The Story of Redemption



Preaching a set time for Jesus' coming brought strong opposition from bold sinners, church members, and many ministers. These ministers and unbelievers repeated, "No man knows the day nor the hour." These people would not accept the clear explanation from the Bible. They did not listen to the people who preached about the close of prophetic time. These people rejected the signs that Jesus Himself had given as evidence that His second coming was near. SRme 1.1588

Many people who said they loved Jesus did not object to preaching the second advent, they only objected to giving an exact time. God's all-seeing eye read their minds. These people did not wish to hear of Jesus' coming to judge the world in righteousness. They had not been faithful servants. These people feared to meet Jesus because their lives could not bear examination by the heart-searching God. The same as the Jews at the time of Jesus' first advent, these people were not prepared to welcome Jesus. Satan and his angels rejoiced. Satan said that God's people had so little love for God that they did not want Jesus to come. Satan and his angels laughed in the face of Jesus and the holy angels. SRme 1.1589

Christians who were not faithful slowed the progress of the work of God. Sinful leaders stepped between the people and the truth when the people asked the way of salvation. Apostate leaders tried to quiet all fears by giving a wrong interpretation of the Word of God. SRme 1.1590

Satan and ministers who were not converted cried, "Peace! Peace!" when God had not spoken peace. The same as the Pharisees in Jesus' day, many people who refused to enter the kingdom of heaven themselves stopped other people who were trying to enter. Many people were turned away from the advent truth by their own leaders. Many leaders gave false information and explained the Bible in a wrong way. God will hold these leaders responsible for leading people to lose eternal life. SRme 1.1591

When the message of truth was preached, the most humble and sincere church members were the first to accept the message. People who studied the Bible for themselves realized that the message of "Peace! Peace!" did not agree with Scripture. These people compared the advent doctrine with the Bible. They learned that the prophecy of the second advent was given by God's authority. SRme 1.1592

Many Christians were persecuted by their church friends who did not believe Jesus would soon return. Some church members agreed to be quiet about their hope so they could keep their positions in the church. But many other people felt that loyalty to God would not allow them to hide God's truths. God was expecting His people to tell other people about His return. Many people had their church membership taken away because they said they believed in the coming of Jesus. SRme 1.1593

The believers who suffered for their faith found these words of God's prophet very precious: "Your brothers who hate you, and exclude you because of My name, have said, 'Let the Lord be glorified, that we may see your joy!' Yet they will be put to shame" (Isa. 66:5). SRme 1.1594

Angels of God watched with deep interest the results of the warning message. When the churches joined in rejecting the message, angels turned away in sadness. But there were in the churches many members who had not yet been tested on the advent truth. Many church members were deceived by husbands, wives, parents, or children. These people were made to believe they should not listen to the message the Adventists taught; listening would be sin. God told angels to faithfully watch over these people. God knew more information from the throne of God would soon be given to them. SRme 1.1595