Brown-Driver-Briggs Hebrew Lexicon


אָרָה — אשׁל


† I. [אָרָה] vb. pluck, gather (Ethiopic አረየ )
Qal Pf. 1 s. אָרִיתִי Ct 5:1; 3 pl. sf. וְאָרוּהָ ψ 80:13 pluck (grapes from) vine ψ 80:13, myrrh Ct 5:1.


אֲרוֹד son of Gad Nu 26:17 = אֲרוֹדִי Gn 46:16.


אַרְוָד city of Phenicia (Assyrian Aruada, etc. v. COT Gn 10:18 DlPa 281; 𝔊 Ἀραδιοι; mod. Ruâd) on an island near main land, northward from Tripolis, mentioned with Sidon Ez 27:8, cf. 11.


אֲרוֹדִי c. art. as, מִשְׁפ׳ הָא׳ Nu 26:17; without art. as = אֲרוֹד Gn 46:16.


אַרְוָדִי c. art. as n.coll. (Assyrian Arudai, etc. COTGloss) mentioned among Canaanites, הָאַרְוָדִי Gn 10:18 = 1 Ch 1:16.


[אָרוּז] adj. firm, strong (cf. Arabic أَرَزَ supr.) אֲרֻזִים Ez 27:24.


אֲרוּכָה n.f. healing of a wound, restoration (properly the new flesh that grows at the wounded spot, Arabic أَرِيكَةٌ; Fi JPh. xiii. 114—6, so Fl De on Is 58:8; v. also Di)א׳ 2 Ch 24:13; Ne 4:1; אֲרֻכָה Je 30:17; 33:6; cstr. אֲרֻכַת Je 8:22; אֲרֻכָֽתְךָ Is 58:8;—always fig.
a. healing, restoration of Israel Is 58:8, here c. vb. צָמַח, elsewhere c. עָלָה; Je 8:22 (‖ רָפָא), c. עָלָה Hiph., subj. י׳, 30:17; 33:6 (‖ id.)
b. restoration of walls of temple 2 Ch 24:13, of walls of Jerusalem (cf. Fi supr.) Ne 4:1 (both c. עלה).


[אֲרוּמָה] home of Abimelek (Thes Add sub ארם) Ju 9:41 בָּארוּמָה, prob. = רוּמָה 2 K 23:36, cf. Jer LagOnomast. 146, 2nd ed. 178. It must have lain near Shechem; identified by MV al. with El ʿOrmah, 2 hours SE. from Shechem (van de VeldeReisen ii. 268), but this place not otherwise known; cf. Surveyii. 387.


אֲרוֹן c. art. הָאָרוֹן, הָאָרֹן203 n.m. Ex 35, 12 (f. 1 S 4, 17; 2 Ch 8, 11) chest, ark (Ph. ארן, sarcophagus, Assyrian êrênu (& êrû) chest ZimBP 6, 22, Arabic إِرَانٌ chest, so Aramaic ܐܰܪܘܽܢܳܐ also Nab. ארנא, Vog p. 102, Ph. Mish. also pl. ארונות)—only sg.; abs. †אֲרוֹן 2 K 12:10 = 2 Ch 24:8; c. art. הָאָרוֹן Dt 10:2 + always except Ex Lv Nu where הָאָרֹן (Ex 25:14(×2) + 13 times Ex, Lv 16:2 Nu 3:31; 10:35); cstr. אֲרוֹן Ex 25:10 +, †אֲרֹן Ex 30:6 Nu 4:5; 7:89;—
1. chest, for money-offerings 2 K 12:10, 11 2 Ch 24:8, 10, 11(×2).
2. sarcophagus, mummy-case, of Joseph Gn 50:26 (E).
3. chest, ark in tabernacle & temple, containing tables of law, with cherubim above, the especially seat of י׳ among his people, only Hex (71 times) S (61 times) K (12 times) & Ch (48 times) + Ju 20:27 Je 3:16 ψ 132:8; used alone & in various combinations (cf. SeyringZAW 1891, 114 f.). a. indef. אֲרוֹן עֲצֵי שִׁטִּים an ark of shittim-wood Ex 25:10; Dt 10:3 cf. v 1. b. def. הָא׳ Ex 25:14 + 54 times (Hex P, except Jos JE; S K Ch). c. א׳ יהוה Jos 4:11 + 32 times Jos (JED) S K Ch. d. א׳ אֱלֹהִים1 S 3:3; 4:11; א׳ הָאֱלֹהִים 1 S 4:13 + 32 times S Ch (but 1 S 14:18(×2) read הָאֵפוֹד 𝔊 We Dr), cf. א׳ אֱלֹהֵינוּ1 Ch 13:3. e. א׳ אלהי יִשְׂרָאֵל 1 S 5:7 + 6 times S, term used only by Philistines; א׳ יהוה אלהי יִשְׂרָאֵל1 Ch 15:12, 14; א׳ יהוה אֱלֹהֵיכֶםJos 4:5 (JE); א׳ אֲדֹנָי יהוה1 K 2:26; א׳ יהוה אֲדוֹן כָּל־הָאָרֶץJos 3:13 (JED) cf. אדון כל־הארץ [הברית] א׳ v 11, where הברית (c. art. is prob. interpol., v. Di, only once & late the long phrase א׳ האלהים יהוה יוֹשֵׁב הַכְּרוּבִים אֲשֶׁר נִקְרָא־שֵׁם 1 Ch 13:6. f. in combination with בְּרִית, largely D & under D’s influence; ארון הַבְּרִית ark of the covenantJos 3:6(×2), 8; 4:9; 6:6 (all JED); א׳ בְּרִית יהוה Nu 10:33; 14:44 (both J) Dt 10:8; 31:9, 25; Jos 4:7, 18; 6:8; 8:33 Je 3:16 + 17 times S K Ch; once longer א׳ בְּרִית י׳ צְבָאוֹת ישֵׁב הַכְּרֻבִים1 S 4:4; also א׳ בְּרִית הָאֱלֹהִיםJu 20:27; 1 S 4:4; 2 S 15:24; 1 Ch 16:6; & א׳ בְּרִית י׳ אלהיכם Dt 31:26 Jos 3:3. g. אֲרוֹן הָעֵדוּת ark of the testimony, only in P, corresponding to א׳ בְּרִית (cf. Di on Ex 25:16), Ex 25:22 + 8 times Ex, †Nu 4:5; 7:89 Jos 4:16. h.א׳ הַקֹּדֶשׁ 2 Ch 35:3. i. א׳ עֻזֶּךָ֑ the ark of thy strength 2 Ch 6:41 ψ 132:8.—(Cf. also tables given by Seyringl.c. & his theory as to earliest designation of ark.)


אֲרַוְנָה Araunah, a Jebusite—א׳ 2 S 24:20(×2), 21, 22, 23(×2) (but read עֶבֶד אֲדֹוֹנִי cf. We Dr) v 23, 24; Kt גֹּרֶן האורנה v 16 (Qr הָאֲרַוְנָה) but cf. Dr; Kt ג׳ ארניה v 18 (Qr אֲרַוְנָה); = אָרְנָן (q.v.) 1 Ch 21:15 f; 𝔊 in S & Ch Ὀρνα.


ארז (cf. Arabic أَرَزَ be firm, also withdraw, retreat).


אֶ֫רֶז n.m. Ez 17:23 cedar;—f. Ez 17:22 א׳ הָרָמָה, but del. הרמה 𝔊 Co;—(Arabic أَرْزٌ pine-tree, etc.; Ethiopic አርዝ Syriac ܐܰܪܙܳܐ )א׳ abs. Lv 14:4 + 19 times, אָ֑רֶז Jb 40:17 + 6 times; pl. אֲרָזִים Is 9:9 + 35 times; cstr. אַרְזֵי Is 2:13 + 5 times; sf. אֲרָזֶיךָ Je 22:7; Zc 11:1; אֲרָזָיו Is 37:24 = 2 K 19:23;—
1. cedar-tree, (a) as growing Nu 24:6 ψ 148:9; Is 41:19; 44:14 cf. Ez 31:8; especially as growing on Lebanon 1 K 5:13; 2 K 14:9 = 2 Ch 25:18 (both in fable of Jehoash); often אַרְזֵי (הַ)לְּבָנוֹן Ju 9:15 Is 2:13; 14:8 ψ 29:5(×2) (fig.) 104:16, cf. 1 K 5:20 2 K 19:23 = Is 37:24; ψ 92:13; Ct 5:15; Ez 27:5 (sg. coll.) Zc 11:1, 2 (fig.); Ct 1:17; Ezr 3:7; Je 22:23 (fig.) Ez 17:3 (fig.); (b) especially in sim., of outward power, stateliness & majesty ψ 80:11 (א׳ אֵל) cf. Ez 31:3 (personif., but v. Co on text), Am 2:9; of individuals Je 22:7; ψ 92:13; Ez 17:22, 23; cf. other exx. of fig. use, supr.; sim. of straightness & strength Jb 40:17 (tail of hippopotamus).
2. cedar-timber, cedar-wood for building, עֲצֵי אֲרָזִים 2 S 5:11; 1 K 5:22, 24; 6:10; 9:11; 1 Ch 14:1; 22:4(×2) 2 Ch 2:7; Ezr 3:7; without עֵץ 2 S 7:2, 7; 1 K 6:9, 15, 16, 18(×2), 20, 36; 7:2(×2), 3, 7, 11, 12; 10:27; 1 Ch 17:1, 6; 2 Ch 1:15; 2:2; 9:27 & Ct 8:9; Is 9:9; Je 22:14, 15 (cf. also Is 44:14; 1 K 5:20; Ez 27:5 supr.)
3. cedar-wood used in purifications, c. עֵץ Lv 14:4, 6, 49, 51, 52 Nu 19:6 (all P).


אַרְזָה n.f.coll. cedar-panels, cedar-work Zp 2:14.


אָרַח vb. wander, journey, go (Ph. ארח in מארח, prob. = מְאָרֵחַ cf. Ethiopic መርሐ lead, conduct, v. NöZMG 1888, 472; epithet of god Eshmun, Sab. ארחֿ DHMEpigr. Denkm. p. 70, Aramaic אוֹרֵחַ, ܐܳܪܚܳܐ traveller)
Qal Pf. וְאָרַח consec. Jb 34:8; Pt. אֹרֵחַ Ju 19:17 +; pl. אֹרְחִים Je 9:1;— 1. journey, go, c. עִם fig. of association, companionship Jb 34:8 וְא׳ לְחֶבְרָה עִם־פֹּעֲלֵי אָ֑וֶן וְלָלֶכֶת עִם־אַנְשֵׁי־רֶֽשַׁע׃ (cf. also הלך ψ 1:1). 2. Pt. wandering, wayfaring, journeying, הָאִישׁ הָאֹרֵחַ Ju 19:17; as subst. wanderer, wayfarer, traveller אֹרֵחַ 2 S 12:4 (‖ הֵלֶךְ), Je 14:8 (‖ גֵּר, in sim. of י׳); מְלוֹן אֹרְחִים wayfarers’ lodging-place Je 9:1.


אֹ֫רַח n.m. Jb 6:18 (f. Pr 15:19) way, path (Assyrian urḫu COTGloss, Aramaic אֹרַח, ܐܘܽܪܚܳܐ )א׳ abs. ψ 19:6 +; cstr. Pr 4:18 +; sf. אָרְחִי Jb 19:8 ψ 139:3 < Inf. cstr.; pl. abs. אֳרָחוֹת Ju 5:6(×2); cstr. אָרְחוֹת Jb 8:13 +; sf. אָרְחֹתָ֑י Jb 13:27; 33:11; אָרְחוֹתָם Jo 2:7 אֹ׳ Pr 9:15; אָרְחֹתֵיהֶם Pr 2:15; also אֹרְחֹתָיו Is 2:3 +; אֹרְחֹתֶיךָ ψ 119:15 + etc.;—way, path (in Heb. mostly poet.)
1. lit. Ju 5:6(×2) song of Deb. (alone = highways, opp. א׳ עֲקַלְקַלּוֹת crooked (by-) paths; cf. also הֹלְכֵי נְתִיבוֹת ib.); Is 33:8 עֹבֵר א׳ = wayfarer (‖ מְסִלּוֹת), v. also Gn 49:17 (blessing of Jacob) (‖ דֶּרֶךְ) & הַמְיַשְּׁרִים אֹרְחוֹתָם those who make straight their ways (‖ עֹבְרֵי דָ֑רֶךְ) Pr 9:15, בּוֹא א׳ go (tread) a path Is 41:3; of course of locusts Jo 2:7 לֹא יְעַבְּטוּן א׳ they confuse not their paths (‖ דְּרָכָיו); א׳ יַמִּים paths of the seas ψ 8:9; רוּץ אֹרַח run along a path, fig. of sun ψ 19:6.
2. fig. path, way, of course & fortunes of life Jb 8:13; 13:27 = 33:11; 19:8 (‖ נְתִיבוֹת) ψ 139:3 (‖ רבע), 142:4 (‖ נְתִיבָה) Pr 3:6 (‖ דֶּרֶךְ) 4:18; 15:19 (both ‖ id.) Is 26:7 (‖ מַעְגָּל) so דֶּרֶךְ אֹרְחֹתֶיךָ Is 3:12; plain or even path א׳ מִישׁוֹר ψ 27:11; in two cases with a special ref. (1) אֹרַח כַּנָּשִׁים Gn 18:11 (J) of menstruation; (2) אֹרַח לֹא אָשׁוּב אֶהֱלֹךְ a path (which) I shall not return, I am going Jb 16:22 i.e. to Sheʾôl, cf. Assyrian name of lower world irṣit lâ târat, land without return, v. Jr 10, 65.
3. fig. way, of mode of living, or of character Jb 34:11 (‖ פֹּעַל) ψ 119:9. Specif.: a. ways of י׳, his mode of action ψ 25:10; b. of man’s righteousness, called ways of י׳ ψ 25:4 (‖ דְּרָכִים) 44:19; 119:15 (‖ פִּקּוּדִים) Is 2:3 = Mi 4:2 (‖ דְּרָכִים) cf. א׳ מִשְׁפָּטֶיךָ Is 26:8; also way of justice, uprightness, etc. א׳ מִשְׁפָּט Pr 2:8 (‖ דֶּרֶךְ) 17:23 Is 40:14 (‖ דֶּרֶךְ), א׳ ישֶׁר Pr 2:13 (‖ id.), א׳ צְדָקָה 8:20 (‖ נְתִיבוֹת), 12:28 (‖ דֶּרֶךְ נְתִיבָה); so אֹרַח alone Is 30:11 (‖ דֶּרֶךְ) Pr 15:10; note especially אֹרַח חַיִּים, path of life, in righteousness & enjoyment of God ψ 16:11; Pr 2:19; 5:6; 15:24 (opp. שְׁאוֹל), also א׳ לְחַיִּים 10:17 (on these cf. Str Pr 14:32); c. of wickedness, א׳ פָּרִיץ way, path of the violent ψ 17:4, cf. also Pr 22:25; א׳ רְשָׁעִים Pr 4:14 (‖ דֶּרֶךְ), א׳ בֹּצֵעַ 1:19; sq. abstr. א׳ שָׁ֑קֶר ψ 119:104, so v 128 (‖ פִּקּוּדִים), also c. adj. א׳ רָע ψ 119:101 cf. Pr 2:15 (עִקְּשִׁים crooked) called הָא׳ עוֹלָם Jb 22:15; note also א׳ אֵידָם their destructive ways, i.e. ways that cause destruction Jb 30:12 (cf. 19:12).
4. by meton. traveller, wayfarer Jb 31:32 (cf. הֵלֶךְ 2 S 12:4) & in pl. caravans 6:18, 19; but read perhaps לָאֹרֵחַ 31:32, אֹרְחוֹת 6:18 (v. לָפַת), 19.


אָרַח (traveller?)
1. a man of Asher 1 Ch 7:39.
2. head of a family of returning exiles Ezr 2:5 = Ne 7:10; perhaps = אָרַ֑ח Ne 6:18.


אֲרֻחָה n.f. meal, allowance (of food) abs. Je 40:5; cstr. אֲרֻחַת יָרָק Pr 15:17 a portion of herbs, i.e. a slender meal; elsewhere of allowance given to captive king Jehoiachin, א׳ תָּמִיד a continual allowance 2 K 25:30 = Je 52:34; אֲרֻחָתוֹ ib. = id.


[אֹרְחָה] n.f. travelling company, caravan (strictly Pt. of אָרַח), cstr. אֹרְחַת Gn 37:25; pl. cstr. אֹרְחוֹת Is 21:13; cf. also sub אֹרַח, 4.


אֲרִי n.m. Pr 28:15 lion (Assyrian aria, Ethiopic አርዌ wild beast, cf. also אַרְיֵה infr.)אֲרִי Am 3:12 + 13 times + 2 S 23:20 Qr (Kt אריה), La 3:10 (id.) + ψ 22:17 (כָּֽאֲרִי for wh. read כארו = כָּרוּ cf. De Pe Che crit. note); pl. אֲרָיִים 1 K 10:20; אֲרָיוֹת (also m.) Zp 3:3 + 16 times (f. Je 51:38? but cf. Ju 14:5);—lion, lit. in narrative Ju 14:5; 1 S 17:34, 36, 37; 2 S 23:20 = 1 Ch 11:22; 2 K 17:25, 26; Pr 22:13; 26:13 Ct 4:8 cf. Am 3:12; 5:19; lion-images 1 K 7:29(×2), 36; 10:19, 20 = 2 Ch 9:18, 19; in comparison Nu 23:24; 24:9 Ju 14:18; Is 38:13; Je 51:38; 2 S 1:33; Ez 22:25; La 3:10; metaph. Na 2:12; Zp 3:3; Je 50:17; Ez 19:2, 6 Pr 28:15. For כארי ψ 22:17 read כארו, cf. above. Cf. also אַרְיֵה.


† I. אֲרִיאֵל 1. (Ew; v. p. 1120) Ariel (lioness of Ēl) name applied to Jerusalem Is 29:1(×2), 2(×2), 7 (so Ges Ew Che Di al.; 𝔗 De Brd Or al. say hearth of Ēl, cf. אֲרִאֵיל). Du Is 29:1 (q.v.) makes 1 = אֲרִיאֵיל, from אָרָה + ל afform., hearth (not + אֵל hearth of †El).
2. a chief man among returning exiles Ezr 8:16.
3. אֲרִאֵל מוֹאָב 2 S 23:20 = אֲרִיאֵל מ׳ 1 Ch 11:22 taken by 𝔊 RV DrSm al. as, read two sons of Ariel of Moab; RSSem i. 469 comp. אראל MI 12, altar-hearth (so Sm & So, and DrSm xci, v. sub אֲרִיאֵיל) and transl. א׳ מוֹאָב altar-hearths of Moab.
4. Ez 43:15 & Qr v 15, 16 vid. sub אֲרִאֵיל.


אֲרִיאֵל, אֲרִיאֵיל etc., v. I. & II. ארה.


אֲרִידַי a son of Haman Est 9:9 (Pers., perhaps = haridayas, delight of Hari, v. Add Thes72; but text very uncertain; cf. diff. tradition as to the names in 𝔊).


אֲרִידָ֑תָא a son of Haman Est 9:8 (Pers., perhaps = Hari-dâta, given by Hari, v. ib., but 𝔊 Φαραδαθα).


אַרְיֵה n.m. Am 3:8 lion (𝔗 id. Syriac ܐܰܪܝܳܐ, cf. also אֲרִי supr.)—only sg. as above Am 3:4 + 44 times + 2 S 23:20 Kt (Qr אֲרִי) La 3:10 (id.);—lion, lit. in narrative Ju 14:8(×2), 9; 2 S 23:20; 1 K 13:24(×2), 25, 26, 28 (c. עמדים text error according to Klo) 28; 20:36(×2) cf. Is 11:7; 35:9; 65:25; in simile Gn 49:9; 2 S 17:10; ψ 7:3; 10:9; 17:12; 22:14; Is 21:8; 31:4 Je 2:30; 12:8; 49:19; 50:44; La 3:10; (Kt) Ez 1:10; 10:14; 1 Ch 12:8; Ho 11:10; Jo 1:6; Mi 5:7, cf. Am 3:4, 8 Ec 9:4; metaph. Gn 49:9; Dt 33:22; Jb 4:10; ψ 22:22 Is 15:9; Je 4:7; 5:6; Na 2:12(×2), 13.


[אֻרְיָה] n.f. manger, crib (Aramaic אוּרְיָא, ܐܘܽܪܝܳܐ, Arabic آرِىٌّ stall, etc., Assyrian urû Dl BAS i. 211)—Pl. אֻרָוֹת 2 Ch 32:28 (Aramaic form for אֳרָוֹת; cf. LagBN 172); cstr. אֻרְוֹת 1 K 5:6, אֻֽרְיוֹת 2 Ch 9:25;—crib of horses 1 K 5:6 (app. in enumeration of horses themselves, Eng. head, or span, cf. also 2 Ch 9:25 with 1 K 10:26; so Th MV, but text here dub. cf. Klo), hence 2 Ch 9:25; of any animals (כל־בהמה) 2 Ch 32:28 (on לַאֲ׳ v. Add.). Vulg.Ar. آرِيٌّ = manger Moḥiṭ19, 15 (GFM, privately), cf. Lane51 c.. Also pl. אֲוֵרוֹת 2 Ch 32:28 b (read prob. וְאֻרָות לָעֲדָרִים 𝔊 𝔙 Kit Benz al.).


אַרְיֵה so appar. 2 K 15:25 an officer of Pekahiah, but c. art. הָאַרְיֵה, & on text with possible corruption & dittography v. Klo.


אַרְיוֹךְ king of Ellasar Gn 14:1, 9, ally of Chedorlaomer in his western foray (prob. = Rim-Aku, Elamite king of Larsa = Ellasar; cf. COT ii. 297 f.). On Rim-Aku (= Eri-Aku?), v. now also DrComm. Gn. 156 ff.; ZimKAT3 367 thinks identification very dubious.


אֻרִים n.[m.]pl. region of light, East Is 24:15 (so Ges MV Ew De Di RV; Lo Hi Kn Che read איים = coasts, so Cdd. 𝔊;—𝔊 mostly om. 𝔙 in doctrina, thinking of Urim, vid. BrMP 297).


אֲרִיסַי son of Haman Est 9:9; Αρσαιος.


אֶ֫רֶךְ city in Babylonia (Bab. Uruk), mod. Warka on left bank of Euphrates, c. 40 miles NW. from Ur (אוּר) towards Babylon; cf. LoftusCS 162 f. DlPa 221 f. Gn 10:10 (v. Ezr 4:9).


[אָרֵךְ] adj. long—only cstr. אֶ֫רֶךְ Ex 34:6 + 14 times—א׳ הָאֵבֶר long of pinion Ez 17:3 (‖ גְּדוֹל הַכְּנָפַיִם) of eagle, in metaph.; elsewhere always of feelings, as subst. Ec 7:8 א׳ רוּחַ the patient of spirit (opp. גְּבַהּ ר׳); א׳ אַפַּיִם one slow to anger Pr 14:29 (opp. קְצַר־רוּחַ), so 15:18 (opp. אִישׁ חֵמָה), 16:32 (‖ מֹשֵׁל בְּרוּחוֹ); more often of י׳, א׳ אַפַּיִם, Ex 34:6 רַחוּם וְחַנּוּן א׳ אַפַּיִם וְרַב־חֶסֶד וֶאֱמֶת cf. Nu 14:18 Ne 9:17 ψ 86:15; 103:8; 145:8; so + וְנִחָם עַל־הָרָעָה Jo 2:13 cf. Jon 4:2 (where אֵל), א׳ אַפַּיִם וּגְדוֹל כֹּחַ Na 1:3; לְאֶרֶךְ אַפְּךָ only Je 15:15, א׳ appar. noun; read אֹרֶךְ? cf. Pr 25:15.


[אָרַךְ, אָרֵךְ] vb. be long, almost always of time (Assyrian arâku COTGloss, Aramaic אֲרַךְ, ܐܶܪܰܟ )
Qal Pf. אָֽרְכוּ Gn 26:8; Impf. יַאַרְכוּ Ez 12:22; 3 fpl. וַתֶּאֱרַכְנָה Ez 31:5 (del. B Co)—be long, subj. הַיָּמִים (i.e. a long time passed Gn 26:8 (J); cf. Assyrian urriku ûmî, days grew long, Creation Tableta v. COT Gn 1:1); of delayed fulfilment of prophecy Ez 12:22; subj. פֹּארֹת Ez 31:5 (but cf. supr.)
Hiph. Pf. הֶאֱרִיךְ Pr 19:11; וְהַאֲרַכְתָּ֫ Dt 22:7, etc.; Impf. יַאֲרִיךְ Dt 17:20 +; יַאֲרִיכוּ Dt 25:15; יַאֲרִכוּן Ex 20:12 cf. Dt 5:16; 6:2; תַּאֲרִיכֻן Dt 4:26; 30:18, etc.; Imv. fs. הַאֲרִיכִי Is 54:2: Inf. cstr. הַאֲרִיךְ Nu 9:19, 22; Pt. מַאֲרִיךְ Ec 7:15; 8:12;— 1. trans. prolong, (a) obj. יָמִים (i.e. live long) Dt 4:26, 40; 5:30; 11:9; 17:20; 22:7; 30:18; 32:47 Jos 24:31 = Ju 2:7 (c. אַחֲרֵי = survive), Pr 28:16; Is 53:10; Ec 8:13; also (late) without ימים Ec 7:15; 8:12; (b) id. 1 K 3:14 י׳ subj. וְהַאֲרַכְתִּי אֶת־יָמֶיךָ I will prolong thy days; (c) postpone anger Is 48:9 cf. Pr 19:11 (i.e. shew oneself slow to anger); v. also Jb 6:11 אַאֲרִיךְ נַפְשִׁי i.e. be patient; (d) lit. (but in fig.) make long furrows (c. ל) ψ 129:3; tentcords Is 54:2; tongue 57:4 (stretch out in mockery). 2. intrans. grow long, continue long (i.e. display length or continuance), subj. יָמִים Ex 20:12 = Dt 5:16; 6:2; 25:15; tarry long Nu 9:19, 22 (subj. הֶעָנָן), last (continue) long, subj. כֵּן Pr 28:2; be long (lit.) of staves of ark 1 K 8:8; 2 Ch 5:9.


[אָרֹךְ] adj. long—only fs. abs. אֲרֻכָּה;—
a. of time, הַמִּלְחָמָה א׳ long war 2 S 3:1; of the exile Je 29:28;
b. fig. of God’s wisdom א׳ מֵאֶרֶץ מִדָּהּ Jb 11:9 (‖ רְחָבָה מִנִּי־יָם).


אֹ֫רֶךְ94 n.[m.] length—only sg., א׳ abs. Ex 27:1 +; cstr. Gn 6:15; אָרְכּוֹ Ex 25:10 +; אָרְכָּם 2 Ch 3:11; אָרְכָּן Ez 42:11, etc.—
a. length of ark Gn 6:15 (P), of land of Canaan 13:17 (J); most often of ark & other measurements in tabernacle & temple Ex 25:10, 17; 26:2, 8; 27:1, 9 + (22 times Ex, P), 1 K 6:2, 3, 20 + (13 times K & Ch), Ez 40:7, 11, 18 + (41 times Ez), etc.
b. of time א׳ יָמִים Dt 30:20; Jb 12:12; ψ 21:5; 23:6; 91:16; 93:5 Pr 3:2, 16; La 5:20.
c. א׳ אַפַּיִם forbearance, self-restraint, Pr 25:15.—(Ez 31:7 𝔊 𝔖 Co read רֹב for אֹרֶךְ, cf. v 5 where Co del. vb. ארך; 41:22 read prob. אדנו 𝔊 Sm, or אדניו Co = base.)


אַרְכִּי (deriv. unknown) applied to חוּשַׁי 2 S 15:32; 16:16; 17:5, 14; 1 Ch 27:33; with art. = n. coll. גְּבוּל הָא׳ Jos 16:2 (not far from Bethel).


ארם (√ of following; cf. רום?).


אֲרָם149 Aram (Assyrian Aramu, etc., v. DlPa 257; Thes al. proposes √ארם = רום but cf. Nö as below)
1. 5th son of Shem Gn 10:22, 23; 1 Ch 1:17.
2. grandson of Nahor Gn 22:21.
3. 1 Ch 2:23.
4. a descendant of Asher 1 Ch 7:34.—Elsewhere only of Aramæan people & land (= 1 supr.), f. 2 S 8:5 m. 2 S 10:14. a. people, sg. coll. = the Aramæans, a leading branch of the Shemitic stock inhabiting Mesopotamia & northern Syria, in many tribes & settlements; 2 S 8:5(×2), 6 + 1 K 20:20, 21 + 1 Ch 19:10, 12 + (64 times S K Ch) Am 9:7 Is 7:2, 4, 5, 8; 9:11; 17:3 Je 35:11; so Ez 16:57; 27:16, but Co in both אדום; עַם אֲרָם Am 1:5; of particular divisions of Aramaic, א׳ בית רְחוֹב 2 S 10:6, א׳ צוֹבָא 2 S 10:6, 8 ψ 60:2 (title), א׳ דַּמֶּשֶׂק 2 S 8:5 cf. 1 Ch 18:5, even א׳ נַהֲרַיִם ψ 60:2 (title); (note that Assyrian never gives name Aramu to people W. of Euphrates, but Chatti instead, with other particular names, COT Gn 10:22, also Dl l.c.); on 2 S 8:12, 13 1 Ch 18:11 v. אֱדוֹם. b. less often clearly of land, Aramaic Nu 23:7 2 S 15:8 + 2 Ch 20:2 (read however here אדום Thes Add al.), שְׂדֵה א׳ Ho 12:13; also of particular divisions of the territory א׳ נַהֲרַיִםMesopotamia,’ i.e. prob. land between Euphrates & Chaboras, so Di after Kiep, Gn 24:10; Dt 23:5; Ju 3:8 (cf. ψ 60:2 supr.); cf. פַּדַּן א׳ Paddan-Aram Gn 25:20; 31:18; 33:18; 35:9, 26; 46:15, פַּדֶּ֫נָה א׳ 28:2, 5, 6, 7 v. פדן; א׳ דַּמֶּשֶׂק 2 S 8:6 cf. 1 Ch 18:6. c. often indeterminate, especially in מֶלֶךְ א׳ etc., perhaps primarily land but often including people: so Ju 2:10; 10:6 (אֱלֹהֵי א׳) 1 K 10:29 + 2 Ch 1:17 + (41 times K & Ch) Is 7:1.—(Cf. especially NöSchenkel BL, ZMG 1871, 113; Hermes v. 3, 443 f. DlPa 257.)


אַרְמוֹן n.m. Is 32:14 citadelא׳ abs. Je 30:18 +; cstr. Is 25:2; pl. אַרְמְנוֹת abs. Am 3:9(×2); cstr. 1:4 +; אַרְמְנוֹתֵינוּ Mi 5:4 +, etc.—citadel, castle, palace, not used before royal period, mostly in prophets, especially common in Am & Je; citadel as securely barred (in sim.) Pr 18:19; א׳ בֵּית הַמֶּלֶךְ i.e. the citadel, stronghold 1 K 16:18, cf. 2 K 15:25; usually more general, of castles, palaces, prominent buildings; especially used in speaking of conquest, because the fine buildings would be especially object of attack & plunder, palaces of Isr. Am 6:8; of Jerusalem Is 32:14 (sg. coll.) La 2:5, 7; 2 Ch 36:19; ψ 48:4, 14; 122:7 cf. Ho 8:14; Mi 5:4; Am 2:5; Je 17:27; of Samaria Am 3:10, 11; also Je 6:5; 9:20 belonging to Benhadad (i.e. Aramaic) Am 1:4 Je 49:27; of Tyre Is 23:13; Am 1:10; of Babylon Is 25:2 (sg. coll.), cf. 13:22 where read אַרְמְנוֹתָיו for אלמנותיו so 𝔖 𝔗 𝔙 Che Di (‖ היכלים; cf. Ez 19:7 according to 𝔗 al.; Dl BD xi defends MT in Ez 19:7 & comp. Assyrian almattu, fortress); of Edom Is 34:13, of Gaza Am 1:7, of Rabbah 1:14, of Bozrah 1:12, of Kerioth 2:2, of Ashdod 3:9, of Egypt 3:9.


אֲרַמִּי Aramæan, c. art. הָא׳ Gn 25:20(×2); 28:5; 31:20, 24 2 K 5:20; of Israel א׳ אֹבֵד Dt 26:5; pl. אֲרַמִּים 2 K 8:28, 29 (‖ אֲרָם) 9:15 (‖ id.); הָרַמִּים (= הָא׳) 2 Ch 22:5 (‖ id.); פִּילַגְשׁוֹ הָאֲרַמִּיָּה 1 Ch 7:14 his Aramæan concubine.—(ארומים Kt 2 K 16:6 read rather Qr אֲדוֹמִים.)


אֲרָמִית adv. only of language in Aramaic 2 K 18:26 = Is 36:11 Ezr 4:7(×2) Dn 2:4.


אַרְמֹנִי a son of Saul (palatinus) 2 S 21:8.


I. ארן (cf. Arabic أَرِنَ alacer, lœtus fuit; possible √ of following).


אֲרָן a descendant of Esau (? Aramaic ܐܰܪܢܳܐ wild-goat) Gn 36:28 = 1 Ch 1:42 (v. also דִּישָׁן).


† I. אֹ֫רֶן n.[m.] fir or cedar (Assyrian erinu COTGloss, Mish. pl. ארנים) Is 44:14 (‖ אֶרֶז, תִּרְזָה, אַלּוֹן, עֲצֵי יַעַר).


II. ארן (√ assumed for foll. word, cf. Sta§ 208 c; DlPr 125 argues for √ ארה (so Thes), on ground of an Assyrian êrû, synon. of êrênu.)


† II. אֹ֫רֶן (fir-tree) a descendant of Judah 1 Ch 2:25.


ארנבן whence wine, so Co Ez 27:19 for MT וְדָן וְיָוָן; cf. Assyrian wine of Aranabanim.


אַרְנֶבֶת n.f. hare (Arabic أَرْنَبٌ, Syriac ܐܰܪܢܶܒܳܐ, Assyrian annabu, as springer?) eating of it forbidden Lv 11:6 (P) Dt 14:7.


אַרְנֶ֫בֶת v. אנב.


אַרְנוֹן, אַרְנֹן Arnon, wady & stream in Moab (MI ארנן, Thes Add Rob Ges MV der. from רנן, i.e. the rushing, roaring stream)אַרְנוֹן Nu 21:13(×2), 14 + 12 times, אַרְנֹן Nu 21:28 + 10 times—called boundary between Moab & Amorites Nu 21:13 Ju 11:18, 22 cf. גְּבוּל אַרְנֹן Nu 22:36; often נַחַל אַרְנֹן Dt 2:24, 36; 3:8, 12, 16; 4:48; 2 K 10:33; נ׳ אַרְנוֹן Jos 12:1, 2; 13:9, 16; הַנְּחָלִים אַרְנוֹן Nu 21:14; i.e. the stream-ravines that unite to form Arnon, cf. Di: also בַּמוֹת אַרְנֹן heights of Arnon Nu 21:28; מעברות אַרְנוֹן fords of Arnon Is 16:2; elsewhere Nu 21:13, 24, 26; Ju 11:13, 18, 26; syn. of Moab Je 48:20; (cf. TristrMoab 125 f.; mod. Môjib)


ארניה v. אֲרַוְנָה.


אַרְנָן a descendant of David 1 Ch 3:21.


אָרְנָן a Jebusite, whose threshing-floor was bought by David to erect an altar 1 Ch 21:15, 18, 20(×2), 21(×2), 22, 23, 24, 25, 28, & according to 2 Ch 3:1 became site of temple; called אֲרַוְנָה 2 S 24:16 f. q.v.


אַרְפַּד city in northern Syria (Assyrian Arpadda DlPa 275)א׳ Is 10:9 elsewhere אַרְפָּ֑ד; c. 15 miles N. of Aleppo, mod. Tel Erfâd; in OT only as conquered by Assyria, always named with Hamath, etc. 2 K 18:34; 19:13 = Is 36:19; 37:13 (on 𝔊 Ῥαφέθ = Ἀρφάθ cf. LagBN 78), also Is 10:9; Je 49:23; (cf. NöZMG 1871, 258 Kiepib. 655.)


אַרְפַּכְשַׁד 3rd son of Shem א׳ Gn 10:22, 24; 11:12, 13; 1 Ch 1:17, 18, 24; אַרְפַּכְשָׁ֑ד Gn 11:10, 11; doubtless a geogr. name (deriv. & meaning dub., Thes der. from أُرْفَةٌ boundary (stem أَرَفَ define, limit), cf. also Ethiopic አረፍት wall, + כשׁד = כֶּשֶׂד, i.e. Chaldean; so SchrCOT Gn 10:22 who identifies with Babylonia (cf. Gn 11:12 f. & אוּר כַּשְׂדִּים v 28, 31); v. another interpr. DlPa 255, according to most = Arrapachitis on Upper Zab, NE. from Nineveh, Assyrian Arbaḫa, Armen. Albak LagArmen. Stud. 55 & reff. so Bö MV, Di Gn 10:22 LagSy i. 54ZMG 1882, 182; but Assyrian Arbaḫa is unfavourable to this).


אֶ֫רֶץ2407 n.f. Gn 10:11 & (seld.) m. Ez 21:24 earth, land (Ph. MI ארץ, Assyrian irṣitu COTGloss, Arabic أَرْضٌ, Sab. ארץֿ e.g. Os 9 DHMZMG 1875, 594, 614; Sem. Sprachf. 12, cf. PräBAS i. 374 n., Aramaic אֲרַע, ܐܰܪܥܳܐ )א׳ abs. Gn 1:24 +; cstr. 2:11 +; אָ֑רֶץ 1:10 +; c. art. always הָאָ֫רֶץ 1:11 +; c. ה—ָloc. אַ֫רְצָה 11:31 +, (poet. = אָרֶץ Jb 34:13; cf. 1 S 25:23 1 K 1:31); sf. אַרְצִי 20:15 + אַרְצְךָ (אַרְצֶ֑ךָ) 12:1 +, etc.; pl. אֲרָצוֹת Je 28:8 + 65 times; cstr. אַרְצוֹת Ez 39:27 + 6 times; sf. אַרְצֹתָם Gn 10:5 + 2 times;—
1. a. earth, whole earth (opp. to a part) Gn 18:18, 25; 22:18 (= הָאֲדָמָה 12:3) Je 25:26, 29, 30; 26:6 Is 37:16, 20 = 2 K 19:15, 19 Zc 4:10, 14 +. b. earth, opp. to heaven, sky Gn 1:2 Ex 20:4 Dt 5:8; 30:19 Ju 5:4 La 2:1 Is 37:16 = 2 K 19:15 ψ 146:6 1 Ch 21:16; 29:11 2 Ch 2:11 +; as permanent Ec 1:4; built on foundations, or pillars 1 S 2:8 ψ 104:5 Jb 38:4 Is 48:13; 51:13, 16 cf. also Is 24:18 ψ 82:5; firm, so that its shaking is something terrible, & token of terrible power 1 S 14:5 2 S 22:8 = ψ 18:8 Jb 9:6 cf. ψ 46:3 & v 7; so also Am 8:8 Is 2:19, 21; 24:18, 19, 20 ψ 60:4; 77:19; 99:1; 114:7; as hung on nothing Jb 26:7; with waters under it Ex 20:4 = Dt 5:8 cf. Gn 7:11; personified, especially as addressed, called to witness, etc. Dt 32:1 Je 6:19; 22:29 Is 1:2 Mi 1:2 Jb 16:18. c. earth = inhabitants of earth Gn 6:11; 11:1 1 K 2:2; 10:24 ψ 33:8; 66:4 + cf. תֵּבֵל א׳ Pr 8:31 Jb 37:12.
2. land = a. country, territory, א׳ שִׁנְעָר Gn 10:10, א׳ מִצְרַיִם 21:21; cf. also 10:11; 11:28, 31; 13:10; 47:6, 27; 50:8 Is 7:18; 23:1, 13; 27:13 ψ 78:12 Je 25:20 1 Ch 1:43; personif. Is 62:4 Ec 10:16, 17. b. district, region Gn 19:28; 22:2 Jos 11:3 ψ 42:7. c. tribal territory Dt 34:2 Ju 21:21 1 S 9:4, 16; 13:7 1 K 15:20 Is 8:23; and still smaller territories 1 S 9:4, 5. d. piece of ground Gn 23:15. e. specif. land of Canaan, or Israel Gn 11:31; 12:1, 5, 6, 7; 31:3 Lv 14:34 Dt 17:14; 18:9 2 K 5:2, 4 +; especially obj. of יָרַשׁ possess Dt 3:20 + often Dt ψ al.; so after נָחַל Jos 19:49 +; נָתַן Dt 1:21 +. f. = inhabitants of land Lv 19:29 Ez 14:13 + cf. Dt 24:4 Zc 12:12 etc. g. used even of Sheʾôl Jb 10:21, 22 (cf. Assyrian irṣit la târat, land without return, in Descent of Ishtar, v. Jr 10.65); v. also ψ 139:15 Is 44:23.
3. a. ground, surface of ground = אֲדָמָה q.v. Gn 1:26, 30; 18:2; 33:3; 38:9 Ex 4:3; 16:14 Ru 2:10 1 S 5:4 + very often in S. b. soil, as productive = אֲדָמָה Gn 1:11, 12 Lv 19:9; 25:19; 26:4 cf. Nu 14:7, 8 Is 36:17 = 2 K 18:32 ψ 72:6, 16; 107:34, 35 Ezr 9:12 Ne 9:35.
4. אֶרֶץ in phrases: a. people of the land עַם־הָא׳ of non-Israelites Gn 23:7, 12, 13 (P) Nu 14:9 (JE); as well as Isr. Lv 20:4 (H) 2 K 15:5; 16:15; 21:24(×2); especially common people, opp. officials, princes Lv 4:27 (P) Ez 7:27 2 K 11:18, 19. †b. in measurements of distance, כִּבְרַת הָא׳ the space or distance of country (v. כּברה) Gn 35:16, so כִּבְרַת א׳ some distance Gn 48:7 2 K 5:19. c. אֶרֶץ הַמִּישׁוֹר the country of the plain, level or plain country Dt 4:33 Je 48:21; א׳ מִישׁוֹר fig. ψ 143:10 (but read אֹרַח 𝔖 Bi Gr Che, cf. ψ 27:11). d. א׳חַיִּים land of the living ψ 27:13; א׳ הַחַיִּים ψ 142:6 +. e. קְצֵה הָא׳ end(s) of the earth Is 42:10; 43:6 (‖ רָחוֹק) ψ 135:7 Pr 17:24, so אַפְסֵי א׳ Pr 30:4 +; קְצוֹת הָא׳ Is 40:28; 41:5, 9.
5. pl. אֲרָצוֹת is almost wholly late, Je 16:15 + 6 times Je; 23 times Ez; Is 36:20; 37:11 = 2 K 18:35; 19:11 (Is 37:18 read הַגּוֹיִם v. Che Di & cf. 2 K 19:17); 22 times Chr; Dn 9:7; 11:40, 42; ψ 105:44; 106:27; 107:3; 116:9; besides these only P Gn 10:5, 20, 31 Lv 26:36, 39, except Gn 26:3, 4 (JR) 41:54 (JE); it denotes lands, countries, often in contrast to Canaan, lands of the nations, etc., v. especially abs. Ez 20:32; 22:4; = the various petty divisions of Canaan afterward united under Israel’s control Gn 26:3, 4, cf. 1 Ch 13:2 אַרְצוֹת יִשְׂרָאֵל, 2 Ch 11:23 אַרְצוֹת יְהוּדָה.


אַרְצָא chamberlain of Zimri 1 K 16:9.


[אָרַר] vb. curse (Assyrian arâru ZimBP 68; on relation of meanings bind & curse in Assyrian v. DlPr 101)—Qal Pf. 1 s. וְאָרוֹתִ֫י, אָרוֹתִיהָ Mal 2:2; Impf. 2 ms. תָּאֹר Ex 22:27 Nu 22:6, 12; אָאֹר Gn 12:3; Imv. אָ֫רָה־ Nu 22:6; 23:7; אוֹרוּ, אֹרוּ & Inf. abs. אָרוֹר all Ju 5:23; Pt. אֹרְרֵי Jb 3:8; אֹרְרֶיךָ Gn 27:29 Nu 24:9; אָרוּר Gn 3:14 + 36 times etc.;—curseבֵּרֵךְ bless, chiefly in poetic & legal sources of JED & later imitations: Gn 12:3; 27:29 (J) Nu 22:6, 12; 23:7; 24:9 (E) Ex 22:27 (E) Mal 2:2; אֹרוּ אָרוֹר ישְׁבֶיהָ = curse for ever her inhabitants Ju 5:23; אֹרְרֵי יוֹם cursers of the day (magicians whose imprecations made days unlucky) Jb 3:8. Pt. pass. אָרוּר, chiefly as exclamation, ‖ בָּרוּךְ Gn 3:14, 17; 4:11; 9:25; 27:29; 49:7 Nu 24:9 (E, poet.) Dt 27:15—26 Ju 21:18 1 S 14:24, 28; 26:19 Je 11:3; 17:5; 20:14, 15; 48:10(×2) Mal 1:14; אֲרוּרִים הַשֹּׁגִים מִמִּצְוֹתֶיךָ cursed be those who wander from thy commands ψ 119:21 (𝔊 𝔖 Jer De Ri), הָאֲרוּרָה הַזֹּאת this cursed woman 2 K 9:34.
Niph. Pt. נֵאָרִים cursed Mal 3:9.
Pi. Pf. 3 ms. sf. אֵרֲרָהּ curse, lay under a curse Gn 5:29 (J); Pt. הַמַּיִם הַמְאָרְרִים the curse-bringing waters Nu 5:18—27 (P 6 times waters destroying the perjured adulteress drinking them).
Hoph. Impf. יוּאָ֑ר be cursed Nu 22:6 (E).


אֲרָרַט Ararat (Assyrian Urarṭu COTGloss, cf. LagArmen. Stud. § 100)א׳ Je 51:27; אֲרָרָ֑ט Gn 8:4 + 3 times—a district in Eastern Armenia between the river Araxes & lakes Van & Oroomiah, cf. KGF; to this prob. ref. in 2 K 19:37 = Is 37:38 אֶרֶץ א׳; also Gn 8:4 הָרֵי א׳, where the ark rested; used perhaps with wider ref. Je 51:27 מַמְלְכוֹת א׳ (‖ מִנִּי, אַשְׁכְּנַז).


אֲרָרִי v. הֲרָרִי.


ארשׁ (to desire, request. Assyrian erêšu DlPr 55).


[אָרַשׂ] vb. betroth (Mish. ארס, Ph. ארש in, LagSem i. 50 connects with Arabic أَرْشٌ a fine, lit. pay the price, & so gain the right of possession; cf. Aramaic אָרִיס one who farms land; Assyrian mirsu, tribute, Zehnpf BAS i. 518)—only Pi. Pu.;
Pi. Pf. 3 ms. אֵרַשׂ Dt 20:7; אֵרַשְׂתִּי 2 S 3:14; sf. אֵרַשְׂתִּיךְ Ho 2:21(×2), 22; Impf. 2 ms. תְּאָרֵשׂ Dt 28:30;—betroth (subj. man) obj. woman, אִשָּׁה Dt 20:7; 28:30; sq. ב of price paid to father & ל of husband 2 S 3:14; ב of gift to bride & ל of husband Ho 2:21, 22, where fig. of Yahweh’s covenant mercy to Israel.
Pu. Pf. 3 fs. אֹרָ֑שָׂה be betrothed, c. לֹא, subj. בְּתוּלָה Ex 22:15 Dt 22:28 (נער בתולה); Pt. f. מְאֹרָשָׂה Dt 22:23, where affirmed of נער בתולה (sq. ל of husband) v 25, 27 (in both subj. הַנַּעֲרָ֯).


אֲרֶ֫שֶׁת n.f. desire, request (Assyrian êrištu Dll.c.) only cstr. א׳ שְׂפָתָיו ψ 21:3 (‖ תַּאֲוַת לִבּוֹ) request granted by י׳.


אֹרֹת v. II. אוֹרָה.


אַרְתַּחְשַׁשְׂתָּא Artaxerxes (Pers. Artakhshatrâ, SpiegAPK 68, 207 𝔊 Ἀρταξερξης, cf. BeRy on Ezr 4:23; 7:1 f. Ne 1:1) א׳ Ezr 4:7 v. BD 102; אַרְתַּחְשַׁשְׂתְּא Ezr 4:7, 23, אַרְתַּחְשַׁסְתְּא Ezr 7:1, 11; 8:1 Ne 2:1; 5:14; 13:6; Artaxerxes I, or Longimanus, son & successor of Xerxes, regined b.c. 465—424.


אִשׁ 2 S 14:19 Mi 6:10, softer form for the usual יֵשׁ (q.v.) there is, are. (Cf. Aramaic אִתַי, Arabic أَيْسَ; and on the softening of ye, yi to ’î, see Ew§ 53 c Ol p. 425§ 40 c).


אֵשׁ377 n.f. Ex 9:23 (m. Je 48:45; ψ 104·4; f. & m. Je 20:9; Jb 20:26) אֵשׁm.’ is dub.: Nu 16:18 read עָלֶיהָ for 2nd עֲלֵיהֶם (𝔊B); Je 20:9 v. Ges§ 132 d; 48:45 read (many MSS., Nu 21:28) יצאה; ψ 104:4 read perhaps (Ol) לֹהֵֽטָה׃ or (Kenn) וָלָֽהַט׃; Jb 20:26 v. Ges§ 145 u (or 121 b): cf. AlbrZAW xvi (1896), 63. fire (Assyrian išatu COTGloss, Syriac ܐܶܫܳܬܳܐ, እሳት deriv. from ii. אנשׁ,أَنَسَ, sociable, friendly element (MV Wetzst in De Psalmen, ed. 4, p. 888 LagBN 68 cf. انيسة, مانوسة), improb. especially in view of Assyrian; daghesh prob. secondary; cf. also Sta§ 189 b)א׳ abs. Ex 9:24 +; cstr. Lv 6:2 + (seld.); †sf. אִשּׁוֹ Dt 4:36 Jb 18:5; אֶשְׁכֶם Is 50:11; אִשָּׁם Is 66:24;—
1. fire, of conflagration, e.g. in briers, endangering or destroying crops תֵּצֵא אֵשׁ וּמָֽצְאָה קֹצִים Ex 22:5 cf. 3:2 הַסְּנֶה בֹּעֵר בָּאֵשׁ (both E); more often of deliberate destruction by fire, especially שָׂרַף בָּאֵשׁ (בָּ c. qam. preton.) obj. golden calf Ex 32:20 (J), other idols Dt 7:5, 25, Asherim 12:3, chariots Jos 11:6, 9 2 K 23:11, house Ju 12:1; 14:15, tower 9:52, city-gates Ne 1:3; 2:3, 13, 17, city Jos 6:24 Ju 18:27 cf. Is 1:7 +; also שִׁלַּח אֵשׁ בְּ Am 1:4, 7, 10 +; שִׁלַּח אֶת־הָעִיר בָּאֵשׁJu 1:8; 20:48 cf. 2 K 8:12; הִצִּית אֶת־הָעִיר בָּאֵשׁ Jos 8:8, 19 הצ׳ אֵשׁ ב׳ Je 17:27 +; cf. Ju 9:49 2 S 14:30, 31 (of field, cf. Ex 22:5 supr.).
2. of supernatural fire, attending theophany Ex 3:2; 19:18 (both JE) Dt 4:11, 12, 15, 33, 36 +; specif. עַמּוּד (הָ)אֵשׁ Ex 13:21, 22; 14:24 (all JE) Ne 9:12, 19 cf. Dt 1:33 (v. מַרְאֵה־אֵשׁ Nu 9:15, 16 P); of destructive fire from י׳ Nu 11:1, 2, 3 (J) 26:10 (P) Lv 10:2 (P); cf. א׳ אֹכֶלֶת in sim. of Yahweh’s glory Ex 24:17 (E) Dt 4:24; 9:3; v. also 1 K 18:24, 38 2 K 1:10(×2), 12(×2), 14 Jb 1:16 (perhaps lightning intended), cf. further of lightning Ex 9:23, 24 (JE) ψ 18:13, 14; 148:8 etc.
3. fire for cooking, roasting, parching, etc. צְלִי אֵשׁ roasted at a fire Ex 12:8, 9 (P) cf. Lv 2:14 2 Ch 35:13 Is 44:16, 19; of tinder for lighting fire Gn 22:6, 7 (E); of fire for melting (gold for the idolatrous calf) Ex 32:24; for refining Je 6:29, where read with Qr מֵאֵשׁ תַּם עֹפָֽרֶת; cf. Mal 3:2 (sim. of purifying work of messenger of cov’t).
4. especially of altar-fire Lv 1:7(×2); 6:2, 3, 5, 16 +; in offering incense Lv 10:1, also אֵשׁ זָרָה strange fire, i.e. an incense not commanded, offered presumptuously 10:1 Nu 3:4; 26:61; fire from י׳ consuming sacrifice (cf. 2 Lv 9:24 2 Ch 7:1, 3; of fire in child-sacrifice (usually (לְ) הֶעֱבִיר בֵּן בָּאֵשׁ) 2 K 16:3; 21:6 cf. 17:17; 23:10 2 Ch 33:6; also שׂרף בָּא׳ 2 K 17:31, בער בָּא׳ 2 Ch 28:3.
5. fig. of Yahweh’s anger ψ 89:47 (sim.) cf. Na 1:6 La 2:4 אֵשׁ־עֶבְרָתִי Ez 21:36; 22:31; 38:19, אֵשׁ־קִנְאָתִי Ez 36:5; v. also Is 66:15 ψ 79:5 etc.; of word of י׳ Je 23:29; fig.of outbursting emotion ψ 39:4; of flagrant wickedness Is 9:17, etc.
6. in various combinations, לַפִּיד אֵשׁ Gn 15:17 (J) a torch of fire (cf. Di); לַבַּת־אֵשׁ Ex 3:2 flame of fire, לַהַב אֵשׁ Jo 2:5, לַפִּידֵי אֵשׁ (in sim.) Dn 10:6 cf. Zc 12:6, לַהֲבוֹת אֵשׁ ψ 29:7 לַהֲבֵי אֵשׁ Is 66:15 cf. א׳ לֶהָבוֹת ψ 105:32, נֹגַהּ א׳ לֶהָבָה Is 4:5 cf. Ho 7:6; שְׂבִיב אִשּׁוֹ spark of his fire Jb 18:5 cf. כִּידוֹדֵי אֵשׁ 41:11; תַּנּוּר אֵשׁ ψ 21:10 oven of fire, כִּיּוֹר אֵשׁ Zc 12:6; אוֹר אֵשׁ light of fire ψ 78:14; אֵשׁ לֹהֵט flaming fire ψ 104:4; לְשׁוֹן אֵשׁ Is 5:24 tongue of fire, גַּחֲלֵי אֵשׁ Ez 1:13 coals of fire, so 10:2, cf. רִשְׁפֵּי אֵשׁ Ct 8:6; on אַבְנֵי אֵשׁ Ez 28:14, 16 v. אֶבֶן; אֵשׁ דַּת Dt 33:2, lit. fire of a law, or fire was a law, but דָּת law is Pers. & late; read perhaps אֵשׁ [לַףִּ]דֹת cf. Ex 20:18 or אֵשׁ [יֹקֶ]דֶת cf. Is 65:5.


אַשְׁבֵּל (= אַשְׁבְּאֵל? so Thes; more likely אֶשְׁבַּעַל) 2nd son of Benjamin Gn 46:21 (𝔊 Ἀσβηλ) Nu 26:38 (𝔊 Ἀσυβηρ) 1 Ch 8:1 (𝔊 B Σαβα, A & 𝔊L Ἀσβηλ).


אַשְׁבֵּלִי הָא׳ as n.coll. Nu 26:38.


אֶשְׁבָּן a chief of Edom Gn 36:26 1 Ch 1:41 (etym. dub., 𝔊 Ἀσβαν, Ἐσεβαν, Ἀσεβων.)


אַשְׁבֵּעַ v. שׁבל.


אַשְׁבֵּעַ 1 Ch 4:21.


אֶשְׁבַּעַל v. אִישׁ־בֹּשֶׁת.


אשׁד (√ of following, cf. prob. Assyrian išdu, foundation.)


אֶ֫שֶׁד n.[m.] foundation, bottom, lower part (slope) (Assyrian išdu cf. LotzTP 186; > others from אֲשַׁד, ܝܫܕ pour, Sab. אסד = מסקי (משׁקה) DHMZMG 1883, 8, whence fall, slope; cf. Di Nu 21:15) א׳ הַנְּחָלִים the bottom of the ravines Nu 21:15.


[אֲשֵׁדָה] n.f. foundation, (mountain-) slope (cf. supr.)—only pl. abs. אֲשֵׁדוֹת Jos 10:40; 12:8; cstr. אַשְׁדּוֹת Jos 12:3; 13:20; אַשְׁדֹּת Dt 3:17; 4:49mountain-slopes Jos 10:40 ההר והנגב והשׁפלה והא׳; 12:8 (‖ id. + מדבר); elsewhere defined תַּחַת א׳ הַפִּסְגָּה Dt 3:17; 4:49 Jos 12:3 cf. 13:20.


אַשְׁדּוֹד Ashdod (Assyrian Asdudu, COTGloss DlPa 289; Thes MV der. from √ שׁדד q.v.) a powerful city of the Philistines on Mediterr. Sea, W. from Jerusalem, modern Esdûd, Jos 11:22; 15:46, 47 (where assigned to Judah) 1 S 5:5, 6 (but del. Dr cf. 𝔊 6:17 Am 1:8; 3:9 Zp 2:4 Zc 9:6 Is 20:1 Je 25:20 2 Ch 26:6; c. ה—ָ loc. 1 S 5:1 Is 20:1; אַנְשֵׁי א׳ 1 S 5:7; appar. = territory of Ashdod 2 Ch 26:6 וַיִּבְנֶה עָרִים בְּאַשְׁדּוֹד. (Cf. SurveyJ, 442.)


אַשְׁדּוֹדִי Ashdodite, הָא׳ coll. Jos 13:3; usually pl. (הָ)אַשְׁדּוֹדִים 1 S 5:3, 6 Ne 4:1, and as adj. f. נָשִׁים אשׁדודיות Ne 13:23 Kt (Qr אַשְׁדֳּדִיּוֹת).


אַשְׁדּוֹדִית adv. in the language of Ashdod i.e. Philistines Ne 13:24 מְדַבֵּר א׳.


אשׁה (√ of foll.).


אִשֶּׁה n.m. Jos 13, 14 an offering made by fire (> Wetzst in DePsalmen., ed. 4, 889 der. from √ ii. אנשׁ, means to friendly relations betw. God & man; cf. LagBN 190) Ex 29:18 + 32 times; cstr. אִשֵּׁה Lv 1:9 + 14 times pl. cstr. אִשֵּׁי Lv 4:35; 24:9 + 15 times; sf. אִשַּׁי Nu 28:2, אִשָּׁ֑י Lv 6:10; used chiefly of offerings of animals, but also of the מִנְחָה Lv 2:11, and of the sacred bread and frankincense Lv 24:7 which was placed on the table as a memorial, and finally went to the priests. The word is used in Dt 18:1 Jos 13:14 (D) 1 S 2:28; elsewhere in P Lv 6:10; 10:15; 22:22 Nu 28:2, 3, especially in phrases אִשֵּׁי יהוה Lv 2:3 + 11 times אִשֶּׂה רֵיחַ נִיחֹחַ ליהוה Lv 1:9 + 14 times, ריח ניחח אשׁה ליהוה Ex 29:18 + 6 times, אשׁה ליהוה ריח ניחח Lv 23:13, אשׁה לריח ניחח Lv 3:16 Nu 18:17, אשׁה (הוא) ליהוה Ex 29:25 Lv 2:16; אִשֶּׁה ליהוה acc. after verbs of offering Ex 30:20 + 14 times, אִשֶּׁה עֹלָה ליהוה Nu 28:19, קָרְבָּן אִשֶּׁה ליהוה Lv 22:27 Nu 15:25.


אִשָּׁה775 n.f. woman, wife, female (Arabic أُنْثَى, Sab. אנתֿת etc. DHMZK 1884, 360, Aramaic אִתְּתָא, אִנְתְּתָא, אִתָּא, ܐܰܢ̱ܬܬܴܐ, Palm. Nab. אנתתא, Ethiopic አንስት Ph. אשת, Assyrian aššatu COTGloss)א׳ abs. Gn 2:23 +; cstr. אֵשֶׁת Gn 11:29 + (appar. abs. Dt 21:11; 1 S 28:7 ψ 58:9 but cf. Bö§ 728 Ges§ 130, 5); sf. אִשְׁתִּי Gn 20:11 +; אִשְׁתְּךָ Gn 12:18 + (אֶשְׁתְּךָ ψ 128:3), etc.; Pl. †אִשֹּׁת Ez 23:44 (Co לעשׂות); נָשִׁים Gn 4:19 +; cstr. נְשֵׁי Gn 4:23 +; sf. נָשַׁי Gn 30:26; 1 K 20:7; נְשֵׁיכֶם Ex 22:23 +, etc.;—
1. woman Gn 3:1, 2; 12:11 +; opp. man 2:22, 23 Ex 35:29; 36:6; Dt 17:2, 5; 22:22; 1 S 21:5 +; א׳ emphat. a genuine (or ideal) woman Ec 7:28 (‖ אדם); sim. of men as feeble, timid Je 50:37; 51:30; note especially הַטַּף בַּנָּשִׁים the children among the women, female children Nu 31:18 (P); as conceiving Ex 2:2; Lv 12:2; 2 S 11:5 +; travailing Je 13:21; bearing children Ju 13:24; 1 K 3:18; cf. Jb 14:1; 15:14; 25:4 +, etc.; suckling Is 49:15; אֹרַח כַּנָּשִׁים Gn 18:11; דֶּרֶךְ נָשִׁים 31:35; with adj., or app., א׳מֵינֶקֶת nursing woman, nurse Ex 2:7; א׳ זוֹנָה harlot Jos 2:1; 6:22; Ju 11:1; 16:1; 1 K 3:16; Pr 6:26; Je 3:3 Ez 16:30; 23:44; so א׳ זָרָה Pr 2:16; 7:5; cf. also Ez 23:44 supr.; א׳ מְנָאָ֑פֶת adulteress Pr 30:20 (cf. אֵשֶׁת אִישׁ 6:26), אֵשֶׁת זְנוּנִים Ho 1:2; נָשִׁים נָכְרִיּוֹת foreign women 1 K 11:1, 8; Ezr 10:2, 10, 11, 14, 17, 18, 44; Ne 13:26, 27 (cf. v 23); א׳ חֲכָמָה wise woman, one known as clever, shrewd 2 S 14:2; 20:16, etc.; also א׳ פִּילֶגֶשׁ concubine Ju 19:1, 27: א׳ אַלְמָנָה widow 2 S 14:5; 1 K 11:26; 17:9, 10; א׳ נְבִיאָה prophetess Ju 4:4; also cstr. bef. noun of quality אֵשֶׁתרָ֑ע Pr 6:24; א׳ כְּסִילוּת 9:13; א׳ חֵן 11:16; א׳ חַיִל 12:4; 31:10; Ru 3:11; א׳ מִדְיָנִים Pr 21:9; 25:24; 27:15; א׳ מ׳ וָכָ֑עַס 21:19.
2. Wife (woman belonging to a man, usually cstr. or sf.) Gn 2:24, 25; 3:8, 17; 4:1, 17 + often; of one betrothed (ארשׂ) Dt 20:7; 28:30; בַּעַל (הָ)אִשָּׁה Ex 21:3, 22; אִישׁ הָאִשָּׁה Ju 20:4; לְאִשָּׁה to wife Gn 12:19; 16:3; 34:21 + often (after לָקַח, נָתַן husband or father subj.); for wife (after הָֽיְתָה, woman subj.) Gn 20:12; Nu 36:3, 6(×2), 11, 12; Dt 22:19, 29 +; for unfaithful wife cf. 1; cstr. in phr. אֵשֶׁת חֵיקֶ֑ךָ Dt 13:7 cf. 28:54; א׳ נְעוּרֶיךָ Pr 5:18; Mal 2:14, 15; א׳ בְּרִיתֶ֑ךָ v 14; אֵשֶׁת אָב = step-mother Lv 18:8, 11; 20:11.
3. Female of animals Gn 7:2(×2); v. also sub 4.
4. With distrib. & recipr. sense, א׳ מֵאֵת רְעוּתָהּ each woman from her neighbour Ex 11:2 (E); cf. Ru 1:8, 9; Je 9:19; each one, of birds of prey Is 34:15 cf. v 16 (del. Bi Che); of cows (fig. of heartless women of Isr.) Am 4:3; of sheep (fig. of Isr.) Zc 11:9; & of inanimate things (P, & late) א׳ אֶל אֲחֹתָהּ Ex 26:3(×2), 5, 6, 17 (P) Ez 1:9 (del. Co) v 23; 3:13.


[אֶשָּׁה] n.f. id. Je 6:29 Kt (ם)אשׁתם i.e. from their fire, but Qr מֵאֵשׁ תַּם, v. sub אֵשׁ.


אִשָּׁה v. sub III. אנשׁ. אִשֶּׁה v. sub אֵשׁ.


אֱשׁוּן Qr Pr 20:20 v. אִישׁוֹן sub אישׁ.


[אֲשׁוּר, אָשׁוּר] n.f. ψ 44:19 step, going (cf. Arabic إِثْرٌ, أَثَمٌ Ethiopic አሠር፡: footstep) only sf. אֲשֻׁרוֹ Jb 23:11 Pr 14:15; אֲשׁוּרַי ψ 17:5; אֲשֻׁרָ֑י ψ 40:3; 73:2; אֲשֻׁרֵנוּ ψ 44:19; אֲשֻׁרָיו ψ 37:31, all poet. & fig. of mode of life, etc.


אַשּׁוּר & terr. Asshur, Assyria (Assyrian Aššur, land & cityDlPa 252 COT on Gn 2:14; Pers. Athura Syriac ܐܳܬܘܽܪ on the connection with name of god Ašur, & with √ אשׁר = ישׁר good, gracious, cf. COTl.c.; v. also JenZA. 1886, 1 f. Schr ib. 209 f.ib. 268 f.)
1. Asshur as person, 2nd son of Shem Gn 10:22 (P, in table of nations) 1 Ch 1:17.
2. people of Asshur (often as invading army & even world-power) Nu 24:22, 24 (poem of Balaam) Ho 12:2; 14:4 Is 10:5; 14:25; 19:23(×2), 24, 25; 23:13; 30:31; 31:8; 52:4 La 5:6; Ez 23:5; 27:23; 32:22 (here fem.) Zc 10:11; ψ 83:9 perhaps read גְּשׁוּר, cf. 2 S 2:9 sub אֲשׁוּרִי; or (if ψ 83 be late) regard אַשּׁוּר (like עֲמָלֵק ib.) as used because of ancient significance; sometimes personified as one Is 10:5 Ez 31:3 (but del. Co q.v.), cf. also Mi 5:4, 5 Zp 2:13; מַחֲנֵה א׳ 2 K 19:25 = Is 37:36; בְּנֵי א׳ Ez 16:28; 23:7, 9, 12, 23.
3. land of Assyria Gn 2:14; 10:11 Ho 5:13; 7:11; 8:9; 9:3; 10:6 Is 11:11, 16; 19:23 Je 2:18, 36 Mi 7:12 Zc 10:10; אַשּׁ֫וּרָה Gn 25:18 Is 19:23 2 K 15:29; 17:6, 23; 18:11; אֶרֶץ אַשּׁוּר Is 7:18; 27:13 Ho 11:11 Mi 5:5.
4. especially מֶלֶךְ אַשּׁוּר Is 8:4; 10:12; 20:1, 4, 6 (prob. gloss Is 7:17, 20; 8:7) 2 K 15:19 + 41 times 2 K; 14 times Is 36—38; 1 Ch 5:6 (אַשֻּׁר) + 13 times Ch; also Je 50:17, 18 Na 3:18 Ezr 4:2; (only Ezr 6:22 of Persian or any king not strictly Assyrian); note also הַמֶּלֶךְ א׳ Is 36:8, 16 (א׳ perhaps gloss, cf. Di who holds same view as to 2 K 18:23, 31); מַלְכֵי א׳ 2 K 19:11, 17 = Is 37:11, 18 2 Ch 28:16; 30:6 Ne 9:32.


אֲשׁוּרִי הָא׳ as n.coll. 2 S 2:9, but read perhaps הַגְּשׁוּרִי q.v., cf. also We Dr; Köh Klo al. read הָאָֽשֵׁרִי & comp. Ju 1:32.


אַשּׁוּרִם an Arab tribe traced back to Abraham & Keturah Gn 25:3 cf. Di.


אַשְׁחוּר v. שׁחר.


אַשְׁחוּר in Judah, called א׳ אֲבִי תְקוֹעַ 1 Ch 2:24; 4:5; Ασχω, Σαρα; A Ασδωδ, Ασχουρ; 𝔊L Ασσωρ, Ασοωρ.


[אָשְׁיָה] 1. n.f. wall, bulwark (Talm אָשִׁיתָא (levy Nö); Mand. אשיתא wallM 113; 𝔗 pl. sf. אֲשִׁיתָהָא (DalmWB אָשְׁיָתַהָא) Je 50:15, אשיתנא Ct 2:9; Arabic آسِيَة column, support is loan-word according to Frä 11);—only pl. sf. bulwarks of city of Babylon.
2. n.f. (support) buttress (Arabic آسِيَةُن column, support. AW NöM 113, Assyrian asîtu pillar) only pl. sf. buttresses of city of Babylon Je 50:15 אשׁויתיה Kt, אָשְׁיוֹתֶיהָ Qr (‖ חוֹמוֹתֶיהָ).


אֲשִׁימָא[m.] a god of Hamath 2 K 17:30, otherwise wholly unknown.


אֲשִׁישָׁה n.f. (pressed) raisin-cakeא׳ 2 S 6:19 1 Ch 16:3 distributed, with other viands, to people, especially as stimulating, pl. אֲשִׁישׁוֹת Ct 2:5; more explicitly אֲשִׁישֵׁי עֲנָבִים Ho 3:1 used in sacrificial feasts (cf. RSOTJC Lect. xi. n. 7); אֲשִׁישֵׁי קִיר חֲרֶשֶׂת Is 16:7, i.e. the raisin-cakes which were an article of trade at Qir-ḥareseth (taken by Thes al. = foundations, i.e. foundations exposed by ruin, from [אָשִׁישׁ] with such a meaning).


[אֶ֫שֶׁךְ] n.[m.] testicle (Syriac ܐܶܫܟܳܐ, Ethiopic እስኪት etym. unknown) only מְרוֹחַ אָ֑שֶׁךְ Lv 21:20.


אֶשְׁכּוֹל (אֶשְׁכֹּל Ct 1:14) n.m. Nu 13:23 cluster (Ethiopic አስካል Arabic إِثْكَالٌ, Aramaic אִיתְכְּלָא; etym. dub.; Thes MV sub √שׁכל, but no suitable meaning proven; Sta§ 258, 300 der. from √ אשׁך c. afformat. ל)א׳ abs. Nu 13:24 +; cstr. v 23 +; pl. אַשְׁכֹּלוֹת Ct 7:8; cstr. אַשְׁכְּלֹת Dt 32:32, אֶשְׁכְּלוֹת Ct 7:9; sf. אַשְׁכְּלֹתֶיהָ Gn 40:10;—
1. cluster of grapes, א׳ עֲנָבִים Nu 13:23 cf. v 24; vid. also Gn 40:10 הִבְשִׁילוּ א׳ עֲנָבִים its clusters ripened grapes; hence fig. of deeds of enemies of Israel, clusters of gall have they Dt 32:32 (‖ עִנְּבֵי רוֹשׁ); fig. of Isr. Is 65:8 יִמָּצֵא הַתִּירוֹשׁ בָּא׳; Mi 7:1 אֵין אֶשְׁכּוֹל לֶאֱכוֹל fig. of desolation of Israel under Yahweh’s judgment; Ct 7:9 in sim. שָׁדַיִךְ כְּאֶשְׁכְּלוֹת הַגֶּפֶן cf. v 8 (where Thes MV think of clusters of dates, v. תָּמָר palm-tree, ib.)
2. cluster of henna-flowers, א׳ הַכֹּפֶר (v. כפר), metaph. of the beloved one Ct 1:14. (Cf. GrünwaldIsrael. Letterbode, Amst., xi, 148 f.)


1. m. an Amorite, brother of Mamre, dwelling in neighbourhood of Hebron Gn 14:13, 24.
2. in combination נַחַל אֶשְׁכֹּל Nu 13:23 Dt 1:24; נ׳ אֶשְׁכּוֹל Nu 13:24, 32:9;—valley of Eshcol, = valley of a cluster, region of Hebron (cf. 13:22); in 13:24 der. from א׳ cluster, q.v.; see however Di ad loc.


1. a descendant of Japhet Gn 10:3 = 1 Ch 1:6; =
2. a northern people Je 51:27 מַמְלְכוֹת אֲרָרָט מִנִּי וְאַשְׁכְּנָ֑ז (perhaps a people of Bithynia, = Ascan(ians) + az ending of Armen. patronymics, v. especially LenOr. ii. 388 f.. also LagGes Abhandl. 254 f. Di Gn 10:3; but v. LagArmen. Stud. 143).


אֶשְׁכָּר v. ii. שׁכר.


אֶשְׁכָּר n.[m.] gift;—abs. שׁ׳ ψ 72:10 (‖ מִנְחָה); sf. אֶשְׁכָּרֵךְ Ez 27:15.


אשׁל (be firm, firmly rooted, cf. Arabic أَثَلَ be firm).