General Conference Daily Bulletin, vol. 2


October 24, 1888


Sixth Day’s Proceedings. GENERAL CONFERENCE. TUESDAY, Oct. 23, 1888

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The conference continued according to adjourned time at 9:30 a. m. Prayer by Eld. J. B. Goodrich. Minutes of last meeting read and approved. GCDB October 24, 1888, page 15.1

The chairman stated that the conference was open for advance business. The committee on resolutions presented a partial report through its secretary, E. J. Waggoner, as follows: GCDB October 24, 1888, page 15.2

1. WHEREAS, The Lord in his mercy has gone before us during the past year, directing and aiding in the establishment of new missions in distant parts of the world, and also blessing and advancing the work in those already established; therefore, GCDB October 24, 1888, page 15.3

Resolved, That we herewith express anew our gratitude for God’s goodness, and our confidence and faith in the Third Angel’s Message, and that we pledge ourselves to support and further its dissemination in whatever way the Lord directs, whether it be in the starting of new missions, or the advancing of the work in these missions already established. GCDB October 24, 1888, page 15.4

2. WHEREAS, There has been a lack of instruction to church officers and a consequent failure in our churches on the point of proper discipline, and a lowering of the standard of membership; therefore, GCDB October 24, 1888, page 15.5

Resolved, That we urge the officers of the various State Conferences to provide at camp meetings and all general meetings, instruction on what the Bible teaches us to church discipline, and on the duties of church officers and members; that all young ministers be fully instructed on these subjects before being sent out to teach; and that it be considered the duty of ministers to give to companies about to be organized, thorough instruction on the duties which, according to the Scriptures, the members owe to one another. GCDB October 24, 1888, page 15.6

3. WHEREAS, Many souls are lost to the cause of God for lack of proper encouragement exhortation on report from those whose duty it is to look after the flock, therefore, GCDB October 24, 1888, page 15.7

Resolved, That we strenuously urge the officers of every church, and of the Sabbath School and the missionary society connected therewith, to meet together for prayer and council as often as once a month, and that proper steps be taken by the officers to ascertain the standing both spiritual and temporal of every member, so that assistance may be rendered when necessary. GCDB October 24, 1888, page 15.8

WHEREAS, We recognize temperance as one of the Christian graces; therefore, GCDB October 24, 1888, page 15.9

Resolved, That we heartily endorse the principles of the American Health and Temperance Association, in protesting against the manufacture and sale of all spiritous and malt liquors, and in discarding the use of tea, coffee, opium, and tobacco, and that we urge upon all people the importance of these principles. GCDB October 24, 1888, page 15.10

Resolved, That while we pledge ourselves to labor earnestly and zealously for the prohibition of the liquor traffic, we hereby utter an earnest protest against connecting with the temperance movement any legislation which discriminates in favor of any religious class or institution, or which tends to the infringement of anybody’s religious liberty, and that we cannot sustain or encourage any temperance party or any other organization which endorses or favors such legislation. GCDB October 24, 1888, page 15.11

5. WHEREAS, Kind nursing, and the alleviation of pain by the wise use of simple remedies, is one of the surest ways of reaching the hearts of people; therefore, GCDB October 24, 1888, page 15.12

Resolved, That we recognize the fact that a wide and promising missionary field is open before trained nurses who have a knowledge of Bible truth, together with tact and consecration; and further, GCDB October 24, 1888, page 15.13

Resolved, That recognizing the good work which the Medical and Surgical Sanitarium is doing in its training school for nurses, we recommend that the officers of the various conferences seek out suitable young persons, and encourage them to attend the Sanitarium Training School in order to fit themselves for this branch of missionary work. GCDB October 24, 1888, page 15.14

A motion by C. H. Jones to adopt by considering each resolution separately, was seconded, and the resolutions opened to discussion. GCDB October 24, 1888, page 16.1

The first was pressed on without discussion. A motion by G. B. Starr to refer the second back to the committee was last. The resolution was spoken to by R. M. Kilgore. E. J. Waggoner, and G. G. Rupert, as to the necessity of instruction in this line. GCDB October 24, 1888, page 16.2

The third resolution drew out considerable discussion. I. D. Van Horn thought that it would be a great help to our churches. E. J. Waggoner said that the weak and faltering could be restored. W. C. White said that no more important move could be made to help our churches than this resolution implies if carried out. It was not counsel alone which would do this. Counsel is good but seeking God is more. Where it had been carried out, when councils had been held, it had been attended with the blessing of God. Again it would be better if practicable to have more than one elder in a church. We read in the New Testament of elders of the church, but not elder. (A minister now ought to visit a church without counseling with its officers.) J. F. Hanson corroborated the remarks of W. C. White. In San Francisco where this plan had been adopted it had resulted in bringing up the spirituality of the church. He suggested drawing up articles of faith, and asked if it would be proper to have in anything of this kind. GCDB October 24, 1888, page 16.3

E. W. Farnsworth said that this matter often came up in our camp meetings this summer. Some thought as did Bro. Hanson, but he thought that if our brethren would carry out Matthew 18 it would be about all that was needed. He endorsed the remarks of W. C. White who said that here was a wide field in instructing our church officers. GCDB October 24, 1888, page 16.4

D. T. Bourdeau thought that there must be more faithful work in church discipline. GCDB October 24, 1888, page 16.5

On the fourth resolution A. T. Robinson asked whether it is proper to support the temperance party where exemption is made in our favor? Should we in states where nothing is said on the Sunday question? GCDB October 24, 1888, page 16.6

G. B. Starr said we ought not to favor any religious institution even though exemptions are made, and cited Illinois legislation in its favor. GCDB October 24, 1888, page 16.7

A. T. Jones said that prohibition straight we could support, but the “third party” is not prohibition, it is national reform. GCDB October 24, 1888, page 16.8

R. A. Underwood, E. J. Waggoner, D. E. Lindsey, S. H. Lane, W. N. Hyatt, M. C. Wilcox, Wm. Covert, E. W. Farnsworth, J. M. Rees, C. P. Rees, G. G. Rupert, and Capt. Eldridges spoke to the question. All were agreed that religious legislation should be opposed wherein and wherever we found it. GCDB October 24, 1888, page 16.9

The resolution was again read, and a motion to adjourn was carried while the report was pending. GCDB October 24, 1888, page 16.10


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The second meeting of the International Association was called by the president at 2:30. Prayer by Elder R. M. Kilgore. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. The secretary presented the following financial report: GCDB October 24, 1888, page 16.11



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Balance on hand Oct. 31, 1887, on Int.S.S.Assoc.Funds$ 429 29
African Mission Fund536 96
Received on tithes, donations, and sales634 89
Received for African Mission4,131 65
Credited account African Mission by overcharge on map27 21
Received on London Mission3,934 28
Credited on S. S. Lessons135 00
Credited by overcharge on supplies2 25
Total$9,931 03
Paid for lessons, camp-meeting supplies, etc.$ 447 19
Paid for map of Africa out of Mission fund237 05
Paid for postage and stationery23 67
Paid to lesson writers156 00
Paid to African Mission4,453 77
Paid to London Mission3,934 23
Total$9,256 96
Balance on hand Oct. 16, 1888674 07

The president stated that both the London and South African missions were mentioned as the latter part of last year belonged to the former mission. This report was for the year closing Oct. 16. He stated that the report did not include all that was given for the London mission. Our instructor’s report did not present a complete report for the schools were tardy in reporting, and the report many times closed before the reports from the states were received. GCDB October 24, 1888, page 16.13

The committee on nominations presented the following report: GCDB October 24, 1888, page 16.14

For president, C. H. Jones; vice president, W. C. White; secretary, Mrs. C. H. Jones; corresponding secretary, Mrs. Jessie F. Waggoner. GCDB October 24, 1888, page 16.15

Executive committee: C. H. Jones, W. C. White, E. J. Waggoner, Mrs. C. H. Jones, F. E. Belden, E. W. Farnsworth, R. S. Owen. GCDB October 24, 1888, page 16.16

The president stated that he feared the nominating committee did not take into consideration all the difficulties. He spoke of his position as regards the worker, and wished for the good of the S. S. work that they would leave his name off. He thought the executive committee was too much one sided. A. T. Robinson and S. H. Lane have spoken in defense of the report. M. B. Miller was in favor of postponing the election of officers until plans were formed. R. M. Kilgore thought for that very reason the officers ought to be elected. W. C. White said that the officers affected the shaping of the business, and the business had to do in the choice of officers. It cut both ways. He was in favor of the election of the nominee for president. He advocated the election of a treasurer. He moved an amendment to the report, that the names of W. C. White and E. W. Farnsworth change places, making E. W. Farnsworth vice president; seconded by D. P. Curtis. E. W. Farnsworth spoke against the motion. Motion to amend was lost. C. H. Jones moved to amend the report by transferring the names of himself and W. C. White, making W. B. White president; seconded by A. T. Jones. The motion was lost as was also one to lay the report on the table; made and seconded by S. H. Lane and E. J. Waggoner. The report was then adopted. W. C. White then presented the following amendment to the constitution and moved its adoption: GCDB October 24, 1888, page 16.17

That article III, section 1, (See year book of 1888, p. 98) be amended by substituting “a” in place of “who shall act as,” on the second line; inserting “and” after president in the fourth line, and striking out the word “secretary” on the same line. This provides an independent treasurer and another member of the executive committee. The motion was carried. Moved that A. T. Robinson be elected a member of the executive board. Carried. GCDB October 24, 1888, page 17.1

A motion to reconsider the action taken on the report of the nominating committee was carried in order to elect under the amended constitution. GCDB October 24, 1888, page 17.2

Voted to amend the report by substituting the name of A. T. Robinson as a member of the executive committee in place of Mrs. C. H. Jones. Carried. GCDB October 24, 1888, page 17.3

A motion by W. C. White to amend the report by naming the Pacific Press as treasurer, was also carried. GCDB October 24, 1888, page 17.4

The reconsidered report of the nominating committee was then unanimously adopted; the officers for the ensuing year standing thus: GCDB October 24, 1888, page 17.5

For president, C. H. Jones; vice president, W. C. White; secretary, Mrs. C. H. Jones; corresponding secretary, Mrs. E. J. Waggoner; treasurer, Pacific Press; executive committee, C. H. Jones, W. C. White, E. J. Waggoner, E. W. Farnsworth, F. E. Belden, A. T. Robinson and Roderick S. Owen. GCDB October 24, 1888, page 17.6

The president called for reports from the different states showing their condition and prospects. GCDB October 24, 1888, page 17.7

California reported a good increase in all branches of the work, there was an increase of 131 members and 23 schools during the year. The California schools pledged $2,500 to London mission. The camp meeting donation was $512.80 for S. S. purposes. Instruction was given at five camp-meetings. GCDB October 24, 1888, page 17.8

Indiana gave a cheering report showing an increase of schools and membership. GCDB October 24, 1888, page 17.9

Illinois was represented as having generally a good interest, and a profitable correspondence has been held with the different schools in the state. In Chicago there are seven Sunday schools, five English and two Scandinavian. The work through the state has been quite thorough. The lesson papers have been kept out of the hands of the classes, and as a result the schools have attained a high state of excellence. GCDB October 24, 1888, page 17.10

Iowa did not report. GCDB October 24, 1888, page 17.11

Kansas reported that the most of the work had been in the sectional camp meetings. In some respects the schools are improving. Have not had the help that we have needed heretofore, but we are now prepared for more successful work. In the remote part of the state the form is about all they have and they need help. GCDB October 24, 1888, page 17.12

Kentucky reported but little from her schools. GCDB October 24, 1888, page 17.13

Michigan reports that with little effort the membership can be made 5,000. All the schools reported the first quarter but seven. In 1887 we held a number of S. S. normals that were very profitable. We have been fortunate in securing help at these normals. This year the most of the instruction has been given at our camp meetings. A vast amount of good has been accomplished by correspondence with the different schools. Improvement has taken place in the study of the lesson and the good results can readily be seen. We want something to help us in our kindergarten work. GCDB October 24, 1888, page 17.14

There is much work to be done in Michigan. A great interest was manifested at our camp meeting in the S. School work. The conference was asked and granted a man to devote his entire time to the S. S. work. Improved S. S. lessons are called for. Nothing discouraging was reported from this state. GCDB October 24, 1888, page 17.15

Missouri - No report. GCDB October 24, 1888, page 17.16

Maine. No report. GCDB October 24, 1888, page 17.17

Minnesota. Our schools are generally prosperous, and quite prompt in reporting, but many schools are isolated. A German school began in obscurity and grew to a large school in a short time, and resulted in the conversion of many of its members. Our schools generally are prosperous. GCDB October 24, 1888, page 17.18

New York - An increase of membership and donations was reported. GCDB October 24, 1888, page 17.19

At the last camp meeting it was decided to put forth greater effort and hold conventions in the interest of the S. S. work. The lessons of the past year have well received. GCDB October 24, 1888, page 17.20

N. Pacific - No report. GCDB October 24, 1888, page 17.21

New England - No report. GCDB October 24, 1888, page 17.22

Nebraska - There has been some increase of membership, and a few schools have been added. Our S. S. work has been neglected somewhat the past year, but we have felt the necessity of more energetic efforts. We anticipate an advance the coming year. GCDB October 24, 1888, page 17.23