The Story of Redemption



The advent message warned both church members and people who were not Christians to get ready for Jesus' coming. The same as John the Baptist, the preachers urged everyone to repent. These warnings were different from the promises of peace and safety heard in most churches. Wherever the message of Jesus' soon coming was preached, people were converted and accepted the message. SRme 1.1582

The Holy Spirit impressed listeners with the simple, direct testimony from the Bible. Few people were able to completely resist the message. Professors of religion were awakened from their false feelings of safety. These professors realized they had slipped backward in their Christian lives. They saw their love of the world, their unbelief, their pride and selfishness. Many people came to the Lord in repentance and humiliation. These people had loved earthly things for a long time. Now they loved heaven. The Holy Spirit rested on these people. With hearts converted and softened, these people joined in preaching the message, "Honor God and praise His greatness! For the time has come for Him to judge mankind" (Rev. 14:7). SRme 1.1583

Sinners asked in tears, "What must I do to be saved?" People who had not been honest were anxious to make their wrongs right. Everyone who found peace in Christ wanted to see other people share the blessing. The hearts of parents were turned to their children, and the hearts of the children turned to their parents. Pride and fear had separated people. Now pride and fear were removed. True confessions were made. People worked for the salvation of their close relatives and friends. SRme 1.1584

The sound of earnest prayer was often heard. Everywhere people who knew they were sinners were pleading with God. Many people struggled all night in prayer to accept the promise that their sins had been forgiven. These people prayed for the conversion of their relatives and neighbors. Earnest, determined faith succeeded. If God's people had continued to be this earnest in prayer, they would now be better Christians. They would continually ask God for His blessings. People do not pray enough. People have too little real feeling of how terrible sin is. Lack of faith leaves many people without the grace offered so generously by our gracious Redeemer. SRme 1.1585

All kinds of people came in large numbers to the Adventist meetings. The people were anxious to hear for themselves the doctrine of the second advent. People who opposed the advent truth were held back by the Lord from making trouble. God wanted His servants to have an opportunity to explain the reasons for their faith. Some people who gave the message were not very talented. But the Holy Spirit gave power to God's truth. The presence of holy angels was felt in the meetings. The number of believers increased daily. SRme 1.1586

As proof of Jesus' soon coming was presented, great crowds of people listened in breathless silence. Heaven and earth seemed to come close together. The power of God was felt by old, young, and middle-aged people. Families went to their homes with praises on their lips. Their glad songs rang out on the still, night air. No person who attended those meetings could ever forget what they had seen and heard. SRme 1.1587