General Conference Daily Bulletin, vol. 2


October 26, 1888


Eighth Day’s Proceedings. GENERAL CONFERENCE. THURSDAY, Oct. 25, 1888

No Authorcode

The eighth meeting of the General Conference was called at the usual hour, 10:30 a. m. GCDB October 26, 1888, page 22.1

Prayer by Eld. A. T. Robinson. GCDB October 26, 1888, page 22.2

The following additional delegates took their seats in the conference: W. H. Hall and Prof. W. W. Prescott, from Michigan; C. H. Parsons, from Kansas; F. H. Westphal, from Wisconsin, and J. E. Graham, from North Pacific Conference. GCDB October 26, 1888, page 22.3

Minutes of last meeting read and approved. GCDB October 26, 1888, page 22.4

The second and third recommendations of last meeting, which were referred back to the committee, were reported as follows and adopted: GCDB October 26, 1888, page 22.5

WHEREAS, We recognize that the harvest is great and consecrated laborers are few, and the cause is languishing for lack of devoted persons to fill responsible positions in all branches of the work; therefore, we recommend, GCDB October 26, 1888, page 22.6

2. That Wednesday and Thursday, Dec. 19 and 20, be set apart as days of humiliation, fasting and prayer, that God may raise up faithful laborers, and sustain those already in the field. GCDB October 26, 1888, page 22.7

3. That Sabbath, Dec. 22, be observed as a day of thanksgiving and praise to God for blessings and mercies received during the past year, and that praise services be held in all our churches. GCDB October 26, 1888, page 22.8

The seventh recommendation was adopted without discussion. GCDB October 26, 1888, page 22.9

To the eighth recommendation W. C. White spoke and suggested that a sermon be given on the subject instead of discussing it this morning. Carried. GCDB October 26, 1888, page 22.10

R. A. Underwood said upon the ninth recommendation that it was very important that our people study these things, and there was no more important means for this than the Sabbath school. God would give us more laborers when we are prepared to sustain them. M. B. Miller thought that the lessons ought to commence at the beginning of the year. C. H. Jones said that they would prepare a series for the latter part of the year if they could. The recommendation was carried. GCDB October 26, 1888, page 22.11

The tenth recommendation being read, E. W. Farnsworth said that nothing aroused so great an interest as the relation of facts concerning our foreign missions. And our ministers from greater to least ought to take upon themselves the burden of the foreign work. L. R. Conradi, of Germany, said that he hoped that our people would have more interest in it. People would give themselves to the work in this country and the old world as never before, if they would become acquainted with the work. GCDB October 26, 1888, page 22.12

C. H. Jones spoke to the eleventh recommendation and referred to the great need of our brethren becoming familiar with our Sabbath-school work so as to help our schools in their visits to our churches, which often were not visited for months. S. H. Lane spoke for the missionary work. There was needed a revival of the old-fashioned missionary spirit among our people. In fact, our ministers should be thoroughly posted in all things necessary to the upbuilding of the church. C. H. Jones said that the recommendation was designed to cover the whole field. Carried. GCDB October 26, 1888, page 22.13

Moved by W. C. White that M. C. Wilcox have charge of the editing of the BULLETIN. Carried. GCDB October 26, 1888, page 22.14

Prof. W. W. Prescott, of Battle Creek College, the Educational Secretary, reported that he supposed that the design of the Conference last year in electing a secretary was for the purpose of unifying the educational work in our denomination. An institute, the first of its kind among our people, was held in Battle Creek. The principal topics there discussed were those which were peculiar to us, the object of our schools, and the religious influences and instruction connected with them. He had visited several Conferences, and had endeavored to assist in the educational work. The Minnesota Conference School had been established, he had furnished the teachers as Educational Secretary, and Prof. C. C. Lewis, an experienced teacher of Battle Creek College, was made principal of the school. This is the first Conference School established this side of the Rocky Mountains. In a visit at South Lancaster, since the new management in the academy there, he was very much pleased with the school, the spirit manifested, and the work being done. If such a training could be carried on so that our young people could be advanced spiritually as well as mentally, when they arrived at a proper age, their training and experience would fit them to fill important positions. He believed that true education was a development of true manhood and womanhood, of the head, the hand, the heart. He was grateful that this had been manifested in many of those under training at Battle Creek College. GCDB October 26, 1888, page 22.15

W. C. White moved that the report be accepted, and said that this work of the secretary in unifying and harmonizing the system had been a help in giving our people confidence. A general plan was one in which our people could unite. Carried. GCDB October 26, 1888, page 23.1

Adjourned to call of chair. GCDB October 26, 1888, page 23.2


No Authorcode

The first meeting of the Seventh Day Adventist Educational Association was called to order with Uriah Smith in the chair. After prayer by Eld. Starr, of Michigan, the chairman remarked that as we could not do a legal business here he would simply call on all who held stock, to take part in the meeting without reporting the number of shares held by each. The secretary then read the minutes of the last annual session, held at Oakland, California, which were approved. GCDB October 26, 1888, page 23.3

The chairman then called for the treasurer’s report. A. R. Henry, the treasurer reported as follows: GCDB October 26, 1888, page 23.4

Real estate$ 93,975 47
Carpenter department567 97
Book stand1,088 43
Philosophical apparatus1,002 10
Library1,440 21
Museum505 95
Personal property692 00
Bills receivable786 74
Ice40 00
Provisions106 90
Furnishings6,075 61
Laundry50 70
West College Hall fuel122 50
Dress-making department43 90
Printing department3,301 77
Tent department1,629 78
Personal accounts668 50
Cash on hand43 37
Total$112,231 90
Bills payable$ 19,118 03
S. D. A. Publishing Association24,583 83
Personal accounts255 61
Net worth68,274 43
Total$112,231 90

During the last year the Association has received its proportion of the $100,000 fund. GCDB October 26, 1888, page 23.5

On motion the chair appointed the following committees: GCDB October 26, 1888, page 23.6

On nominations - H. W. Miller, A. J. Breed, R. A. Underwood. GCDB October 26, 1888, page 23.7

On resolutions - A. T. Robinson, W. W. Prescott, T. H. Starbuck. GCDB October 26, 1888, page 23.8

On motion the Association adjourned to the call of the chair. GCDB October 26, 1888, page 23.9


The first meeting of the Publishing Association of the Seventh Day Adventists was called at 4 p. m. by the secretary, in the absence of the President, Eld. Geo. L. Butler. GCDB October 26, 1888, page 23.10

Uriah Smith was chosen temporary chairman. GCDB October 26, 1888, page 23.11

The secretary’s report for the last year was read and approved. GCDB October 26, 1888, page 23.12

The treasurer’s report was then called for, read and approved as follows: GCDB October 26, 1888, page 23.13

Real estate$ 54,200 00
Accounts received103,050 64
Notes received12,377 19
Due from banks11,666 72
Cash on hand2,701 94
Office donations1,632 22
Material31,506 04
Unfinished work16,747 49
Books on hand64,619 12
Type8,360 37
Cuts and engravings7,381 00
Machinery, etc.45,296 68
Plates and moulds9,379 92
Fuel1,000 00
Net loss for year ending Oct. 1, 18881,325 16
Total$371,244 49
Notes payable$101,152 30
Demand notes25,752 32
Capital stock43,790 00
Accounts payable69,615 79
Donations and Legacies14,532 33
Surplus116,401 75
Total$371,244 49

Captain Eldridge made a report concerning the sale of books, and said that the outlook was never brighter than now. He also gave very satisfactory reasons why the book sales were not as large the last year - amounting to $70,000. On motion the report was accepted. GCDB October 26, 1888, page 24.1

On motion the following committees were appointed by the chair: GCDB October 26, 1888, page 24.2

On Nominations - T. D. Van Horn, H. Nicola, D. E. Lindsey GCDB October 26, 1888, page 24.3

On Resolutions - C. Eldridge, E. W. Farnsworth, C. H. Jones. GCDB October 26, 1888, page 24.4

On motion the Association adjourned to the call of the chair. GCDB October 26, 1888, page 24.5

A series of instructive lectures has been given on “Justification by faith” by Eld. E. J. Waggoner. The closing one was given this morning. With the foundation principles all are agreed, but there are some differences in regard to the interpretation of several passages. The lectures have tended to a more thorough investigation of the truth, and it is hoped that the unity of the faith will be reached on this important question. GCDB October 26, 1888, page 24.6

Eld. A. T. Jones has given his closing lecture on church and state, the principles which underlie such union, and their development in the Roman Empire, resulting in the setting up of the Papacy. He showed that the pagan idea of religion and state was that the state was supreme, guiding and controlling religion or the church to its own end. The Papal idea was that the church is supreme, guiding and controlling the state to its own end. The true principle is that enunciated by Christ, “Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and unto God the things that are God’s,” a principle found in our own Declaration of Independence. These lectures will probably be published. GCDB October 26, 1888, page 24.7

Among the most interesting and important meetings, are the early morning devotional meetings. The exhortations of Sr. White have been most cheering, as she has presented the love of Christ and his willingness to help. That he is waiting to pour out of his spirit upon his people in abundant measure. One important thing in the cause of Christ is to be connected with Christ. GCDB October 26, 1888, page 24.8


Captain Eldridge gave Wednesday evening a talk on the above work. Among other things, he said, “When the work began three years ago it had but few friends, but now it has a host of them; yet we do not half appreciate this branch of the Lord’s work. We are not selling books simply for the money but we are saving many souls. Our field is the world. Soon after our beginning all seemed discouraging, but the reason was, that we had no system. But about two years ago we saw the necessity for organization. Some were afraid to try it, but the first state that tried it found it a success. A state agent is necessary. Every state with an agent has succeeded. The states that have no agents are now calling for state agents. This work must continue until it reaches all the world. Our consecration demands that we continually do all we can to improve. Unless we do this we are not doing as we covenanted to do. We should never feel satisfied, we can each do something in this work. Do not judge men by their talk but by their work. Once while on the sea, I brought a missionary and wife from Africa. They asked the privilege of praying in the cabin. It was granted. Gradually an interest was awakened. The gulf between the officers and seamen was soon bridged, and the Lord blessed the efforts of these servants of his, and when they left the vessel the sailors wept like children. Where are those among us who are willing to endure for Christ? Other incidents of interest were presented, showing how the missionary spirit had led many noble souls to sacrifice their lives for Christ, and for souls in all parts of the world where shall we draw the line? Shall we draw the line at the black, the red, or the yellow race? No! in every man I find my brother. All men must be reached. How can we reach the people? We cannot send ministers, but we can send books and periodicals. Trained canvassers can be sent. The true canvasser is hopeful and happy. The trouble with many is that they are inactive, they need work. To be hopeful we must be active. In one state the canvassers visited 60,000 families. Twenty conferences could do just as well. A book has been left in every seventh houses and hundreds of orders were taken for periodicals. Thousands of workers can support themselves, and this too will solve some of the financial problems of our publishing houses. Kansas is ahead in the canvassing work. GCDB October 26, 1888, page 24.9

I have no fears as to the success of the canvassing work. GCDB October 26, 1888, page 24.10

When you go home encourage all you can to enter the canvassing field. The work has just begun. There are now about 500 canvassers in the United States, and about 100 in the rest of the world. $250,000 worth of books have been sold during the last year. A half car-load of books have been shipped in a day. I expect to soon see the time when the sun will not set upon our canvassers. GCDB October 26, 1888, page 24.11

I look forward to the earth made new and anticipate that the canvasser will have as bright a crown as any who may be there. GCDB October 26, 1888, page 24.12