried to secure subscriptions for the Signs among your friends and neighbors? Furthermore, Have you seriously considered whether God is calling you to go out and devote a part or all of your time to canvassing for this paper? If two individuals in each State would faithfully devote their entire time to canvassing for the Signs, we believe that a circulation of one hundred thousand copies might be secured and maintained. Then, Have you tried the plan of selling the Signs from house to house? In a great many localities this plan has been tried with success. Young people, and children especially, have engaged in this line of work. GCB October 1, 1896, page 777.8

Take this matter to heart, and ask God to give you the wisdom that he has promised in his word; and his wisdom bestowed upon us will enable each one in his sphere and locality to do what the Lord has for him to do in the matter of increasing the circulation of the Signs of the Times. GCB October 1, 1896, page 777.9

Sec. International Tract Society.