Modern English

A Call to Stand Apart
Designed to meet the needs of twenty-first-century young adults, this compilation handles life topics from prayer and communion with God to how to live a pure Christian life in today's world. In order to reach a larger audience of youth, the original texts have been condensed and modernized, every effort being taken to faithfully retain the message.

Beginning of the End
Focusing on the time from creation until the last days of King David, this modern English version of Patriarchs and Prophets delves into the origins of the great controversy between God and Satan, chronicles the battle as it transferred to Earth, and illustrates how God's faithful people have fought the good fight of faith through the ages. As the first of a five-part series, The Beginning of the End describes the historical foundation for what we see in our world today and gives principles on how to take a stand for truth even in our day. And in it all, we see that “God is Love.”

Humble Hero
The life of Jesus, His methods of teaching and working, His great sacrifice and love for fallen humanity. These are the themes which all of heaven delights to contemplate, and which bring the greatest joy to God's children. In lively language, and with deep lessons for our lives today, Humble Hero (a version of The Desire of Ages, revised into modern English) brings the reader face to face with their Saviour— the Lord of heaven, who became one of us for our redemption.

Love Under Fire
Love Under Fire outlines the grand sweep of events that have brought us to this point and will usher in this world's final events. Throughout the history of this earth, Satan has misrepresented God's character of love. He has put “love under fire” Today, more than ever before in earth's history, we are engaged in this battle between good and evil.

Royalty and Ruin
As part of the Conflict of the Ages series, Prophets and Kings stands out in its narration of both the ups and downs of God's people. From Israel's greatness under Solomon's reign, to her downfall during the Babylonian captivity, and the subsequent history up to the time of Christ, God always had His faithful few who stood for truth in every circumstance. Royalty and Ruin tells these fascinating experiences in modern English, and details the lives of so many godly men and women who have gone before us.

Steps to Jesus
True conversion begins by beholding love— God's love for us, so beautifully illustrated in the life of our Saviour, Jesus. And as we take the following steps on the road to a new life, faith in His love is what will carry us. This modern English version of Steps to Christ details the practical steps in our walk with the Lord, in order to solidify our experience and prepare us to meet our Redeemer face to face.

The Great Hope (Adapted)
As you go through life, you may sense that the world is gripped in a conflict between good and evil. From what you see in the news it may look as if evil is winning. Headlines describe famine, wars, unemployment, pollution, and disease. The media can tell you what is happening, but this book reveals why. The Great Hope also tells you what will happen next. This glimpse into the future is based on a source that has never failed in its prophecies—the Bible. The conflict between good and evil is coming to a dramatic climax that will affect every family on the planet. But take hope. You can choose to be on the winning side.

The Ministry of Health and Healing
This modern English version of The Ministry of Healing focuses on the health work— first exemplified by Christ, and carried forward by His people. From diet and temperance, to prayer and psychology, this book touches on every aspect of a life of health. And, as Christ was the original Doctor, so we are to give an influence of life and health in our work today.

True Education
Since its original publication in 1903, Education has been a faithful standard-bearer for parents and educators on the topic of child education and home life. In this modern English version, the same truths are re-published for today's generation. From the importance and history of education in Bible times, to the methods of reaching the hearts of children in our day, this publication's aim is to prepare children for their life-work on Earth and their great work in the heavenly courts.

Unlikely Leaders
In the power of the Early Rain, the first apostles took the gospel to all ends of the known world. But they were not met without resistance. In this new version of The Acts of the Apostles (revised into modern English), the reader travels with the early believers as they preached the message of Christ in their home country and in heathen lands, experiencing terrible defeat and wonderful triumph. Their experience is a foretaste of our work under the power of the Holy Spirit in our day.