General Conference Bulletin, vol. 1




WE wish to appeal to our brethren and sisters in behalf of our pioneer missionary journal, the Signs of the Times. It will be remembered that a little over a year ago the General Conference became financially interested in the publication of the Signs of the Times. With a view to giving this paper a wide circulation, the subscription price was reduced to one dollar a year, and very low club rates were adopted. This was done with the expectation that the circulation would be increased to at least one hundred thousand copies. But we are sorry to say that at no time has the list exceeded twenty-six thousand copies, and it is somewhat less than that at the present time. GCB October 1, 1896, page 777.3

It will also be remembered that at the time these special rates were adopted, it was stated that, unless the subscription list should be increased very materially, these very low rates could not be continued. GCB October 1, 1896, page 777.4

Special efforts have ben made to make the Signs interesting and attractive, and to present the message for this time in the most forcible manner. From the many letters and reports received, we believe that our efforts in this direction have been appreciated. But, better than all this, we have the evidence that many have been brought to accept the truth through the reading of the Signs. We feel confident that we have no other one medium that is accomplishing so much good at the present time in giving the light to the world, as the Signs of the Times. GCB October 1, 1896, page 777.5

During the past year the publishers have lost over four thousand dollars on the Signs, on account of the very low rates adopted one year ago. Now the question arises, What shall be done? Shall the subscription price and club rates be increased, or will our people put forth a more earnest effort to increase the circulation? This question was very carefully considered at the late meeting of the General Conference Association. The brethren seemed to feel that the plan adopted one year ago had not yet been given a fair trial, and that before increasing the rate, a further effort should be made. We have, therefore, decided not to make any change at present in the special rates adopted at the last General Conference. GCB October 1, 1896, page 777.6

We now appeal to our tract societies, our ministers, our canvassers, and our people generally, to make a special effort during the next four months to secure subscribers for the Signs of the Times. Special terms are offered to all those who will give a part or all of their time to this work. Full information may be obtained by addressing the publishers or any of the tract societies. Now is the time to work. The long winter evenings are upon us when the people give more time to reading and study. Let there be a general rally all along the line, and thus place the Signs where it will not be necessary to raise the subscription price. GCB October 1, 1896, page 777.7

Manager Signs of the Times.