General Conference Daily Bulletin, vol. 2


October 25, 1888



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The readers of our last BULLETIN must have been amazed annoyed, and confounded by some of the “printer’s mistakes,” or typographical errors found therein. We will only mention a few of the more important ones. GCDB October 25, 1888, page 18.1

1. In the first column of the first page, eighth line from the bottom, read “as to” instead of “us to.” 2. In second column, first page, second line from the top, read the following instead of the senseless line there found: “for lack of proper encouragement, exhortation, or reproof.” 3. In the sixth line from the top on page 2, first column, read “passed over” for “pressed on.” 4. In the eighth line of the same column read “lost” for “last.” 5. In the thirteenth line of the next paragraph read “A minister never ought to visit a church without counseling with its officers,” and the marks of parenthesis should not be there. 6. In the same column lower down, for “G. B. Sterr” read “G. B. Starr,” and in same paragraph read “legislators” for “legislation.” 7. Lower down in same column read “J. M. Rees,” “C. P. Haskell,” and “Capt. Eldridge.” 8. In the middle of next column, instead of “our instructor’s report” read “The Instructor report.” 9. In last line of first column, page 3, read “Sabbath schools” instead of “Sunday schools.” 10. In the tabulated report of S. S. work on page 4, in column headed “To State Society” the space opposite Switzerland should be left blank and the item 63 33 be carried up one line to Pennsylvania, and so with each item above to California, leaving no blank opposite Colorado. There are other mistakes which we will not notice. This is enough; we want no more. GCDB October 25, 1888, page 18.2

Seventh Day’s Proceedings. GENERAL CONFERENCE. WEDNESDAY, Oct. 24, 1888

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The eighth meeting of the General Conference was called at the usual hour, 10:30 a. m. Prayer by Elder J. E. Swift. Minutes of last meeting read and approved. GCDB October 25, 1888, page 18.3

E. J. Waggoner again spoke upon the resolution regarding prohibition. He said we are Prohibitionists, but not partisan Prohibitionists. GCDB October 25, 1888, page 18.4

The regular business of the Conference was suspended to listen to a letter from Elder G. I. Butler, the President, who declined bearing any more heavy responsibilities the coming year on account of his health. It would be much better for him to rest awhile. He has been president for thirteen years, and regretted leaving the work to which he had consecrated his life, but his health was such that he could not bear responsibilities at present; and he thought it would be better for his future labors to lay aside the burdens for a time. GCDB October 25, 1888, page 18.5

It was moved by R. A. Underwood to amend the motion in regard to the adoption of the resolutions so that each should be voted on separately. Lost. GCDB October 25, 1888, page 18.6

Resolutions 6 and 7 - (Bulletin resolution 5) - on motion by W. C. White, were by vote made the special order of some evening in the future, when Dr. Kellogg would be present. GCDB October 25, 1888, page 18.7

A motion was made by Mr. H. Brown to amend Resolution 4 - (Bulletin resolution 3) - so that it would read: “Resolved, That we heartily endorse the principles of the American Health and Temperance Association in protesting against the manufacture and sale of all spirituous and malt liquors as a beverage, and in discarding,” etc., was lost by a thin vote. GCDB October 25, 1888, page 18.8

The resolutions were then adopted. GCDB October 25, 1888, page 18.9

The committee on resolutions reported further as follows: GCDB October 25, 1888, page 18.10

WHEREAS, We see in the fast increasing strength and influence of the National Reform Party a menace to religious freedom in this country, and also a proof of the correctness of our positions, and GCDB October 25, 1888, page 18.11

WHEREAS, Many are not aware of the results which will follow when this party shall secure its aims; therefore, GCDB October 25, 1888, page 18.12

8. Resolved, That we will awake to the importance of this question, and will put forth greater exertions to scatter the light of Bible truth upon it by circulating the American Sentinel and other literature of a similar nature. GCDB October 25, 1888, page 18.13

9. Further Resolved, That we believe it to be the solemn duty of our ministers and laborers to qualify themselves to present the correct views of the relationship between religion and the state in their labors everywhere. GCDB October 25, 1888, page 18.14

WHEREAS, Many have not the books of reference necessary to obtain full information on the subject of National Reform, and, GCDB October 25, 1888, page 19.1

WHEREAS, We deem the instruction given on this subject by Eld. A. T. Jones very important; therefore, GCDB October 25, 1888, page 19.2

10. Resolved, That we request that the same, or the principal part of it, be furnished in pamphlet form. GCDB October 25, 1888, page 19.3

Moved and seconded that the resolutions be adopted by acting on each one separately. GCDB October 25, 1888, page 19.4

The eighth resolution was passed without discussion. GCDB October 25, 1888, page 19.5

The ninth resolution was discussed by E. J. Waggoner, A. T. Jones, R. A. Underwood, and others, who urged the importance of the resolution. It was unanimously carried. GCDB October 25, 1888, page 19.6

The tenth resolution was discussed by A. T. Jones and others, and carried unanimously. GCDB October 25, 1888, page 19.7

The Committee on Finances presented the following report: GCDB October 25, 1888, page 19.8

Your committee appointed to take into consideration the financial wants of the cause, find that it requires not less than $50,000 a year to carry on the missions already established in different parts of the world. These missions have been established in the providence of God, and must be supported by free-will offerings from our people, and as we are permitted to carry the light of the third angel’s message to the world, and sustain this important work by our means and our prayers, we offer the following suggestions: GCDB October 25, 1888, page 19.9

WHEREAS, The plan adopted for the last two years of having a week of prayer in December, with important instructions to be read each day to our people, has proved a great spiritual blessing to all our churches which have carried out the plans suggested; therefore, we recommend: GCDB October 25, 1888, page 19.10

1. That Dec. 15-22, 1888, be set apart by all our churches as a week of prayer. GCDB October 25, 1888, page 19.11

2. That Sabbath, Dec. 15, be appointed as a day of fasting and prayer for our brethren and sisters in all parts of the world. GCDB October 25, 1888, page 19.12

WHEREAS, We recognize that the harvest is great, and consecrated laborers are few, and the cause is languishing for devoted persons to fill responsible positions in all branches of the work; therefore, we recommend GCDB October 25, 1888, page 19.13

3. That Sabbath, Dec. 22, also be set apart as a day of humiliation, fasting, and prayer, that God may raise up faithful laborers, and sustain those already in the field. GCDB October 25, 1888, page 19.14

4. That appropriate articles or Bible readings be prepared to be read in all our churches, setting forth more definitely the wants of the foreign missions, and the dangers and duties of the present time. GCDB October 25, 1888, page 19.15

5. That a council of church, Sabbath-school, and T. and M. officers be held on Sabbath, Dec. 8, to prayerfully consider this matter, and lay definite plans to successfully carry out the same. GCDB October 25, 1888, page 19.16

6. That a committee be appointed to make out a program of Christmas exercises to be sent to all our churches. GCDB October 25, 1888, page 19.17

7. That on Monday evening, Dec. 24, or on Christmas Day our people everywhere assemble in their respective places of worship prepared to manifest their love for God and interest in his work by making liberal donations to foreign missions. GCDB October 25, 1888, page 19.18

WHEREAS, From all parts of the world calls for work and laborers multiply, and missions in operation are suffering at present from lack of means and help; therefore, we recommend, GCDB October 25, 1888, page 19.19

9. That we herewith anew call the attention of our people everywhere to the provision made in the Word of God in 1 Corinthians 16:2; also to the resolution passed at our last General Conference, and most heartily recommend its execution. GCDB October 25, 1888, page 19.20

10. We further recommend that the Executive Committee of the International S. S. Association be requested to furnish a series of S. S. Lessons, to continue one quarter, or more, bearing upon the principles of love and sacrifice as exemplified by the life of Christ, and those whom God has made prominent in past ages in the work of saving men; also a series setting forth the Bible plan of supporting the ministry. And we further urge that these lessons appear as soon as consistent with arrangements already made. GCDB October 25, 1888, page 19.21

10. That we urge upon all our ministers and conference laborers the importance of becoming familiar with the work being carried on in the foreign fields, in order to be able to set the matter before our people in the proper light. GCDB October 25, 1888, page 19.22

11. That they take a special interest in the Sabbath school, and tract and missionary work, becoming familiar with all the details so as to give practical instruction on these important matters. GCDB October 25, 1888, page 19.23

For Committee.

E. J. Waggoner moved the adoption of the report by acting on each item separately. After remarks by R. A. Underwood, the first recommendation was unanimously adopted. On the second recommendation it was queried by D. T. Jones and others if it would not be better to bring the fast on some other day. R. M. Kilgore thought that Isaiah 58:5, meant more than a mere day’s fasting; it meant humiliation of heart more than a day. W. C. White said that the seventh verse ought to be brought in with the fifth, till the fast should become a time of joy and praise. On motion of G. G. Rupert the recommendation was referred back to the committee. GCDB October 25, 1888, page 19.24

The third recommendation was also referred back to the committee. GCDB October 25, 1888, page 19.25

The fourth recommendation was carried without discussion, as were also the fifth and sixth. GCDB October 25, 1888, page 19.26

The seventh resolution called out discussion as to whether Christmas was the better day. While the question was pending the meeting adjourned to the call of the chair. GCDB October 25, 1888, page 19.27


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The second meeting of the society was called at 4 p. m. Oct. 22. GCDB October 25, 1888, page 19.28

Minutes of previous meeting read and approved. GCDB October 25, 1888, page 19.29

Arkansas and Australia had organized local or state societies and presented themselves for admission through their representatives. On motion they were admitted. GCDB October 25, 1888, page 19.30

Many interesting incidents were given by laborers from different parts of the great field, showing how precious souls were gathered by the distribution of our literature and missionary work. GCDB October 25, 1888, page 20.1

Adjourned to call of chair. GCDB October 25, 1888, page 20.2


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The third meeting of the society was held at 2:30 p. m. Opened by singing “Watch and Pray,” and prayer by Victor Thompson, of Indiana. Some unfinished business of last year followed the reading and approval of the meeting. GCDB October 25, 1888, page 20.3

Bro. Eldridge reported the difficulties that the committee had labored under to secure a satisfactory Book-keeping Manual, and gave a thorough explanation of the sample book presented. GCDB October 25, 1888, page 20.4

About the city mission books he had not so much to say, as that part of the work largely devolved upon others. On motion the report of the committee on the Bookkeeping Manual was accepted. GCDB October 25, 1888, page 20.5

Bro. Reese reported an organized state society in North Carolina, and on motion it was received into the General Association. Bro. Reese said that there were three local societies with 35 or 40 members. They have some books on hand, and he thought they were about out of debt. GCDB October 25, 1888, page 20.6

Bro. Lane spoke of the good missionary spirit manifested by the members of this society in North Carolina. GCDB October 25, 1888, page 20.7

Bro. Rupert said that 3 years ago a society was organized in Florida with a capital of about $500. GCDB October 25, 1888, page 20.8

Bro. Lane reported that the Florida Society had united with Georgia. GCDB October 25, 1888, page 20.9

Bro. White remarked that by the year book the Florida Society was already recognized as a member of the General Association. GCDB October 25, 1888, page 20.10

On motion the case of the Florida Society was referred to the Executive Committee. GCDB October 25, 1888, page 20.11

Moved that a committee of three be appointed by the chair to examine the blanks in the members pass-books, the Librarians, District, and State Secretarie’s reports, and suggest such changes as will make all such blanks correspond. GCDB October 25, 1888, page 20.12

The Committee on Resolutions made a partial report, as follows: GCDB October 25, 1888, page 20.13


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As we consider the wide range of usefulness, and the many lines of missionary effort provided for in the constitution of the International Tract Society, we are led to inquire, to what extent the operations of the society may be made to correspond with the provisions of the constitution. GCDB October 25, 1888, page 20.14

As it is not, and cannot be, the foreign missionary society of the denomination, and is not doing the work generally expected of a missionary society, namely, the employment and maintenance of missionaries in foreign lands, in this paper for the sake of brevity, and to avoid the confounding of its work with that of the foreign missionary work, the denomination, we shall always speak of it as the International Tract Society, and we recommend this title for general use, because it exactly represents the scope and objects of the society, and because it would be a pleasant substitute for the unsightly and sometimes unmeaning abbreviation, “T. and M. Society.” GCDB October 25, 1888, page 20.15

Art. 2, Sec. 3, gives as one of the objects of the society “To secure an extensive and systematic distribution of our publications in foreign countries, and in those portions of our own land not included in state organizations.” GCDB October 25, 1888, page 20.16

Art. 4, Says: It is the duty of the executive board to carry out the decisions of the society; to furnish publications and employ agents as they may see fit; to audit all accounts; and to fill any vacancies that may occur in their number by death, resignation, or otherwise. GCDB October 25, 1888, page 20.17

By a careful examination of the resolutions and decisions made by the society at its last meeting we see that eighteen of them related to the work of the state societies, and three wholly or in part, to the great field outside of these organizations. Whatever has been done by the society in the execution of these suggestions, is due to the faithfulness of the secretary, for the executive board were so scattered, that during the year it has been impossible for more than three of its members to assemble for consultation, and therefore it has not really performed the duties of an executive board. GCDB October 25, 1888, page 20.18

We would respectfully suggest that while the society should have secretaries and business agents in every land, we believe that its executive board should be composed of members, a majority of whom can assemble as often as once in three months for executive council. GCDB October 25, 1888, page 20.19

When we consider the immensity of the foreign mission field, and are reminded over and over again that there are scores of countries in which we are not at present prepared to locate missionaries, and when we consider the fact often demonstrated by experience that the most successful and inexpensive way to introduce the gospel into these lands, is by means of publications, we must conclude that the International Tract Society could do a most glorious work, and be a most important auxiliary in the foreign missionary operations of our people by the early publication and wide circulation, by correspondents and through agents, of religious tracts and pamphlets in those languages, and among those people, not provided for as yet by any of the publishing houses of the denomination. We might depend upon the missions in whose territory the work was done to bear one-half of the expense of the distribution. And in those fields where we have no missions the International Society could bear the entire expense. GCDB October 25, 1888, page 20.20

There are at present urgent calls for publications, in Russian, Spanish, Portuguese, Armenian, Greek, Chinese, Indian, Polish, Bohemian, Finnish, Hawaiian, and in the native tongues of the Pacific Islanders. In most of the above, there are persons coming to the light, who feel a deep interest for their countrymen, and are anxious to enlarge as soon as possible in the work of circulating the publications among them. In several cases their anxiety is so great that they have begun, upon their own responsibility, the translation of some of our smaller books into their native languages. There is already quite a stir among some of our people because we are so slow in the matter of printing in these tongues. GCDB October 25, 1888, page 20.21

Why should not the International Tract Society enter upon this important work immediately? It ought not to interfere with the work of any of our publishing houses, nor should it assume burdens that they are willing to carry. But there is a great and important work outside and beyond the range of their operations, which no one seems to be planning for, and which is very important, and urgent. And who would be expected to feel the burden of this work, if not the officers of the International Tract Society? GCDB October 25, 1888, page 20.22

There is another branch of international work which promises a rich harvest, the placing of our publications within the reach of the tens of thousands of summer tourists from every nation, tongue, and people who visit Switzerland, Southern Germany, and parts of France during the summer season. It is by far the surest and quickest way to get the truth before these people. The tourists are usually from the most influential classes of the nations that they represent. They are the most inquiring, intelligent and wealthy, and they are just the ones to carry the Third Angel’s Message to the ends of the earth. GCDB October 25, 1888, page 20.23

This field is a wide one, and it is ripe for the harvest. The efforts of Eld. Wm. Ings have demonstrated the fact that the best hotels entertaining tourists, will gratefully accept files of our religious journals, in the English, German, French, Dutch, Swedish, and Danish languages. Why should not the International Tract Society take hold of this great work? GCDB October 25, 1888, page 21.1

Another line of work which is of the greatest importance might be set in operation on a much broader scale than at present, by the holding of a three months school, or institute, for the training of foreign missionary correspondents, and secretaries for the foreign branches of the International Tract Society. Perhaps two or three such institutes might be held during the coming year under the leadership of the secretary of the society. While the class is in progress, as well as afterward, its members should labor by correspondence to secure the introduction of religious reading matter into all the colonies, and to all the nations, where as yet we have no living missionaries. GCDB October 25, 1888, page 21.2

Each of these lines of work will require for its successful accomplishment the careful planning, and active co-operation of a wise and energetic committee. GCDB October 25, 1888, page 21.3

Should there not be at this meeting a definite apportionment of the surplus funds of the society to these most important enterprises, and the appointment of a committee to take charge of each appropriation, for example, ought we not to appropriate $1,000, in cash to meet the expense of the distribution of such reading matter as shall be donated to the society by the printing houses of the denomination. GCDB October 25, 1888, page 21.4

Also $500, or $1,000, to furnish publications, stationary, and postage, for the use of the secretary, and her classes of missionary correspondents. GCDB October 25, 1888, page 21.5

Also $2,000, to begin the work of translation and publication of tracts into those languages whose people have not as yet heard the third Angel’s message. GCDB October 25, 1888, page 21.6

We believe that a liberal fund might be raised for this latter work. Some of our brethren would give freely to it. GCDB October 25, 1888, page 21.7

If it is thought that a three month’s course at the proposed institutes for the instruction of international correspondents and secretaries is sufficient, it would appear that there ought to be three such institutes held the coming year; one in Battle Creek, one in Chicago, and one in the Eastern States. GCDB October 25, 1888, page 21.8


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Your committee respectfully submit the following resolutions: GCDB October 25, 1888, page 21.9

1. Resolved, that $2,000 of the surplus fund of the International Tract Society be appropriated to the translation and publication of such tracts in foreign languages as our publishing houses have not, and are not prepared to publish. GCDB October 25, 1888, page 21.10

2. Resolved, that $1,000 of the same fund be appropriated to meet the expenses of distributing in foreign lands such reading matter as may be donated by our publishing houses. GCDB October 25, 1888, page 21.11

3. Resolved, that we invite liberal contributions to the International Tract Society, to increase its funds, that the objects for which it was designed may be advanced. GCDB October 25, 1888, page 21.12

4. Resolved, that schools be established for the training of young people of different nationalities to act as secretaries and correspondents with their respective people. GCDB October 25, 1888, page 21.13

5. Resolved, that a committee of seven be appointed to examine the new works issued during the year by our several publishing houses, and present a brief review of the same with suggestions as to the field of usefulness of each. And we suggest that L. C. Chadwick, E. E. Miles, F. E. Belden, A. T. Jones, C. A. Hall, L. R. Conradi, and J. F. Hanson, constitute said committee. GCDB October 25, 1888, page 21.14

6. WHEREAS, the Pacific Press has just issued a valuable work entitled “Prophetic Lights” intended as a companion volume to the “Signs of the Times,” therefore, GCDB October 25, 1888, page 21.15

Resolved, that we recommend to our workers throughout the country an active canvass to increase the circulation of the Signs by securing subscribers for it accompanied by Prophetic Lights. W. C. WHITE, For Committee on Resolutions. GCDB October 25, 1888, page 21.16

Moved, that the report be adopted by acting on each resolution separately. GCDB October 25, 1888, page 21.17

Pending this motion the meeting adjourned, at the close of which the chair appointed the following committee on blanks: L. C. Chadwick, E. W. Farnsworth, R. M. Kilgore. GCDB October 25, 1888, page 21.18

Adjourned to the call of the chair. GCDB October 25, 1888, page 21.19